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Taliban lashing woman for listening music !


Oct 17, 2019
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This is how they wanted to be, its their own choice. KSA/Iran/Egypt/ and other Islamic countries have moved away in some ways, but these people have no understanding of Islam nor Quran, but they want to live in their own Tribal system. I hope Pakistan shut their borders so these people remain on the other side.
Sad state of affairs but this is what they chose (atleast the people supporting the Taliban)
These bacha baz hashis smoking bastards are screwed. Yesterday they were getting bombed left, right and center while half of the country was accepting US dollar for their services. Today, Talib is the punishment of God on them.
Their country, their rules, their culture. They have been like this for 1000s of years.... And will be in the future if there are 1000s of years left of it.

You do realise that the IVC most of you are so proud of being children of, rightly or wrongly, was created by these same guys coming down from the mountains and bonking with "your" guys in the plains right?

This is how they wanted to be, its their own choice. KSA/Iran/Egypt/ and other Islamic countries have moved away in some ways, but these people have no understanding of Islam nor Quran, but they want to live in their own Tribal system.

This is hardly lashing. It is token punishment to enforce moral ideals. Note that the backs are covered by multiple layers of cloth. Cloth that is thin burqa material, and does not even tear. Also you can make out that the man carefully positions the woman first, and checks her back carefully before begining. This is definitely to my mind a clear indication that he is checking for an undergarment padding or protection of some sort and it's outer extent before he decided where to land the lashes. Probably put on before the woman is brought in. The ease with which the woman gets up and walks off at the end, each time, is clear testament to that. Let us not demonize what is clearly a socio-cultural tradition and not what it is being made out to be in an attempt at dehumanisation.

Some of these clips are fake and taken from other countries, but yes there was a clash. There are rumours that the taliban have handed over the man responsible for the killing.

Afghans are claiming that the trouble started when a Pakistani official at a border post misbehaved with an Afghan woman. Her video went viral. And some men from the Afghan side attacked and killed the Pakistani official and two others in retaliation. This is all over the internet.

Wow. Never heard it justified this way before.

You could have a bright future with the taliban PR department. Apply fast!

Each woman has a young man holding her hand and consoling her as well as leading her away after the punishment. Most probably the husband or brother. Its their system. You and I have no locus standi. Either interventional or commentary. No one is defending them as I'm sure none of them require any defending. Its their country. I get one or two posts in 24 hours. I'm merging this reply to my original post so as not to waste a post.
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Afghan People mostly love india or Pakistan?
Most people in Afghanistan are friendly and hospitable.

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