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Taliban announce 'spring offensive' across Afghanistan


Jul 20, 2010
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KABUL: The Taliban militia announced they would launch their annual “spring offensive” across Afghanistan on Thursday, threatening to target US-led NATO troops and their allies with renewed vigour.

Code-named Al-Farouq, the primary targets of the offensive would be “foreign invaders, their advisors, their contractors, all those who help them militarily and in intelligence,” the militants said on their website.

“Al-Farouq spring offensive will be launched on May 3 all over Afghanistan,” the militant group said.

The militia said the code name came from Islam’s second caliph, Omar Al-Farouq known for his military advances in Asia and the Arab world during the 7th century.

The announcement came hours after Taliban insurgents armed with guns, suicide vests and a bomb-laden car attacked a heavily fortified compound used by Westerners in Kabul, killing seven people and wounding more than a dozen others.

The militants claimed the attack in defiance of US President Barack Obama’s call that the war was ending during a visit to Afghanistan on the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death on Wednesday.

Obama flew into Kabul in secret in the dead of night and signed a deal with President Hamid Karzai, cementing 10 years of US aid for Afghanistan after NATO combat troops leave in 2014.
The rebel group said it will adopt new tactics to “safeguard” civilians as part of the new offensive.
“New and tested war tactics will be implemented in the Al-Farouq operation and top priority will be given to safeguarding the lives and wealth of civilians,” the statement said.

The United Nations said civilian deaths from the Afghan conflict reached a record high of 3,021 in 2011 – mostly at the hands of insurgents – up eight percent from 2,790 in 2010.

The militants also said a committee will be assigned to “invite” members of the Afghan security forces to join their insurgency, which is now into an 11th year.

Just over two weeks ago, squads of militants targeted government offices, embassies and foreign bases in the biggest coordinated attack in Kabul during more than 10 years of war since the Taliban were driven from power for refusing to hand over bin Laden.

A Pentagon report issued Tuesday said that insurgent sanctuaries in Pakistan and corruption pose “long-term and acute challenges”.

Taliban announce ‘spring offensive’ across Afghanistan – The Express Tribune
they announce it like the yankees announce their spring hunting season!
if taliban do that they will get bombed by B-2 bombers raining down bombs on them
if taliban do that they will get bombed by B-2 bombers raining down bombs on them

What do you mean "if" ? Few weeks ago , they simultaneously attacked Kabul and other major regions in the Afghanistan. Yesterday , Obama was in Kabul and was talking about 'peace with Taliban' , deal with Taliban blah blah..and Taliban bombed the kabul itself! Don't you see a pattern here?

B-2 bombers can only kill innocent civilians..They can't kill Talibs because Talibs aren't an "identified enemy" ...

What you don't realize is that Talibans WANT war to go on....its their lively hood. Its their industry. They feed their families from the war , drug trade etc ....

On the other hand , this has already become America's longest war ...Americans (atleast the public) want their boys outta Afghanistan...and rightly so!
The support they are getting across the border in Pakistan is another problem too. As long as you guys keep doing your best to keep the Americans out and keep sheltering wanted felons, this problem is not going to end. Don't forget that Pakistan will always be the direct recipient of any kind of fallout due to instability in Afghanistan since u guys are right next door.

they got their help for 11 years and for 5 years they droned us enough if after all this they still cry we cant get help then GOD help them now its their war and they can lose it already the fallout of this war is ravaging us. the taliban will never stop fighting its just how they r. this offensive sounds like the tit offensive. well the taliban this year have looked very powerful kabul attack when the president was there thats some feat
What do you mean "if" ? Few weeks ago , they simultaneously attacked Kabul and other major regions in the Afghanistan. Yesterday , Obama was in Kabul and was talking about 'peace with Taliban' , deal with Taliban blah blah..and Taliban bombed the kabul itself! Don't you see a pattern here?

F*ck pattern!! don't you see those 5 brothers who were killed in that attack, don't you see those 2 poor labors killed in that attack or you don't see 10s of innocent school children badly injured in that attack?

There was no foreigner injured in that attacked, in fact if you had properly seen the footage instead of whining here you would be amazed where they exploded that car; in a sub street where majority of labors gather to find a day based job and in front of a school.

This is just terror nothing else and I will not say anything but will only wish for you to see the same 'pattern'! :)
You gotta love thos FLIR Apache videos on youtube. These morons dont even know they are being watched from 6 miles away. LOL.
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F*ck pattern!! don't you see those 5 brothers who were killed in that attack, don't you see those 2 poor labors killed in that attack or you don't see 10s of innocent school children badly injured in that attack?

There was no foreigner injured in that attacked, in fact if you had properly seen the footage instead of whining here you would be amazed where they exploded that car; in a sub street where majority of labors gather to find a day based job and in front of a school.

This is just terror nothing else and I will not say anything but will only wish for you to see the same 'pattern'! :)
Yes he doesn't see that as you don't see when Americans bomb weddings kill children and Rape women and do all sorts of crime and those who are trying to fight them back become terrorists

hahahaha any body can claim a kill but whats on the ground whole world know now even US have under stand what they are against..... 2ndly u post one video and i have seen hundred were taliban beet hell out of collision forces so its time afgans settle there own problems with out US military operations
Yes he doesn't see that as you don't see when Americans bomb weddings kill children and Rape women and do all sorts of crime and those who are trying to fight them back become terrorists

Americans bomb weddings? Remember, there is always going to be war casualties. Doesn't mean for you to magnify them

You support taliban terrorism, the same taliban who killed thousands of your countrymen. Many of them childs and babies. Shame on you.
Yes he doesn't see that as you don't see when Americans bomb weddings kill children and Rape women and do all sorts of crime and those who are trying to fight them back become terrorists

Since when you joined madrassa?
Yes he doesn't see that as you don't see when Americans bomb weddings kill children and Rape women and do all sorts of crime and those who are trying to fight them back become terrorists

They need you over there. The taliban are running low on braindead zombies. Please go and help them fight the Americans.
hahahaha any body can claim a kill but whats on the ground whole world know now even US have under stand what they are against..... 2ndly u post one video and i have seen hundred were taliban beet hell out of collision forces so its time afgans settle there own problems with out US military operations

You are in too hurry to post check I didn't posted the video! secondly that any body can also show you those bodies it's not theater show kid go get some rest.

PS; whole world knows you didn't really laughed that was just a stunt by you to show your depth of 'retardness'.
Another Spring offensive? Why they call it Spring offensive?

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