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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

New Recruit

Mar 25, 2009
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JAMRUD: A suicide bomber attacked a packed mosque near Bhegari check post at prayer time on Friday, killing 48 people and wounding dozens more, the top local administration official said.

The bombing took place in the town of Jamrud in the restive Khyber tribal region, which is located on a key road used to ferry supplies to Western troops across the border in Afghanistan.

"Forty-eight bodies have been pulled out of the debris and many others may still be trapped under the rubble," Tariq Hayat Khan, the top administration official in Khyber, told Geo news.

"More than 80 people were wounded. There may be many more dead… may be at least over 70," Tariq said.

"The bomber was present inside the mosque and blew himself up when Friday prayers began," he said.

The injured were rushed to Sherpao, Lady Reading and others hospitals in Peshawar where emergency had already been declared.

Source: GEO TV


Wtf these are not muslim militants... 101% these are RAW,MUSAD and CIA ...
WHAT MADNESS!!!! We are not even safe in mosques. What bloody fool calling himself a muslim would do that!!
WHAT MADNESS!!!! We are not even safe in mosques. What bloody fool calling himself a muslim would do that!!
None would simple as that!

This has India written all over it. Afghan border town, no American army/Pakistani army target.

The timing was particularly well chosen. As soon as the Imam said "Allahu Akbar" the bomb went off.

America sleeps while its trusted partner in the war on terror wreaks havoc upon us from American controlled soil!
Are these suicide bombers just unwitting blackmailed individuals similar to what is portrayed in the movie ''Eagle Eye'' ? It is doubtful someone so much in a rush to get to heaven would explode himself inside a mosque and kill dozens of innocent worshippers on a Friday afternoon.

Slowly the enemy is revealing itself. We must support our armed forces 100% and bring the tribals into the fight alongside us because in the end it's a war on Islam.
I doubt an Islamic terrorist organization did it ! why would they attack on mosque.

VERY SAD IN FACT t his is worst i heard - THESE s,o,b didn't leave the mosque too. if its by some terrorist organization. USE THEM NUKE - WIPE THEM OFF .
Kharian - i doubt if its indian hand in this case. But if it is - then Pakistan must do something about it. Who ever is culprit they must give them answer. which is certainly - taliban - i mean anubody they must take some step- be it american , indian , talibani , pakistani, let , mossad any body!!!
Enough talks alright!!!! this shyt is going on for years now. blame game by both side. there had to be an end . Worst is between this crazy menace - innocent are being killed. Who ever this is - pakistan must act - 70 people dead in a religious place.
None would simple as that!

This has India written all over it. Afghan border town, no American army/Pakistani army target.

The timing was particularly well chosen. As soon as the Imam said "Allahu Akbar" the bomb went off.

America sleeps while its trusted partner in the war on terror wreaks havoc upon us from American controlled soil!

According to you 'indian hand' was written all over the sri lanka team attack too but we did not hear abt it afterwards. What happened? But this time you have really caught us by our modus operandi - pressing the button as the imam says "Allahu Akbar". Fantastic.

Hope the victims get peace and their relatives courage.
Maybe off topic but i am sick of this madness.
I was thinking that recently some bombers were caught as well.
Was anything made public.
To my knowledge i have not found anything official that is conclusion of a comprehensive inquiry into the barrage of suicide bombings.
With some arrests and investigations do we still not feel confident to declare what we are facing.

Why the **** are we sweeping everything under the carpet.
Our people deserve some truth as to the dangers facing us and the rings/ring leaders responsible.
No pro west or anti west bullshit but just plain old truth would do.

A very clever information war needs to be fought against these miscreants but sadly i do not see even a minor cohesive effort on part of government and agencies to malign the instigators of such attacks in the mass media and attach some names and groups to these acts and build up genuine anger/hate against these groups so that when we deal with them (with EXTREME PREJUDICE) no one can sway the people's minds that we are fighting our own people and ARMY is engaged in some other nation's war against Muslims.
This is our war and the opponents are utterly without mercy and humanity.

Still it is sad that our military operations do not have the support of our entire nation.
We need to turn the tide and for that we need a massive anti militant campaign involving mass media propaganda of the cleverest sort.
I bet pakistan government and officials will again get away with it - by blaming it on India first and then - just taking a slow investigation process . awam ki yaadasht kam hoti hai. people will be calm because they are made to belive india is evil and they india always do this!

And people will forget about it quicker than anything. Nothing will be done. Zaid Hamid will talk b.s for 2 hour on television and pseudo intellectual will agree with him clap for him. some unknown deference officers will just shout - we will attack we wil lattack. nothing will be done. Media will shout - to wake people of pakistan, but they will - shut down in cities because they are anti pakistan!
This is the story which is being followed for some time and will go on. Why dont people wake up and smell the coffee - 70 people are not a joke find out the culprit than sitting in a sofa and talking - how rediculus the stage of pakistan is getting.
Youth need to wake up- enough is enough ?
I bet pakistan government and officials will again get away with it - by blaming it on India first and then - just taking a slow investigation process . awam ki yaadasht kam hoti hai. people will be calm because they are made to belive india is evil and they india always do this!

And people will forget about it quicker than anything. Nothing will be done. Zaid Hamid will talk b.s for 2 hour on television and pseudo intellectual will agree with him clap for him. some unknown deference officers will just shout - we will attack we wil lattack. nothing will be done. Media will shout - to wake people of pakistan, but they will - shut down in cities because they are anti pakistan!
This is the story which is being followed for some time and will go on. Why dont people wake up and smell the coffee - 70 people are not a joke find out the culprit than sitting in a sofa and talking - how rediculus the stage of pakistan is getting.
Youth need to wake up- enough is enough ?
Times are changing... People haven't still forgotten the SL attack. An inept government in Pakistan does not clear your name. Those terrorist camps, aka Indian consulates are just asking for it!
WHAT MADNESS!!!! We are not even safe in mosques. What bloody fool calling himself a muslim would do that!!

Those practising terrorism and extremism, were never true Muslims were they? They have been repeatedly attacking places which you least thout they would. First your army, who were their mentors, then their own country-Pakistan, then the Srilankan cricket team-thrashed the supposition that cricket was safe in pakistan, and now your Mosques.

Once again signing peace deals is not going to stop them. nuke them!(As you lve to talk about nuking us)
Those practising terrorism and extremism, were never true Muslims were they? They have been repeatedly attacking places which you least thout they would. First your army, who were their mentors, then their own country-Pakistan, then the Srilankan cricket team-thrashed the supposition that cricket was safe in pakistan, and now your Mosques.

Once again signing peace deals is not going to stop them. nuke them!(As you lve to talk about nuking us)
Dude, I don't buy this BS. It's India. Plain and simple, the rest are just the guilty party trying to over-complicate things.
If everybody want to nuke these terrorist then why not all country together sign a memorandum and - nuke them one night and show the firework on - sky network all around the globe. didn't we have enough of them ?

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