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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

USA is just late a achemanid , Parthia and Sassanid empire .... An dying empire which has monsterus figutre but is dying from internal sickness


1. Financial collapse. Wars for Israel have cost the US trillions. The country is effectively bankrupt. The 'Iran' war, or the next probobaly 'Pakistan' war, will be it's last. Like the Athenian empire or the Roman empire, financial collapse will signal its demise, not a foreign invasion.

2. The control of the Zionists on congress and the media is so total that peaceful protests against the Zionists is becoming impossible. People will have to take to arms.

3. A smaller 'financial' cake means everybody gets smaller slices. Watch out for civil unrest and riots.

The defining moment will be the collapse of the dollar; but exactly when that will be is anybody's guess.

Google 'Chris Hedges: The American empire, a farewell tour.'
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If they attack our force in Syria , we should start directly kill their solders and give our allies for signal to attack USA troops as they please ....

This should include American oil and heavy industry companies assests and personal
If they attack, U.S will find itself in a war which they are not prepared for, so my prediction is peace!
very pity this beast wasnt hacked and downed like the RQ-170, Iran whould had acess to very interesting tech
but it is what it is, it was shot down and a clear message was sent to the enemy
I like the self confident appearance of Iran these days, they are telling they will not back down and are ready for any confrontation.

I recommed to read this article:

Thanks for the link . I go through many of the comments , these are so realistic , interesting and valuable.
It IS a significant action, especially from political point of view. Not every country has the courage or ambition to respond to a bullying superpower like that; especially in this region that we are.

Turkey shot down a Su-22.
Erdogan started grovelling after a few months due to the Russian economic boycott.
UPDATE: 5:22am PDT—

Keep in mind, BAMS-D, like the Global Hawk and the MQ-4C to a degree, has a zero penetration mission. It doesn't fly into contested airspace. It is literally a sitting duck. The only reason it would do so would be if it was off the leash or there was a major navigational malfunction. It is far more likely Iran just shot it out of international airspace as the Pentagon states.


More propaganda.

Listen you bafoon,

Go google and you will find Iran has downed predators, scan eagle, RQ-170, etc and displayed them. How else do you think Iran reverse engineered them?

US has a history of having drones end up Iran “by mistake”.

Iran also had to warn U-2 spy plane and F-35 away from iranian air space.

But of course America is “innocent”. It’s not like they have launched more wars and military attacks in the history of mankind.
It IS a significant action, especially from political point of view. Not every country has the courage or ambition to respond to a bullying superpower like that; especially in this region that we are.
i would say a 3rd Khordad with Taeer 3C missile on it.

let me know if another country had a tech even near of that drone, so of course that's big news for Iran.

Drones are slow and clumsy, thus easy to shoot down, once spotted.

If this drone intruded on Iranian territory, than Iran had the legal and moral right to shoot it down.

@Takaavar You're right that this is a significant action politically, but in terms of military capability, it doesn't really change much. Iran has always had the capability to shoot down such drones. Hell, Iran has proven that it can hack advanced drones, and bring them down as well (remember the RQ170?).

@skyshadow the drone could be from the future, sent back by skynet to ensure that it comes online on August 4th, 1997, and it still wouldn't change the fact that its nothing more than a slow and clumsy drone.

Drones are by their nature very slow and clumsy, which is why they're only ever used for recon and ground strike operations. Even the newer drones that are being tested, which are capable of using A2A won't really be all that great.

People tend to hype up AV technology far too much. AV is the future, but it is the distant future, current and middle term, it won't change military dynamics all that much.
UPDATE: 5:22am PDT—

Keep in mind, BAMS-D, like the Global Hawk and the MQ-4C to a degree, has a zero penetration mission. It doesn't fly into contested airspace. It is literally a sitting duck. The only reason it would do so would be if it was off the leash or there was a major navigational malfunction. It is far more likely Iran just shot it out of international airspace as the Pentagon states.

When are you sending your next aircraft career to Persian gulf.
clearly one is not enough, bring more.
There can be 2 scenarios
1. IRAN thinks it better to fight and go down instead of crippling because of sanctions
2. US deliberately sent a spy drone knowing that Iranians would shoot it down , now they have a reason to escalate

Iran is the last existential threat to israel and last country to challenge Saudi influence on islamic world
Iraq , Libya ,Syria all were overtly threatening destruction of Israel , all put down
Iran should just stop with their empire, focus on their big country, work with the int'l community and prosper. Noone is benefiting from Iranian policies especially the Iranian people, the US will and can destroy Iran if it chooses to.

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