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And if you had a brain that works, you will comprehend that the image wasn't exactly created by me or some other Pakistani artist.
Who ever created it is in a better position than you to know what he's doing hence the acknowledgement of his work on some site.
Now if you know the meaning of the term "Shame" then focus on the topic rather than your usual verbal diarrhoea. !!!

Anyone can create any B.S. So u mean, u do not have the wisdom what the picture shows? Are u having a pictorial diarrhoea?
What kind of thread is it? POsted from a blog. And Honestly NK is compared to UK and France?

Rarely though u have shown any kinda wisdom. So nothing surprising here. But whateva u try to make fun of ma nation, i will do exactly the same of u, and urs. Have some good posting sense.
And if you had a brain that works, you will comprehend that the image wasn't exactly created by me or some other Pakistani artist.
Who ever created it is in a better position than you to know what he's doing hence the acknowledgement of his work on some site.
Now if you know the meaning of the term "Shame" then focus on the topic rather than your usual verbal diarrhoea. !!!

Comprehend that pic was not created by some stupid overzealous Pakistani ??
Only Tube light members like you have that capability.

Did you trolled like this all your way to the post no.11976 ??
Now how about Somalia. Can't leave those blighters out of the club, can we?

That guy @HongWu is nucrazy, every time he talks about nuking India, I suspect he is Pakistani falseflager.
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That guy @HongWu is nucrazy, every time he talks about nuking India, I suspect he is Pakistani falseflager.
My stay on this forum has been now for more than couple of years....and i have seen him nuking us for quiet sometime now....whoever he is i must say is consistent :D
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Omg..... The guy calls pak and NK "great nuclear powers".


I wonder why you Indians so scare by called "Rupee News" hahahahahaha
Maybe because they showing the reality of India.
I wonder why you Indians so scare by called "Rupee News" hahahahahaha
Maybe because they showing the reality of India.

or may be this news is pathetic at its best and is full of conspiracies without an iota of truth in it...you can chose your pick...learn the reality by watching some authentic news or just feel ga-ga on crap like ruppee news...
I wonder why you Indians so scare by called "Rupee News" hahahahahaha
Maybe because they showing the reality of India.

Scared ??

You need to worry about something like US Boston revenge, they may come chasing to Pak the perpetrators with carriers and F-22s and denuke you.
Anyone can create any B.S. So u mean, u do not have the wisdom what the picture shows? Are u having a pictorial diarrhoea?
What kind of thread is it? POsted from a blog. And Honestly NK is compared to UK and France?

Rarely though u have shown any kinda wisdom. So nothing surprising here. But whateva u try to make fun of ma nation, i will do exactly the same of u, and urs. Have some good posting sense.

Some people like this guy have no shame at all. Some doesnt care to think, who are funding their nation at all.

Practice what you preach and care to elaborate which one of the fathers, grandfathers or uncles whispered the highlighted into your listening ear. !!

Comprehend that pic was not created by some stupid overzealous Pakistani ??
Only Tube light members like you have that capability.

Did you trolled like this all your way to the post no.11976 ??

Whatever i have posted it's always been under the original ID unlike some who try and spill their brains even before they have learned to walk. Prove your worth before questioning others substance. !!
If you have nothing to contribute then put a lid on it you waste of space.....PDF is being plagued by your kind.

Nothing to contribute in this stupid article taken out from blog??
Doesn't sources from blogs disqualify from being posted on PDF ??

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