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The AW-101 "choppergate" reality- dirty poltics and presstitutes at their best

The reason he does not want to come to India to clear his name is due to the long judicial process, he specifically mentioned the marine case but he said he might return back to UK to fight the case.

Cut the NGO's and topple them from Karnatakka

Easier said than done these groups have vested interest in USA which seems to be Modi's flavour of the year these days.
Easier said than done these groups have vested interest in USA which seems to be Modi's flavour of the year these days.

"Union Minister Piyush Goyal today said he would soon file 16 cases against the US for giving protection to solar panel producers in violation of WTOnorms."

Its a very weird relationship, though
"Union Minister Piyush Goyal today said he would soon file 16 cases against the US for giving protection to solar panel producers in violation of WTOnorms."

Its a very weird relationship, though

Protectionism is nothing new, the EU-USA still are yet to sign a free trade agreement and if they do it will be heavily biased towards the USA. There is a good reason why they are the 'superpower' they are, behind all these entities is only the USA.

To win we have to play a little dirty like the Chinese have done but it seems Modi wants to take us into uncharted waters from being a swing state.

Let's see what happens with Parrikar's 5 day China trip and if anything fruitful will transpire rather than pleasantries.
Cut the finance and you will see the demise of the party
Exactly right, one has to ask how a family with absolutely ZERO (official) business are billionaires. This is the question I never have seen any journo or poltican have the b@lls to ask.

Take away the money and see how quickly they crumble.

- As for Big bang reforms , GST is not the only big bang reforms , a lot of important bills has been passed recently Bankruptcy code bill, plugging tax loopholes etc...
GST and LAB are the two "biggies", everything else is just a sideshow and anything but clearing GST is an abject failure on the part of the GoI/PM.

And what about black money? There was a LOT of hype about that but almost nothing to show for it 2 years down the line and even the most high profile evader (Mallya) was let off the hook.

- How precisely do you do that ? The Border has been relatively quiet for a long time, Troops have the freedom to fire at will , you haven't seen those SSG's along with LET cross the border. as for whats going on in the intelligence field, no one really knows. As for recent Pathankot incident you have your spin on it and i Have mine.
It's all relative isn't it? Soldiers are still falling in JK and when you have the biggest blunder on your record; Pathankot (the aftermath not the actual operation), any attempt to claim they are doing a "good job" is highly disingenious.

What do you mean by Justice ? Truth is Pakistan can never stop aiming terrorists at India, because if they did, these same vultures will turn on them. There were several threads in this forum(later deleted) how Lal Masjid incident had damaged the Pakistani military. Even rumors suggesting SSG commandos involved in the incident were killed later on . Imagine what would happen if they gave up on LET and JEM ?
That's their problem, the PM of India shouldn't be concerned with the ramifcations for Pakistan, he promised/assured justice for 26/11, Dawood brought to trail, "no talks over the bodies of dead soldiers" and a whole host of other "tough talk" instead what did he deliver? Bear hugs for Nawaz and boot licking the Americans by promising uninterupted talks with the Pakistanis!

"Union Minister Piyush Goyal today said he would soon file 16 cases against the US for giving protection to solar panel producers in violation of WTOnorms."

Its a very weird relationship, though
This current govt is selling out India to the US like never before, a few ministries might not be on board but that is a trivial detail.
GST and LAB are the two "biggies", everything else is just a sideshow and anything but clearing GST is an abject failure on the part of the GoI/PM.

There are several out there, Bankruptcy code as as biggy as GST or LAB

And what about black money? There was a LOT of hype about that but almost nothing to show for it 2 years down the line and even the most high profile evader (Mallya) was let off the hook.


There is a lot going on if you know where to look

It's all relative isn't it? Soldiers are still falling in JK and when you have the biggest blunder on your record; Pathankot (the aftermath not the actual operation), any attempt to claim they are doing a "good job" is highly disingenious.

We don't know enough to suggest weather they are doing a good job or not. We will know 2-3 years down the line..
Anyone suggesting they know whats really going on is either lying or blindly guessing..

That's their problem, the PM of India shouldn't be concerned with the ramifcations for Pakistan, he promised/assured justice for 26/11,

Justice in what form ?

Dawood brought to trail,

Dawoods assets are being siezed and taken over literally everywhere. Thats the work of this govt.

"no talks over the bodies of dead soldiers" and a whole host of other "tough talk" instead what did he deliver?

How do you know nothing is going on ? How would you even know if anything is going on ? As i said .... wait. Problem with Indians is they are impatient restless people wanting instant emotional satisfaction

Bear hugs for Nawaz and boot licking the Americans by promising uninterupted talks with the Pakistanis!

Link the news where India promised America Uninterrupted talks with Pakistan
Credit where credit is due but it is still rather limited compared to the bigger picture.

We don't know enough to suggest weather they are doing a good job or not. We will know 2-3 years down the line..
Anyone suggesting they know whats really going on is either lying or blindly guessing..
Fair enough but I am pretty confident I know how this story ends.....

The complete lack of any interest in Pathankot just 5 months later and the debacle that was the JIT visit shows the GoI's intentions.

Justice in what form ?
The fact that the guilty weren't walking freely in Pakistan would be a start.

Dawoods assets are being siezed and taken over literally everywhere. Thats the work of this govt.
I can't beleive that Dawood still had assets in India that weren't frozen before 2014. Regardless, he is still alive and free from Indian courts is he not?

As i said .... wait. Problem with Indians is they are impatient restless people wanting instant emotional satisfaction
Haha maybe maybe but this excuse is starting to get old now brother. It has been 24 months since this PM was elected and much of his (larger) promises remain unfufilled, in another 18 months he will firmly switch over to "campaign mode" for the GE 2019. He has a historic mandate but has squandered it thus far.

Link the news where India promised America Uninterrupted talks with Pakistan
What other reason could there be for FS talks having resumed already?
Fair enough but I am pretty confident I know how this story ends.....

The complete lack of any interest in Pathankot just 5 months later and the debacle that was the JIT visit shows the GoI's intentions.

Why assume something before it even happens ? You talk like you have experienced this govt. Foreign policy for last 10 years

The fact that the guilty weren't walking freely in Pakistan would be a start.

What can India do about that ?

I can't beleive that Dawood still had assets in India that weren't frozen before 2014. Regardless, he is still alive and free from Indian courts is he not?

He is outside India,

Not only in India, his assets has been frozen and seized in U.K, Qatar and several other countries. Several of his close aids has been arrested in India.

Haha maybe maybe but this excuse is starting to get old now brother. It has been 24 months since this PM was elected and much of his (larger) promises remain unfufilled, in another 18 months he will firmly switch over to "campaign mode" for the GE 2019. He has a historic mandate but has squandered it thus far.

I was talking about Pakistan and related foreign policy here, there are enough achievements to point out in 24 months for this govt.


this is just a short version

What other reason could there be for FS talks having resumed already?

lol, so you presumed ?
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Why assume something before it even happens ? You talk like you have experienced this govt. Foreign policy for last 10 years

What can India do about that ?

He is outside India,

Not only in India, his assets has been frozen and seized in U.K, Qatar and several other countries. Several of his close aids has been arrested in India.

I was talking about Pakistan and related foreign policy here, there are enough achievements to point out in 24 months for this govt.


this is just a short version

lol, so you presumed ?

He may be suffering from Bipolar disorder given his wide mood swings going from ranting and raving about Congress to ranting and raving about BJP every moon cycle.
He may be suffering from Bipolar disorder given his wide mood swings going from ranting and raving about Congress to ranting and raving about BJP every moon cycle.
Please try to stop seeing everything through a partisan prism, It is not so binary- you have to support BJP OR CONgress. I criticise any person/side that I feel isn't serving India's best interests, I don't care what party,gender, religion etc etc they may be.

The BJP don't get any slack just because they aren't CONgress, doesn't India deserve better than simply "not CONgress"?

Why assume something before it even happens ? You talk like you have experienced this govt. Foreign policy for last 10 years
Because I like to think I can see things for what they are and based on the NDA's performance in the last 24 months there is little to indicate they are going to suddenly start performing on these matters. These are still politcans at the end of the day and Indian politcans at that, there is 70+ years of historical precdent to draw upon to understand how these things go.

What can India do about that ?

He is outside India,

Not only in India, his assets has been frozen and seized in U.K, Qatar and several other countries. Several of his close aids has been arrested in India.

That's good to know but there is still more tha should/could be done. Every day he is outside of India's reach is another mockery of India.
I appreciate the link bro.

lol, so you presumed ?

What other possible explanation is there for this U-turn?
Look....as "Bhakths" we have every right to question each and every action taken by the current govt.

More than anytime before, with advent of SM, people have tremendous power. So, we Bhakths must never stop questioning our govt.

Coming to achievements and failures, yes, they got some things right like tax on gold and some of their decisions like tax on PF was a nightmare.
The big changes are happening. They pushed LAB and GST and we know what happened with that. With Congress hell bent on obstructionism, there is absolutely no point in govt humiliating itself until it is sure it has the numbers.

The 50+ Changes in RS this year will definitely change the equation.

Coming to Pakistan and terrorism, it would be foolish to expert a sudden solution to all that.
All I would suggest is, look at where we were when BJP came in and analyse where we are now and what our future is looking like. That would be a fair indication of any progress/non-progress.
Please try to stop seeing everything through a partisan prism, It is not so binary- you have to support BJP OR CONgress. I criticise any person/side that I feel isn't serving India's best interests, I don't care what party,gender, religion etc etc they may be.

The BJP don't get any slack just because they aren't CONgress, doesn't India deserve better than simply "not CONgres

No, India does not deserve anything better than simply "not CONgress," considering 60% of the population are still voting for congress and similar parties. Considering you were for Congress coming to power not more than 2 years ago. Considering Congress and its clone like parties still rule the upper house of the parliament and have been bullheaded about not allowing the govt to function.

Where the obstructionism of Congress goes, I still see you laying the blame on BJP. Perhaps you expect BJP to compromise on its values and objectives and allow Congress to get away with its corruption. You expect BJP to gag its people and take away their right to free speech and become another Congress party clone which as per you will allow GST and LAB to be passed. People like me would drop the BJP the day it compromises on anything with Congress.

You forget BJP has been elected for 5 years when you try to eviscerate BJP at every turn when the truth of the matter is this is the most hardworking and performing govt we have had in our independent history. I like the direction in which we are heading and I trust this govt.
Cut the NGO's and topple them from Karnatakka

Siddhirama is already doing it himself. BJP needs to make its presence felt and be prepared. Its the only big state left with congis now

If only brother.....

We all know it isn't going to happen, the Gandhis remain the de-facto "first family" of India and no one has the b@lls to take even 1% of their privlage away. Of course we are going to see some hardcore BJP supporters spinning the inability of their leadership to deliver on even their most fundamental promises or through these criminals in jail as a masterstroke and all part of some unseen (to us) grand strategy.

Instead, the GoI/BJP are taking the most despicable approach- mud slinging against the CONgress and exploiting the most poltical capital they can and in a few weeks they will simply move on to the next drama. Nothing will change.

It will happen bro.

Gandhis cannot be taken by the horn on first day or so soon.

They have cultivated such a huge gang of syncophants
They have paid media so much in last so many years, media will be with them, will paint them innocent and get our nation and NDA image credibility issues(check scroll, jantakareporter, dailyo)
They have most of the academicians on their side

Such a drastic and quick move will back fire and surely make a bad image for BJP and Modiji. like Rajiv said...Jab pada ped girta hain to poori dharti hilti hain....

It will take time, best way to slowly take action on NGOs one by one, put them in corner.....win states one by one...deprive congress of MONIES....make them more pathetic....Congressi leaders will start infighting or deserting slowly slowly....RG will be challenged eventually if he cannot win a state on his own....

Congress is like a big TREE... let it DRY and DIE.

But, still BJP/Modji should put in some congressi middle level or at least some union state minister or so in jail.... It will make ppl happy and keep the vote for BJP.
Im on the fence about you and your intentions still. Coming from a young guy who always gave Congress the benefit of the doubt, I have come to realize they are full of shit. Its not about the nations, its all about self preservation with Congress. Why can't we tax or catalogue all the property that Congress has since the British Raj? They won't give it up will they?

Blaming Pathonkot on Modi? Come on bro, what did you expect with dealing with Pakistan? Answers? The first things Modi did when he entered office is hit back at them swiftly and strongly in an artillery response that forced the Pakistani media to black out causalities. Pakistan is never going to resolve their issues with us. Thats not in their game plan. I don't understand why gullible Indians like yourself expect differently?

Tyagi has already admitted corruption? Adarsh and a bunch of scams was committed under their watch. They had more than enough time to remove any proof of their wrong doings. When the Airforce chief is involved, you can be damn sure it goes all they way to the top. Do you know or have anyone that has ever done business with that high level of gov't? Its a open secret how massive corruption is intertwined.

Look at the corrupt parties and individuals who Congress works with like Laloo and Mayawati? What does that say about that shit party?
jeh salle congerssi jab power main the tab bhi scam hi nikal kar aate the aur abb power main nahi hai tab bhi scam hi nikal ke aa rahe hai

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