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The next man on the moon may well be Chinese

Let me spoil the party here...

First About China: With double digit growth and economc power China is striding past few nations which were already in the race for Space exploration. Docking their space ship with international Space station (pardon me if am wrong) is giant leap. No wonder why China cant reach moon..

Now did US went to Moon in the late 60s and early 70s is a big question to be asked....

For going to Moom you have to go through Van-Aleum Belt after escaping the earths magnetic field...

Here is the source Van Allen radiation belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now lets talk about the Deadly Radiations that arises during passage through this belt. The astranauts may not survive after the radiation dose.

Now whether the suits of astranauts are enough to prevent from penetration of radiation.. Nopes.. lead is required to stop radiations. And what lead can do to humans every one knows... Neils Armstrong was not able to control the space craft in earths controlled environment, but then how on the moon they were able to have smooths landings?? There are many questions about landing crater, photos, moving flag wherethere is no atmosphere, no stars in the sky etc etc that creat daught about NASAs apollo mission...
Some may say the flag can ripple due to vibrations during poking the pol, but look at video carefully.

Also people must also understand that soviets were quite advanced in space program, but never sent a manned mission to moon... Why??

Deffinately the world and all senarios have changed.. The technology has evolved a lot. And if China has the technology, my view is that the first man who would set foot on moon would be Chinese and not US..

Yes yes many would embark that abondoned lunar rover and space craft launcher are there.. Offcource why cant?? USSR and USA sent many unmanned missions to moon and recently India's Chandrayan as well...

Please feel free to debate with valid points and arguments...

nothing to debate. if the moon is worth colonizing, it probably is worth building a moon base, would the americans not be next on the moon?
Please feel free to debate with valid points and arguments...

The Apollo 12 landing site, as photographed from space:

God bless the man who may selected to do that. Frankly speaking I'm worry about trip if something may wrongly functioned, don't let him alone in Moon.

There is a rumor that astronauts are given poison pills to end their life if they are hopelessly lost in space.
members in 9ifly forum speculate that it may happen after 2030, (they are the true expert to me), exactly due to lack of funding in their speculation, the whole appollo project cost 6 billions USD in 70s, and a whole Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group cost 0.5 billion USD back then, also limited scientific achievement could be made in a manned mission, all things that human can do on a alien planet, robot can do it too, and cost much less, manned mission just not cost efficient enough. and China is not a developed country, such huge amount of money can always find a more meaningful way to spend.

Your talk about unmanned missions being able to do so much more is something I often read on NASAspaceflight forums as well. That said I stand by the idea that manned spaceflight is the natural conclusion to unmanned space flight programs.

2030+ sounds about right, China isn't exactly going at breakneck speed (or break budget speed) with the launches.
Please feel free to debate with valid points and arguments...


There are lot of false theories about Mumbai attack and 9/11, hope your are not living in one of those.

Congrats to the Chinese on their manned moon mission.
The Apollo 12 landing site, as photographed from space:


Yes I have seen the Image previously as well.. And knew about this.. But can anyone tell me about how astranauts can pass through van allen Belt.

I am not saying the that NASA made a moon landing hoax, but I want to have valid points so as to make me convince that they really went there...

Mr. Mylomayor,

I appreciate that atleast you thought to reply to my post, but can you shed some light for debunking the Moon Hox theories???
but I want to have valid points so as to make me convince that they really went there...

Come on, the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. Millions of people watched the giant Saturn-V vehicle lift off. Scientists knew it had the loft capable of carrying the Lunar Lander, the LEM, to the moon. We have video of the LEM detaching from the command module. Soviet radars tracked it all. The Soviets themselves, who had the most to lose, acknowledged the event.

The radiation belt... the simple answer is that the radiation is not high enough to sicken or kill. The astronauts probably took the equivalent of several CT scans getting to the moon and back. Nothing lethal.

Every time you fly across the Atlantic ocean, you take the equivalent of several chest X-rays of cosmic radiation. The human body is fully capable of handling mild radiation... it's all around us, in the soil, even in foods like bananas, that have measurable amounts of radioactive potassium in them.
Interesting sidenote to that photograph... note that the Surveyor 3 spacecraft was within range of the Apollo 12 landing site, and the astronauts checked it out. The Surveyor had soft-landed on the moon long before the Apollo astronauts came.

It was the first, and to date, the only, manned visit to a previously launched planetary probe.

The Surveyor 3 spacecraft was launched in April 1967 and was exposed on the lunar surface for 31 months before the Apollo 12 mission. The Apollo 12 Lunar Module landed approximately 160 meters from the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. The crew retrieved several pieces of the Surveyor, including the TV camera and associated electrical cables, the sample scoop, and two pieces of aluminum tubing. These items were returned to Earth and analyzed to determine how they were affected by exposure to the lunar environment.

Here's a cool picture of Surveyor III with the Apollo Lunar Module in the background.


A particularly important aspect of the Surveyor 3 analysis was the search for living material on the spacecraft. Surveyor was not sterilized prior to launch, and scientists wanted to know if terrestrial microorganisms had survived for two and a half years in space. One research group found a small amount of the bacteria Streptococcus mitis in a piece of foam from inside the TV camera. They believed that these bacteria had survived in this location since before launch.

WOW! :eek:
@drunken-monke: The space race happened at the height of the Cold War in the 60s. If American moon landing was indeed a hoax, don't you think the USSR would have missed that opportunity to disgrace US at the World stage, considering the fact that both US and USSR had similar space capabilities at that time.

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