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The future of Pakistan....

Saudi Arabia isn't a crap hole because it opresses its citizens, and puts anyone who utters the word "terrorism" into prison. And it also happens that pakistan is between 2 horrible neighbors, "big brother" india (who has tried to annihilate us numerous times), and talibani afghanistan(who lets loose bearded suicidal apes into our country on a daily basis). So if even for one minute you think that KSA is better than Pakistan, it isn't because of the screwed up opressive tool that THEY call "islam in it's purest(wahhabism)". And if someone truly favors an arab dream(shariah in pakistan) over the pakistan that Quaid-e-Azam himself wanted, then shame on them.
Excuses lol

KSA isn't the place being ripped to shreds. If you'll rule by Kufr, you're best to do it right and follow it completely as opposed to half-hearted attempts. Kufr rule leads pure oligarchic rule through a slow process based on compromise and failure, to the point where the people just follow what their rulers say. Pakistan follows an idiot's version of Kufr, and as such, failed and will continue to fail until it dies and stored in history.

Qauid Azam wanted the Muslims to be successful...and Allah has given Muslims the rules - in Quran and Sunnah - to be successful. If you think Jinnah is a secular dude, then you're putting him with the likes of Bhutto...and you can knock yourself out with that!
The way it's going, it will rip into 100 different pieces...unless it becomes a Shariah state.

Unless I see a conference representing all Islamic schools of thought in Pakistan come up with a consensus document specifically defining what Shariah will mean (basically something representing a 'Shariah constitution'), and what guiding principles are to be followed (for example principles such as the freedom of faith, expression, equality of all men regardless of faith and creed), arguments for Shairah are unfeasible, that will inevitably result in one school of though riding roughshod over the other.

At the moment Pakistan is being ripped into pieces because of some thugs demanding Shariah ...
What do you guys think the future of pakistan will be like? Will we be devoured by the extremism we are fighting, and become like afghanistan? Will Balochistan secede, causing a balkanisation of pakistan? Will pakistan become so weak that it breaks up and joins the indian union? Or will we overcome these terrorists and put ourselves on the track to modernization?

A person who believe in Allah shouldn't lose hope. We should not forget His mercy! The only thing we need is "having faith in ourselves", the faith that we can and shall overcome our problems.Remember "Every cloud has a silver lining". Historian says, "Creation of Pakistan was a miracle" and "Pakistan as a nuclear power is also a miracle". It was the faith that became the reason of our existance on the map of the world in 1947 and it was also the faith that we emerged as nuclear power in 1998 then why are you losing hope this time? One day, we'll be one of the leading nations of the world, Insha-Allah :pakistan: and the dream of our enemies would never ever be fullfilled. :cheesy:

Have a look on this quote:

"There is no oil, if olives are not squeezed.
No wine, if grapes are not pressed.
No perfume, if flowers are not crushed."

Also on this

"When we see someone successful, we say that he just got luck.
He must have been at the right place at the right time.
People only see one side of the picture.
People don't see the failures.

If you study history, you will find that
All stories of success are also stories of great failures.
So if you are failing;
Remember, success is waiting to happen."
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Unless I see a conference representing all Islamic schools of thought in Pakistan come up with a consensus document specifically defining what Shariah will mean (basically something representing a 'Shariah constitution'), and what guiding principles are to be followed (for example principles such as the freedom of faith, expression, equality of all men regardless of faith and creed), arguments for Shairah are unfeasible, that will inevitably result in one school of though riding roughshod over the other.

At the moment Pakistan is being ripped into pieces because of some thugs demanding Shariah ...

All men and Women.. if i may add ;).
are you on crack or something? you seriously think that pakistanis want their country to turn into saudi arabia or afghanistan? i don't think so.:crazy:

Why not put iran in there as well........they are running a mullah system.
following islamic ideaology, isnt called '"mullahism", there should be a difference between mullah's islam & a realy educated & updated "islamic ideaology"!

i really , like chinese democratic system, iranian democratic system , & i wellcome it will come to pakistan some day, a revolution is the most needed thing which pakistan needs, today!
i agree , with our iranian friend here , that stability only comes with the strong , system which everyones likes.
Thank you brother,

No one can balkanize Iran, Because the people want to stay united, No internal or external power is able to do that, In Iran the most hated things, even worst than Israel are the separatists, Anyway we don't have any kind of these in Iran, Expect an external terrorist group "Jundallah" which is crippled and spending it's last days with the support of Europe, U.S and Israel... If you have any separatist ideology in Iran, If the people spare you, The Iranian Intelligence Agencies won't!
only a secular pakistan can suceed like the vision of zulfikar ali bhuttos pakistan a modern and regional power not any form of religious law which i would love to knw what good they have done for us
following islamic ideaology, isnt called '"mullahism", there should be a difference between mullah's islam & a realy educated & updated "islamic ideaology"!

Gentle Sir, Islam does not have any ideology, other than faith in and love of, God.
Gentle Sir, Islam does not have any ideology, other than faith in and love of, God.

Thats exactly what the mullahs are doing in Iran, Otherwise, If Iran had sided with Israel we could have gained more technology and influence! We won't let our brothers down!
Gentle Sir, Islam does not have any ideology, other than faith in and love of, God.

muse;my very dearest sir!
sory to differ with , a bit "ISLAM DOES HAVE ITS OWN IDEAOLOGY".:agree:
faith in and love of, God CAN BE FIND IN OTHER RELGIONS TOO!
christanity, jewism , even bhuddism , teaches the same, so what is the difference between the , ISLAM & other religions?
and if , all the religions are same , thn why should we follow ISLAM ?:azn:

i guss , pakistan needs a revolution, in which most of the common pakistanis should take a part, till that not happened , i dont see any real change, in the crunnt system, which is killing softly the IDEALOGY of PAKISTAN.:cry:

A lot of expermentation was bieng tried , in last 20 years but what happened? nothing & here we are listining same old crap" democrcy is cure for all the ills in pakistan". pakistani waddera class democratic elites, who cant democratize thier own houses, leeding the govts & looting the country as usal.:hitwall::tsk::cry:

Peoples like GEN .MUSHARF, who triyed to change the system with thier limited knowledge of politics & of international realations, always fail because, they doesnt got any know how, and required experince of both politics &international affairs, in the end , they find themselves blamming west for thier defeats & bowing to the masters with NRO's? its very astonishing that now a days , we find people like gen . musharf lecturing in the west, gussing west needs thier lectures.:tsk::lol:

this is the time , that pakistan & pakistanis should start thinking seriously about the future ,that west sponsored, implemented, consipirated, & invested so called "DEMOCRACY" is not what pakistan needs!
are you on crack or something? you seriously think that pakistanis want their country to turn into saudi arabia or afghanistan? i don't think so.:crazy:

Firstly. I dont like your language and attitude. Respect others if you want to be respected. Forum rules are fairly clear on this matter!
Secondly, enforcing Sharia does not necessarily convert a country into Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. You have not read Sura Al Maeda, read it and then understand your responsibilities as a mulslim with regards to Sharia enforcement. I understand that it will take a generation or 2 to educate the people and it is in many ways a question of controlling hearts and mind, but it has to be done, for reasons explained below.
You need a focus or a banner under which to unite a nation. Turkey inspite of its secular origins(of the republic) is reverting to its roots. There are movements in Egypt, Morrocco, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Palestineand other countries, looking at reformin light of ISlam, what is so wrong in choosing your religion as the basis.
i have repeated again and again that just because Islam is allegedly being misused in X,Y, or Z country, does not make it a problem with Islam itself. It is the problem with the countries. If you read and understand the Quran itself rather than relying on theMullah to read it for you, you will avoid a lot of the fallacies of the other countries. There are moderate Islamic movements in malaysia and believe it odr noy South africa which are primarily focusing on self development ratehr than chest banging.
All systems tried in pakistan have failed miserably because of lack of unity and inability of the leaders to make the populace look above petty regionalism. What other system do you have that can give this nation focus?
Pakistan indded has a high chance of imploding if we do not focus our nation on a common goal. We choose islam. Do you have something different in mind? Please contiue this discussion.
Unless I see a conference representing all Islamic schools of thought in Pakistan come up with a consensus document specifically defining what Shariah will mean (basically something representing a 'Shariah constitution'), and what guiding principles are to be followed (for example principles such as the freedom of faith, expression, equality of all men regardless of faith and creed), arguments for Shairah are unfeasible, that will inevitably result in one school of though riding roughshod over the other.

At the moment Pakistan is being ripped into pieces because of some thugs demanding Shariah ...

Best post i have read so far and my felicitations to you for posting this. By all means get all the faiths together and devise a framework under which you will be governed. There are four or five major schools of thought, who can send representatives and discuss the topic and devise a consensus document. There is no compulsion in Islam. Ijtehad must be opened up again.
However, the important point is and must again be emphasised is personal and mass education and understanding of what Islam stands for and why things are decreed as they are.
However, all talk and no action will not get us anywhere except down the deep dark hole which we seem to be hurtling down at the speed of light.
Incidentally, the moment you start the proceedings, you silence the thugs and any digression, then makes them criminals and come out in their true colours. It would also make it crystal clear as to what they stand for.
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All men and Women.. if i may add ;).

Do not worry my friend Islam knows very well what is the true position and worth of a lady. If the prophet stood up whenever, his daughter visited him, atrue muslim will keep his lady and indeed all the ladies in very high esteem.
What you see is not how women in Islam are treated and should be treated. This is true barbarism which has no bearing on Islam.
Abu Bakr(RA) once visited the prophet to find AYESHA(RA) angry and talking in a loud voice to the prophet(PBUH). He(RA) reprimanded his daughter, the prophet stopped him and told him not to interfere as this was a matter between husband and wife.
This is how women should be treated.

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