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hijack in the sense means like all the dravidian languages originated from tamil like tamil historians say.i don't accept that.even in ur map telugu has nothing to do with tamil.where other three are closely related,i can't speak for kannada or malayalam
i dunno whats dravidian about telugu when we follow brahmi script.since ancient times all the grammar rules and concepts were based on sanskrit,dravidian concept was just tool used by british

yeah some people will keep saying something..why do you care about it ? Go by established research work.

Moreover all the southern languages have the samw writing form - Vatteluthu...
Moreover all the southern languages have the samw writing form - Vatteluthu...

this is what i mean by saying originated from tamil,

this vatteluthu has nothing to do with telugu writing system.
it's modern malayalam and tamil scripts follow this system
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