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Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

Cast your votes for the leaders, artists, innovators, icons and heroes you think are the most influential people in the world. Official voting ends on Friday, April 6, and the poll winner will be included in the TIME 100 issue. The complete TIME 100 list will be chosen by our editors and revealed on TIME.com on Tuesday, April 17.

Name Yes No

Narendra Modi 79124 33490

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The real problem is that a populace state like Gujarat keep voting him in over and over. That shows you what moral degradation exists in the minds of the voter.

Moral degradation exists in the those minds, who consider him a terrorist. Has anyone gone through his achievements before commenting?
I have no Idea why people hate him while Gujarati's love him... He is a good Administrator. People in here accuse him just because he is an India and some religious maniacs hate him because he is a Hindu.

And the Gujarat 2002 riots have a little to do with it too. Just a little.

Moral degradation exists in the those minds, who consider him a terrorist. Has anyone gone through his achievements before commenting?

I counted 2000 of them in 2002.
The real problem is that a populace state like Gujarat keep voting him in over and over. That shows you what moral degradation exists in the minds of the voter.

Gujrat riots not sponsored by modi that happened because of Godhra train burning incident

And just tell me one reason why people not vote for modi and mainly for development
The real problem is that a populace state like Gujarat keep voting him in over and over. That shows you what moral degradation exists in the minds of the voter.

My dear, a voter is aware of the ground realities and can sift the fact from the ropaganda since the voter lives every moment on the ground.

...but I doubt you understand much of the business of being a voter.
I have no Idea why people hate him while Gujarati's love him... He is a good Administrator. People in here accuse him just because he is an Indian and some religious maniacs here hate him because he is a Hindu.

Pakistanis hate him because Pakistanis need something to hate about India. It's an anatomical requirement for the survival of a typical Pakistani.

Some Indians hate him because they've so come to believe in the propaganda around the man that they can'e see through it.
Gujrat riots not sponsored by modi that happened because of Godhra train burning incident

And just tell me one reason why people not vote for modi and mainly for development

People voting for Modi after massacre of 2000 people deserve to go into mental asylums even if he gets them the sun and the moon. He is a vile person and every person who votes for him.
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