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Terrorists attack IRGC bus; Iran vows revenge

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Terrorists attack IRGC bus; Iran vows revenge
Wed Feb 13, 2019 04:26PM [Updated: Wed Feb 13, 2019 10:40PM ]
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The remains of an IRGC personnel bus after it was targeted in a suicide attack in southeastern Iran on Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A number of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces have been killed in a terrorist attack in southeastern Iran.

The IRGC personnel were traveling between the cities of Zahedan and Khash, in Sistan and Baluchestan province on Wednesday, when their bus was targeted in a suicide car bomb attack.

The IRGC's Qods Headquarters said in a statement that an explosives-laden car rammed into the bus, which was taking the personnel back to their homes.

The attack killed 27 IRGC members and injured 13 others, initial reports suggested.

The so-called Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group reportedly claimed responsibility for the bombing.

The terrorist outfit was formed in 2012 by members of the Pakistan-based Jundallah, another terror group dismantled by Iranian intelligence forces in 2010 after its ringleader Abdolmalek Rigi was executed.

Iranian border guards have repeatedly come under attacks by terror outfits active on the Pakistani soil.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the attack and said the victims will soon be avenged.

"The self-sacrificing military and intelligence sons of the Iranian nation will take revenge for the blood of the martyrs of this incident," the Iranian spokesman said.

Terrorist groups carrying out similar attacks against Iranian interests in southeastern and southwestern parts of the country have known links to Saudi Arabia and a number of other repressive regimes in the Persian Gulf region.

Riyadh is widely believed to be a key sponsor of the Takfiri terrorists, who are inspired by Wahhabism, an extremist ideology preached by Saudi clerics. The extremist ideology promoted by Riyadh has put Saudi Arabia and Iran on the opposing sides of various conflicts across the Middle East.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has repeatedly accused the Islamic Republic of inciting violence across the region and pledged to take the war on Iranian soil.


@Nilgiri @Tokhme khar @Cthulhu @padamchen @TheImmortal
RIP to the dead.

Ahmi vasiyo avi taniye Arsh varshat Khartu maya Naam ijaasmaan Zarathushtra.

Iran must extract a heavy price. As I am sure they will.

Did they delete the previous thread? @SOHEIL
This is a big news and i don't see any thread running here so what's going on?

RIP to the dead.

Ahmi vasiyo avi taniye Arsh varshat Khartu maya Naam ijaasmaan Zarathushtra.

Iran must extract a heavy price. As I am sure they will.

No Iranian is talking about it here though.
Did they delete the previous thread? @SOHEIL

This is a big news and i don't see any thread running here so what's going on?

No Iranian is talking about it here though.

I am surprised as well (to put it mildly).

The "meat grinders" seem to have gone silent for some reason.

Cheers, Doc

Seems !

Previous thread deleted...

Thread running in "World Affairs" forum..

This is a targeted attack to coincide with saudi crown prince's pak visit... Some one playing games again and its not india
That is Pakistan gift to MBS to get more money from Saudi regime, however Saudis and Pakistanis will pay for this and previous attacks.
How can be so sure it's Pakistan doing ?

Indian funded proxy attacks Iranian assets. Iran retaliates by attacking Pakistan through proxy. Iran will fall for it a jigonistic bunch.
Wow everything is India's doing, carry on with your boogeyman.
How can be so sure it's Pakistan doing ?

Wow everything is India's doing, carry on with your boogeyman.

Pakistan cannot afford or wants proxy fights with other countries, what logical reason is there for them to attack random iranian troops? Whoever has done this is rogue or indian sponsored.
This is a targeted attack to coincide with saudi crown prince's pak visit... Some one playing games again and its not india
Whom do you think is behind this ?

Pakistan cannot afford or wants proxy fights with other countries, what logical reason is there for them to attack random iranian troops? Whoever has done this is rogue or indian sponsored.
Maybe to get favors from Arabs and show then you are still with them ?
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