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Tamil nadu -#jallikattu

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Why don't you stay out of it, you false-flagging troll?
what has a pakistan like u got to do with this? why r u quoting me you fool leave me alone.

Anna, if they not respect ours. **** them and come out of Indian constitution. I fed up of hindi people treating us cheppals
listen pakistanis are enjoying such posts coming from your side. there is one on this thread already. why u letting them take advantage :angry:
Actually all invasions were to the north we were invaded by nayalk and marathis. Only Muslim rule lasted less than 12 years.

I do not see Pak or China invading TN. Actually being part of India is not safe to TN because we will be dragged into a war by North India.
Cauvery Water Dispute and Tamilnadu Independence

Pakistan and China are Indians enemies not Tamils , you are right, Tamilnadu being part of India will drag Tamils unnecessarily into Hindia's egoistic war with Pakistan - which will be catastrophic. Glad that finally a section of Tamil youth (students) have woken up to reality
what has a pakistan like u got to do with this? why r u quoting me you fool leave me alone.

typical Indian trait - after illegally occupying some else's house they start imposing their laws and rules. This is PDF no need for censorship by Hindutva / Indian nationalist.

Jallikattu is an IVC sports and Pakistan is the home to IVC, Pakistanis have got more to do with it , than Indians.
typical Indian trait - after illegally occupying some else's house they start imposing their laws and rules. This is PDF no need for censorship by Hindutva / Indian nationalist..
what censor u talking about. tamil muslims don't give two cents about ur joolikkotto. why u trying to bring them under ur umbrella . they stay with us. I got many tamil muslim frinds on fb they don't support ur separatism
Jallikattu is an IVC sports and Pakistan is the home to IVC, Pakistanis have got more to do with it , than Indians
u love pakistan so much, they won't even spit on your face. u failed to know who ur friend is, who the enemy
what censor u talking about. tamil muslims don't give two cents about ur joolikkotto. why u trying to bring them under ur umbrella . they stay with us. I got many tamil muslim frinds on fb they don't support ur separatism

u love pakistan so much, they won't even spit on your face. u failed to know who ur friend is, who the enemy

you are just barking at the wrong tree .. right now its India thats spitting at Tamils face - so deal with it and not divert the issue to Pakistan. Another Indian trait - blame Pakistan
India is not hindi land. What about Mallus, Telugus, Kannadas or even Marathis , Bengalis who strictly have their own ethnicity in face of Hindi wallas? Its not an degraded term. I know one thing. The moment we take arrogance in our achievement, the moment we will start falling from disgrace.

We still have our caste divisions and Tamils still arent united. But this is not an excuse. In a country, problems arise questioning federalism. Most of the problems are also created by our politicians. When the winter schedule was going on, ADMK MP's were fighting in parliament requesting Bharat Ratna and statue for JJ in Parliament complex instead of asking for Jallikattu issue. We will fight it out. We have protected our language, heritage and now we will fight and show the way how it is done to fight for win our cultural rights back.

One thing also to remember is, United we stand divided we fall. Bharatham as we knew, was invaded by foreign forces when we were small kingdoms. Nam munoorgal like Kamarajar, rajaji, Bharathiyar, indiaya thai naadu kaaga poradinaargal. Sila kaalam kaathirupom. Nallade nadakkum. Vetri namakke.
That's simply arumaiyana padivu:)
Yes you are right ,local politicians also responsible for this mess.

I hope your words come true:yahoo:

listen pakistanis are enjoying such posts coming from your side. there is one on this thread already. why u letting them take advantage :angry:
I asked him a genuine question. My patriotism for country still not left. But disappointments give this type of dual mindset. Apologies if I've been over emotional.
I asked him a genuine question. My patriotism for country still not left. But disappointments give this type of dual mindset. Apologies if I've been over emotional.
no problem. maybe jallikattu very important day for tamil hindus like eid is for us. but don't leave union just because they placed curbs on jalikatu
I am really amazed to see the kind of discussion by certain people, i assume from Tamilnadu, is presenting with this issue. First of all, I am not from Hindi belt. So i do not have such inclination to allign with Hindi things...So if Supreme court has put something, then use your diplomatic clout to get the deal done...Seems strange to see the reaction when i see someone is saying staying out of Indian Union just because they do not like Hindi people...Man, you have to first of all should have knowledge that India is not all about Hindi lands...It is much more than that...Tamil have equally Indian rights like Oriya, Bengali or many other regional people who do not even speak Hindi language....
India is not all about Hindi lands.

It is all for the benefit of Hindi people.

IITs have started offering Hindi lectures on tech subjects to "help students who did not go to English medium" schools. What about Kannada, Telugu.. students who did not go to English schools? Offer lectures in all languages or no Hindi either.

Why bank forms in Tamil Nadu in Hindi-English only? No Tamil

Why computerized rail tickets in Tamil but Hindi-English onlky in TN.

INdia is for Hindi people. So we want separate Tamil Nadu.

(Why is the word Hindi-ans censored. Tamil-Tamilans, Hindi-Hind-ians



Iam sad to say that Jan 26th going to Black day in TN
Very bad
Actually I saw India today news report on Jallikattu. The person on the ground is speaking with protesters in Tamil, and she translated in entirely different way. In short, lies. I was shocked to see how this "national" media is twisting words to suit their fcuking agenda.

Am sure. BJP will get zero in TN and hope they get 0 in next election in future as well based on the loud talk. They had one full year to put up a new law and table it in parliament as all parties agreed to it. Telling that it is sub-judice is plain lie. They all know how to transverse around it. We need to defeat Peta black and blue. Native breeds in the north are already disappearing. We wont let in happen in South. Period.

I thought this thing was caused by Supreme court?


Iam sad to say that Jan 26th going to Black day in TN
Very bad

Isn't supreme court responsible for this cockup?
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