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Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

Miltary and police bgb and other forces should be deploy all over bangladesh and non warrant arrest should start soon
Time for bd and pakistan to work together
Exactly, it's important for all sovereign nations to work against these terrorist attacks, it's not a question of partisanism or blaming specific politicians, terrorism has been a huge problem throughout the whole of the 21st century, blaming individuals and political parties for there indirect roles in driving certain acts is not the answer.
not sure about iys authenticity ,an twitter account reporting Police Station officer-in-charge (OC) killed in shooting at Spanish restaurant where foreigners being kept hostage.
Time for bd and pakistan to work together
don't worry we will work after haseena will blame this attack on pakistan we will ask evidence shear and intelligence shear . and then game on as we have with indians since 2008 :lol:
Intelligence AC officer Robiul and Additional Police commissioner are injured.
at least 15 ppl are injured
These Jihadis should be treated worse than Nazi Germany treated the Jews ..

There should be concentration camps for them ..
GOD curse the Terrorists. What's up on the casulalities. Hope Security Forces take control of the situation ASAP.

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