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Terrorists will start withdrawing from Turkey on May 8, PKK says

Its not your internal matter only...As an outsider, I have every right to comment on this issue...just as I discuss Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, U.S etc etc..

Also, we days ago, we were discussing this very topic in our class here at University of California. My Professor is a Turk and we were having discussion on PKK and future etc.

PKK signing peace with Turkey and dropping their arms is a great thing!

I hope Erodgan becomes President of Turkey next and take Turkey to new heights Inshallah :toast_sign:

Suckulars of Islamic World can't do anything besides crying...May Allah free Islamic World from idiot suckulars and idiot Islamists...
You have a right to comment,but calling people idiots when they dont agree with your point of view is telling much about the portion of your brain you are using.
do people really believe that PKK will surrender like this?
they'll re-pick up arms less than a year methinks.
krølbååx;4207725 said:
do people really believe that PKK will surrender like this?
they'll re-pick up arms less than a year methinks.
They are not surrendering,and why should they pick up arms again?
They got what they wanted and maybe more,no more Turkish military presence.
Lets see what happens next.
krølbååx;4207725 said:
do people really believe that PKK will surrender like this?
they'll re-pick up arms less than a year methinks.
In the past PKK used these kind of calm moments to recruit Kurdish kids into their lines and regain strength. Government is giving them this opportunity right now, if they screw up it'll be their azzes on the line too.

They hit the wall in mediterranean, Israel and S. Cyprus talk of jointly drilling petrol. They hit the wall in Syria, it's a total mess. If they screw this up AKP's reputation will suffer a great blow. But then again, negotiation window will forever be closed for PKK. Both sides have a lot to lose and a lot to gain.
i anticipate that pkk will take arms again because their demands will not end. it's not an issue of education in kurdish language or just bilingual road signs. that was just scratching the surface. they will demand autonomy, they will demand sovereignty, they will demand special rights, they will demand...the list is endless.
this is what happens when you yield to terrorists.
i'm sorry but whoever really believes this really is a peace processes then he/she is naïve. i mean, erdogan also being the co-chairman of the greater middle east initiative and all.
PKK is needed elsewhere. Temporarily they will retreat and will be used against Iran, imo.

Syrian issue is done. Last step is Iran. Iranian regime is now alone.
@krølbååx of fvcking course, PKK is Armed Forces' problem government should handle "Kurdish issue" separate from the military campaign. If it doesn't finish off PKK it'd at least give us the advantage of negotiating with a defeated being. We go to them with offers it obviously makes their position stronger.

What the fvck kind of a contradiction is this, saying "Pkk isn't the representative of kurds even BDP gets %6 of the votes" and then negotiating with PKK on behalf of the kurds. This sh.t is going down, and it's taking AKP with it.
Öcalan da Atatürk kadar pragmatist bir liderdir

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What the fvck kind of a contradiction is this, saying "Pkk isn't the representative of kurds even BDP gets %6 of the votes" and then negotiating with PKK on behalf of the kurds. This sh.t is going down, and it's taking AKP with it.

I had this discussion in a kurd forum with pro-PKK posters. They say "You forgetting childs don't vote."
We know that they tend to have many children. If %30-%50 of the kurdish population is children that means majority of the Kurds are supporting PKK.
I had this discussion in a kurd forum with pro-PKK posters. They say "You forgetting childs don't vote."
We know that they tend to have many children. If %30-%50 of the kurdish population is children that means majority of the Kurds are supporting PKK.

No longer they have 6-7 children families. their families are getting smaller day by day. but yes pkk represents the majority of Kurds, at least one in each two Kurds.
No longer they have 6-7 children families. their families are getting smaller day by day. but yes pkk represents the majority of Kurds, at least one in each two Kurds.

I have met lots of kurds in military service, mostly they have 8-9 siblings (southeastern province)
I have met lots of kurds in military service, mostly they have 8-9 siblings (southeastern province)

True, I have met them as well. But Turks from rural areas have also 8-9 children. I even met a Turk from Kastamonu with 12 siblings (12+1). Kurds living in cities have lesser children, sometimes even 1 or 2.

Education and westernisation play important role. The More people influenced by free society irreligious and Money based, they prone to degeneration and make lesser children.

As Kurds get modernized and eat the fruits of globalisation, they will reduce their fertility. I like the government's move. While Turks get more religious and nationalistic, Kurds are slowly losing their fighting and reproducing capabilities.
This does not solve the issue it only delays it.
PKK terrorists retreat to the KRG region now, they were already targeted in the mountains of N Iraq so now they will actually go to land controlled by the kurdish autohorities, KRG provides shelter for PKK.
KRG is only friendly with Turkey to survive, Turkey welcomes it for cheap oil/gas but nothing is solved..

I am sure this will be a conflict in the future again.
This does not solve the issue it only delays it.
PKK terrorists retreat to the KRG region now, they were already targeted in the mountains of N Iraq so now they will actually go to land controlled by the kurdish autohorities, KRG provides shelter for PKK.
KRG is only friendly with Turkey to survive, Turkey welcomes it for cheap oil/gas but nothing is solved..

I am sure this will be a conflict in the future again.

"Terrorists will start withdrawing from Turkey " This is only a part of the solution. Not the solution itself. You should do more research about the steps of the solution. That said, at the moment no one knows the solution of the Government, they don't give info to anyone.
This does not solve the issue it only delays it.
PKK terrorists retreat to the KRG region now, they were already targeted in the mountains of N Iraq so now they will actually go to land controlled by the kurdish autohorities, KRG provides shelter for PKK.
KRG is only friendly with Turkey to survive, Turkey welcomes it for cheap oil/gas but nothing is solved..

I am sure this will be a conflict in the future again.
At least this time we will know where they are.
I'm happy and in a weird kind of way a little jealous.

Ocalan has made the right decision. Hopefully this will lead to an end to the seperatist rebellion against the state, and this will set good precedent for other countries too.

terrorism is a failed policy and doesnt bring results

maybe they will negotiate to have him removed from prison and placed under some kind of a house arrest....

congratulations to Turkiye, her zaman sizinliyiz

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