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Taliban senior official killed in Kabul blast (+VIDEO)


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Taliban senior official killed in Kabul blast (+VIDEO)


TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) – News sources on Thursday reported an explosion at Sheikh Rahimullah School in Sash Darak of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

A Senior Taliban official Rahimullah Haqqani was killed during the blast, Sputnik reported.

The local media of Afghanistan also announced the death of Sheikh Rahimullah Haqqani, saying that he was killed this afternoon following an explosion at his workplace.

Taliban senior official killed in Kabul blast (+VIDEO)

A number of Taliban members confirmed the death of Haqqani by publishing photos and videos from the scene of the incident on Twitter.

Rahimullah Haqqani ran a religious school in Peshawar, Pakistan, before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. After the collapse of the previous Afghan government in August last year, he moved his religious school to Kabul.

According to an Afghan news source, more than 10 people including Sheikh Rahimullah Haqqani were killed in this incident which happened in the second security area of Kabul city.

Informed sources say that a person blew himself up in Sheikh Rahimullah school using explosives embedded in his body.

No groups or individuals have claimed for the blast so far.

Looks like CIA and it's paid sepoy proxy ISI back in business
Haqqani was an ISI asset…it takes 10.. maybe 20 seconds to use a human capability known as thinking before posting something. This isn’t a doctor’s office situation where he hits you knee and you jerk it instantly without understanding where you were hit or how
Looks like CIA and it's paid sepoy proxy ISI back in business
This not work of ISI this is 100% has CIA written allover it maybe with the help of northern alliance the whole point of them pulling out of Afghanistan was so they can know where the the Talibans are now they have them in the open now and they can target them it's been going on since the Talibans took over Afghanistan because Americans realised they cant win against the guerilla warfare tactics in Afghanistan...Pakistan needs to follow the same strategy against the TTP and BLA if you dont try to negotiate you wouldn't know where these mofo are

Another thing CIA use to do was send out journalists to interview the Talibans organizations like VOA ,Vice with Cameras fitted with the GPS trackers and week later they use to drone that location
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ISIS-K was a result of American presence in Afghanistan. Independent powers already warned that USA is transferring the multi national terrorists from Syria into Afghanistan.
This not work of ISI this is 100% has CIA written allover it maybe with the help of northern alliance the whole point of them pulling out of Afghanistan was so they can know where the the Talibans are now they have them in the open now and they can target them it's been going on since the Talibans took over Afghanistan because Americans realised they cant win against the guerilla warfare tactics in Afghanistan...Pakistan needs to follow the same strategy against the TTP and BLA if you dont try to negotiate you wouldn't know where the mofo are
CIA and ISI have the same bosses, US DoD.
CIA and ISI have the same bosses, US DoD.
Tells me exactly how aware you are.. high school or running a petrol station completely unaware of anything of the flag you use as location(unless its VPN which I suspect now).

The CIA does not answer to the US DoD - infact its often at odds with it
“Currently, the Central Intelligence Agency answers directly to the Director of National Intelligence, although the CIA Director may brief the President directly. The CIA has its budget approved by the US Congress, a subcommittee of which see the line items. The intelligence community, however, does not take direct orders from the Congress. The National Security Advisor is a permanent member of the National Security Council, responsible for briefing the President with pertinent information collected by all 16 US Intelligence Community agencies are under the policy, but not necessarily budgetary, authority of the Director of National Intelligence.”
CIA and ISI have the same bosses, US DoD.
CIA is playing all sides I remember everytime TTP tryed to negotiate they use to drone them and kill the top leadership of TTP we do have some good people in the ISI but lot of them are sell outs also as we can see from the current regime change but you can't blame ISI also because there is Raw/Mossad/CIA all working together where do you think the idea of BLA flag comes from? They designed it to make it look like the Palestinian flag that idea came from the Mossad because of the support we have for the Palestinians

Pakistan needs a good leadership
Tells me exactly how aware you are.. high school or running a petrol station completely unaware of anything of the flag you use as location(unless its VPN which I suspect now).

The CIA does not answer to the US DoD - infact its often at odds with it
“Currently, the Central Intelligence Agency answers directly to the Director of National Intelligence, although the CIA Director may brief the President directly. The CIA has its budget approved by the US Congress, a subcommittee of which see the line items. The intelligence community, however, does not take direct orders from the Congress. The National Security Advisor is a permanent member of the National Security Council, responsible for briefing the President with pertinent information collected by all 16 US Intelligence Community agencies are under the policy, but not necessarily budgetary, authority of the Director of National Intelligence.”
That's a nice copy and paste job on matters sheep like you are kept the least informed.

Tell me what realm CIA operates in, per it's mandate? Is it outside of US borders or within? And does it ever violate this mandate? Who facilitates CIA outside of US borders? Are the personnel go on deputations across the national security orgs. Who has bigger and wider jurisdiction, CENTCOM or CIA's South Asia desk?
Haqqani was an ISI asset…it takes 10.. maybe 20 seconds to use a human capability known as thinking before posting something. This isn’t a doctor’s office situation where he hits you knee and you jerk it instantly without understanding where you were hit or how
Revenge of Khurasani killing??
Must be TTP retaliatory strike for the recent drone bombing.

Perhaps they have teamed up with ISIS special k.
A prominent Afghan cleric who supported the Taliban and was in favour of female education has been killed.

Sheikh Rahimullah Haqqani reportedly died in a suicide bomb blast in Kabul.
Speaking to Reuters, Taliban sources say the religious leader was targeted by a man who detonated explosives hidden in an artificial plastic limb.

The Islamic State (IS) group, which has previously targeted the cleric, claimed responsibility for the bombing saying it happened inside his office.

According to local reports, the attack took place at an Islamic seminary in the Afghan capital.

Sheikh Haqqani was a supporter of Afghanistan's Taliban government and a prominent critic of the jihadist militant group Islamic State Kohrasan Province (IS-K), a regional affiliate of IS that operates in Afghanistan and opposes the Taliban's rule.

He is one of the highest profile figures to have been killed in the country since the Taliban returned to power last year.

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