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The Role Of Media



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Mar 20, 2009
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Pakistan is fighting a war on all fronts, including the media warfare.

.............I think that Pakistan's media is responsible for creating a state of confusion in the mind of people of Pakistan. Together with numerous Political Parties, different links (TV channels, newspapers) ,whether print or electronic gives a rather doubling reports on situations, for example about the current operation in Malakand Area.

What I want to say is that what do YOU people think about the role of Media and its impact in our society, while keeping in mind different political parties and personalities springing up controversies.

ZAID HAMID:U'r Views. Well, for me he's a Patriot and a good one.
I have always maintained that Pakistani media especially Urdu press is full of extreme right wing supporters. They spin the news to suit their nefarious purpose of creating support for Taliban in the minds of the naïve Pakistani public.

I can cite countless examples of this distortion of news. Let us start with Lal Masjid. I have myself heard Hamid Mir goading Musharraf on Capital Talk as to why writ of government was not being established in the capital. Lo and behold, no sooner did the Lal Masjid Operation start, 180 degrees turn. All Lal Masjid thugs became heroes of Islam with GOP & Pak Commandos portrayed as forces of evil. IMO the spate of suicide bombings after Lal Masjid affair was directly to highly biased reporting by the bigot Hamed Mir and Pak Dustman TV and they are indirectly responsible blood shedding of scores of innocent victims.

Reporting on Marriott bombing, Ansar Abbassi tried to create doubts as to where the explosion occurred . He kept on about some mysterious blue light and US Marine staying on the 4th floor. No mention of the poor hundred or so dead and the big crater in the front of the hotel. It was a hotel for Gods’ sake! Where do you expect US Marine visiting Pakistan to stay? It has now come to light that it was conducted by Lashkar Jhangvi, however, at that time the bigot Ansar Abbasi managed to dilute the blame from Taliban anyway.

The confusion Hamid Mir tried to create by saying that Ajmal Kassab was caught in Nepal six months ago was without any basis whatsoever.

Look at the number of times Gen Hamid Gul and Imran Khan or on Geo TV. Only because these two people, despite the fact that neither has any mandate from the people, are pro Islamic terrorists.

Most parties support the Swat Operation as GOP was left with no choice. However Pakistan Dushman TV (Geo TV) manages to dig out people who are against it, such as Imran Khan and Khwaja Saad Rafiq of PML-N and lets them have a field day on Hamid Mir program. Even last night I saw a Mullah from JUI who claimed that the whole Operation was pre-planned and the deal was done deliberately so show Taliban in a bad light and the blame lies with the government.

Media is the most powerful tool of propaganda; realized as early as 1930’ by Himmler of Nazi Germany. Do you really think that all Germans during Hitler time supported the heinous crimes committed by the SS on the orders of Himmler? Certainly not, but Nazi propaganda machinery created an empathy with the Nazi cause they kept silent.

I am all for free speech but there are always certain limits especially when it comes to survival of the state. Pak Dushman media such as GEO TV is playing the same role but not for the Pakistan State but for the Taliban.

What other proof is needed when Sufi Mohammad openly declaring that he does not accept Pakistan Constitution and democracy is ‘Kufr. Is this not “Treason”? No not good enough for Pak Dushman TV, they must give free TV time to supporters of Sufi Mohammad.

In other countries, political parties have to spend lot money to get across their views. In Pakistan terrorists and traitors are provided it free of cost by Pak Dushman TV and media terrorists. All this despite the fact that Taliban in Swat had warned the media personnel that they risk their lives if the report anything against Taliban.

Another example is the military operation against Akbar Bugti. Only Irshad Haqqani has pointed out that Akbar Bugti died in explosion of a rocket from his own arsenal. It is international law that any civilian who picks up a gun to fight the State is no longer a civilian but an enemy of the State! Didn't he actually fight PA with guns?

Not Pak Dushmnn TV. I have heard Hamid Mir referring to him as Akbar Bugti Shaheed? Good God man! Would not this encourage scores of naïve Baluch youth to pick up a gun and embrace Sahadat fighting PA.?

On the other hand, not a word in praise of the PA jawans who are sacrificing their lives so that Pak Dushman TV can operate. Allah save Pakistan from the bigotry that most of Urdu columnist in Jang and on Geo TV are allowing to be propagated in the name of freedom of the press!
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Geo and PML-N -- a noxious cocktail

Freedom of speech means you can say anything you like, anyway you want?

Aren't all "freedoms", "rights" predicated on the exercise of responsiblity??
yar i am in express news. and in electronic media since past 2 years. My observation so far is that
1. Un qualified people are sitting at high posts, who dont know any thing about stratgy, IR and effect of media on public. these people dont know the importance of propoganda and info warfare
2. I was in Dunya TV when the most impressive Directer News Amir Ghori was sacked. He is one professional great man. I have yet to see a great patriotic man who opted media and Left Civil services for journalism. He was sacked because he had guts to say No to wrongs and was not indulgeing in channels politics. I saw some of the Pakistans worst losers who are in high places due to black mailing and politics
3. Media in pakistan is mostly controlled by busniss men and politicans who use it to promote their own propoganda and intrests. So far only express, dawn and samaa are following standerds rest all are following ideology of intrest. Take example of GEO , it has intrests in India , and you can see how it promotes indian culture without realizing that its anti thesis of our own culture and ideology.

4. In race for breaking news channels dont bother to confirm reports.

5. Pakistani media is in its initial stages. many channels which initially came are now either bankrupt or losing viewer ship.

6. Media people want to earn the place in good books of owners and hence forget for what their profession stands for.

7. Most channels Pay very less and that too after months to their workers , and thats why their workers dont work with full intrest.

So FAR ONLY EXPRESS NEWS, EXPRESS 24/7 and DAWN News and SAMA can be Said to be following the national intrests
Everywhere MEDIA is the same. Someone correcly said never believe in 'WHAT YOU READ & ONLY HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE'. Wherever Commercial interests are invloved , truth will always be compromised. Started my career in the PR wing of a BIGGEST HOTEL CHAIN here & am witness to how low the journalists sell themselves.
yar i am in express news. and in electronic media since past 2 years. My observation so far is that
1. Un qualified people are sitting at high posts, who dont know any thing about stratgy, IR and effect of media on public. these people dont know the importance of propoganda and info warfare
2. I was in Dunya TV when the most impressive Directer News Amir Ghori was sacked. He is one professional great man. I have yet to see a great patriotic man who opted media and Left Civil services for journalism. He was sacked because he had guts to say No to wrongs and was not indulgeing in channels politics. I saw some of the Pakistans worst losers who are in high places due to black mailing and politics
3. Media in pakistan is mostly controlled by busniss men and politicans who use it to promote their own propoganda and intrests. So far only express, dawn and samaa are following standerds rest all are following ideology of intrest. Take example of GEO , it has intrests in India , and you can see how it promotes indian culture without realizing that its anti thesis of our own culture and ideology.

4. In race for breaking news channels dont bother to confirm reports.

5. Pakistani media is in its initial stages. many channels which initially came are now either bankrupt or losing viewer ship.

6. Media people want to earn the place in good books of owners and hence forget for what their profession stands for.

7. Most channels Pay very less and that too after months to their workers , and thats why their workers dont work with full intrest.

So FAR ONLY EXPRESS NEWS, EXPRESS 24/7 and DAWN News and SAMA can be Said to be following the national intrests

I was a big fan of Musharraf, till he broke his nationally televised promise of donning his uniform (17th amendment), which lead to a bloody new era for our country. Many people credit him with the explosion of media channels and rightly so. But IMO, like so many other steps he took, this was also short sighted and without keeping in mind the long-term repercussions by allowing dozens of news channels to setup the channel and start broadcasting bullshit without thinking that how would they be held accountable. PEMRA was of no use.

This is no secret that our media channels, barring few like DAWN, are a joke and an embarrassment for the nation. Just look at journos during the press conferences. They hold absolutely no regard for one speaker at one time rule, would often ask stupid questions, meaning they are not ‘professionals’.

Benefit of doubt here should be given, especially keeping in mind that this industry is still relatively new and hopefully would improve. But when these media ppl exploit their position and start broadcasting lies, blackmail by putting on unethical media, ending their every news headline with a sight of some Indian starts dancing then one starts thinking that they are rather a pain in the a$$ and a farce.

On top of all there is no accountability of these channels that are maligning individuals and entities. One wrong strip destroys the image of someone, but the clarification never appears. They are no less than blackmailers, and commercial organizations, whose sole purpose is to earn money and nothing more.

I remember when we only used to have PTV channel, the jung newspaper would often criticize and humiliate PTV for showing excessive advertisement during most watched programs and sports matches in their newspapers. Now they have their own channels and the amount of pathetic advertisement they show speaks about their hypocrisy. The news and jang would even sell their masks for a certain amount of money. DAWN is an n exception here, who strictly follows a policy.

Sorry for drifting from the topic, I think we should make a sticky thread where the bloopers of these channels should be discussed. There should be someone who would hold their necks for calling terrorists as ‘sahab”, baitullah sb, fazullah sb.

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