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The myth of American military superiority

They do have ALOT of experience in killing people, so in that sense they have to be superior to other armies.
Probably true.

However, to what some posters refered here as the US losing in Iraq and AStan, they are also conversant with a kind of warfare called "scorched earth policy". Luckily the US isn't implementing it, otherwise you would have used something more grand than ALOT.
Probably true.

However, to what some posters refered here as the US losing in Iraq and AStan, they are also conversant with a kind of warfare called "scorched earth policy". Luckily the US isn't implementing it, otherwise you would have used something more grand than ALOT.
You mean nuked :blink:
Countries on that level dont invade one another. They engage in skirmishes outside their nations. And Russia has the smallest military budget of the three.

In any case, the US navy and airforce is unmatched.

I dont disagree with that. Thats why I said in strategic wars they'd win. I was simply commenting on capability. They have capability to invade powerless nations, and win strategic wars against certain other nations, but they dont have the capability to beat nations in ALL forms of military action - which would include invasions.
Forget nukes and big bombs etc. man. I was watching Discovery Science "Top 10" series on Machine Guns.

They have this gun which they fire from a helicopter.

Man the firepower of that gun is mind boggling.

The size of the rounds (depleted uranium?) and the rate of fire.

Shock and awe!
P.S. Its called the Dillon Aero M134 Gattling Gun.



I want me one of these man!

A perspective on what the ammo looks like (the bigger one is the "smaller" 20 mm Vulcan cannon and the regular .50 Browning rounds)


The one on the bottom extreme right is the BIG MOMMA (to its left are the .50 Browning and the 20 mm Vulcan cannon rounds shown in the hand above)!


4200 rounds per minute rate of fire. Optimized to be fired at 4000 feet.

The pilots/gunner shoot 1 or 2 second blasts. Thats 75 to 150 of those big mothers! :usflag:
Not only technology, they know how best to use this technology to get the best results. US Armed Forces are the most well drilled Forces in the world. They train for warfares in every scenario whether sea, water, land, arctic or the desert. The amount of resources spent to train each and every one of their soldier is staggering. Their soldiers are disciplined, well trained, motivated and most importantly equipped with the best equipment that money can buy. The only reason they have not won in Iraq or Afghanistan is due to self restraint. Lets be honest for a second here, the US can obliterate both Iraq and Afghanistan with conventional weapons alone.

yes their war crimes in Afghanistan shows how disciplined they are ... :disagree:
US can obliterate both Iraq and Afghanistan with conventional weapons alone.

They can yes. But if you look at the last 70 years, they have always fought powers with zero or no airforce, or powers which are like decades behind them in terms of technology. Meaning America has always fought weak nations with no or an insignificant army both in terms of numbers as well as technology. Although they are still the most powerful, we should still take their capabilities with a grain of salt. Not overstate it.
Probably true.

However, to what some posters refered here as the US losing in Iraq and AStan, they are also conversant with a kind of warfare called "scorched earth policy". Luckily the US isn't implementing it, otherwise you would have used something more grand than ALOT.


As I said, alot of other factors weigh in that why the US isn't getting the required results in A-stan, but that is another story.

It could level the whole of A-stan within a month if it wanted to.
if played on computer game```U.S would humiliate the entire world single handed
if played on computer game```U.S would humiliate the entire world single handed

Their Navy has more fighters than most AFs around the world.

Their Navy has more well trained SF operatives than most countries.

Their Navy has more Aircraft Carriers than most Navies put together.

And this is just the Navy....and we have brilliant minds here suggesting that their military might is a myth.
military might is a myth.

Their military might isnt a myth. Their capabilities against ALL countries, in ALL situations, in ALL terrains, in ALL forms of warfare is definitely a myth.
They can yes. But if you look at the last 70 years, they have always fought powers with zero or no airforce, or powers which are like decades behind them in terms of technology. Meaning America has always fought weak nations with no or an insignificant army both in terms of numbers as well as technology. Although they are still the most powerful, we should still take their capabilities with a grain of salt. Not overstate it.
If these are to be points to downplay US, then those defeated countries could use the same points to boast about themselves. Iraqis have cause to celebrate. They took on the US. They lost -- spectacularly -- and their country got invaded, but by golly, they showed the world what a 'myth' US military might really is...
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