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The Security Dynamics of Balochistan

5BLA terrorist killed

Terrorists identified as 1 Samiullah Pirkani 2 Jamil Ahmed Pirkani 3 Shah Nazar 4 Arif Marri 5 Yousaf Marri.

Recoveries include 3 Kalashnikov rifles 100 live rounds 10 KG explosive 3 detonators 2 explosive rods 2 hand grenades One remote control device and 13 battery cells.

@Foxtrot Alpha bro looks like their preferred MO is sitting high and far on mountains and ambushing. Like how I like to play pubg.

Do those vehicles have fire locating things that Army got after it learned such a thing exists post 2010 Waziristan campaign?

Also for Sindh I bet their is a lot of mess and warlords and zameendars who could become a big problem if we don't think about preempting them.

Chotu gang was a small time smuggler/gun runner and he was packing serious firepower even Anti Aircraft stuff. What do you say?

Am I discussing or this post okay?
@Foxtrot Alpha bro is it possible to use them King Air ISR aircraft to check for seismic or maybe mount some sort of sonar equipment on them to check for movement deep within those mountains?? Geology ain't my strong suite.

It looks like a huge challenge to squeeze into these nooks and crannies where these cockroaches hide.
@Foxtrot Alpha bro is it possible to use them King Air ISR aircraft to check for seismic or maybe mount some sort of sonar equipment on them to check for movement deep within those mountains?? Geology ain't my strong suite.

It looks like a huge challenge to squeeze into these nooks and crannies where these cockroaches hide.
bhai we are not even geting drones in the air and you speak of A/C
bhai we are not even geting drones in the air and you speak of A/C
I think it's MoI. If you guys go under MoD things might improve marginally. Also I think if you merge into a Gendarmerie Command model. You'll have an easier time building fleets across all the 4 Provinces and across both Paramils.
bhai we are not even geting drones in the air and you speak of A/C
Nai wese idea bura nai hai yar. I know they mount sonar on boats to look for stuff under the sea and to map out the geology under all that water in seas, lakes, oceans etc.

Six ‘illegal’ schools sealed in Quetta
Saleem ShahidPublished June 13, 2021 - Updated 2 days ago

The schools were located in Karani road and Hazara town areas, according to a senior official. — Photo by Ali Shah/File

The schools were located in Karani road and Hazara town areas, according to a senior official. — Photo by Ali Shah/File
QUETTA: Local authorities on Saturday sealed six Iran-funded and illegal schools in Quetta.
The schools, which were established without approval from the department concerned, were teaching Iranian curriculum to students.
Iranian curriculum is not recognised by any education board in Pakistan, officials said. As a result, the students of these schools have to go to Iran for further education.
“We have sealed six schools after completing our investigations. The schools were located in Karani road and Hazara town areas,” said Mohammad Zohaib-ul-Haq, a senior official of the Quetta administration.
Four more such schools were detected and an inquiry was under way against them, he said. “Investigations revealed that the schools were run by Iranian administrators and Iranian teachers,” he said, adding that the schools were established in 1991 under a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the provincial education department and the school administration.
The schools’ administrations did not renew the MoU during the last 30 years while the officials concerned of the education department did not fulfil their responsibility in this regard.
The director of Balochistan Education Foundation, Shabbir Ahmed, said that the officials of these schools had not applied for registration of their educational institutions. “Under Balochistan Private Educational Institute Registration and Registration Act, it is mandatory for schools to get themselves registered with the government department concerned,” he added.
Published in Dawn, June 13th, 2021

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Balochistan police take a digital leap
D3Cs digitalised system will strengthen police command, help nab criminals
Mohammad Zafar June 15, 2021

A Data Command and Communication Centre (D3Cs) was inaugurated on Monday at the IG Police Office, Quetta to strengthen the police command and provide monitoring and connectivity across the province.
“The data of police has been linked to the D3Cs which is nearly 1,400 terabytes,” said Balochistan Home Minister Ziaullah Langau while addressing a joint press conference with Parliamentary Secretary Information Bushra Rind and provincial IG Police Tahir Rai.
Briefing about the system, the home minister said it would be easier to arrest criminals across the country with the help of digitalised data stored in the system.
“A record of 1.6 million criminals from the three provinces has been obtained to store in the system,” Langau said, adding the system had records of criminals and prisoners of all the districts of Balochistan which would help in controlling the entire province from the office of D3Cs.
He noted the system would revolutionise the working of the police as around 40,000 personnel had been digitised in the system. This would help in identifying the attendance of the officers and ghost employees, said the home minister.

“The digitalisation will help in improving culture of police stations across the province as the First Information Report system along with all records of the stations have been computerized,” said Langau, adding the system would provide immediate information to the public.
The home minister said earlier, a character certificate was issued after three months but the digitalisation would help in completing the process within 72 hours of filing the application.
Langau apprised that an electronic receipt would be provided to a payee for timely addressing the grievances of the applicants, if the process wouldn’t complete within the stipulated time period.
“An emergency system has been introduced in all districts across the province through which it will be possible to complain directly to the inspector general of police on 1715,” said the home minister.
He also talked about cameras installed in police vehicles and uniforms of the officials, saying the authorities would use drone cameras to control the law and order situation in Balochistan.
The emergency system, he said, was not installed in various areas of the province during the survey because the Safe City Project was incomplete. These areas would be covered again through another survey, he added.
Through the digitalised system, the provincial government aimed to serve people by making the performance of the police as efficient as possible, the home minister said.
“This system will help the government and the department in formulating an effective anti-terrorism strategy to ensure peace in Balochistan,” Langau said, claiming that India was involved in attacks on Pakistani security forces and the neighbouring country was responsible for deteriorating law and order situation in the province.
He added that the police had seized a large number of non-customs paid vehicles, removed non-standard number plates and fined car and motorcycle owners.
“The law enforcement agencies have killed 14 terrorists during the period of two months, while the Frontier Corps have nabbed dozens of terrorists,” said the home minister, adding the officials had planned to launch large scale operations against the terrorists in the coming days.
Published in The Express Tribune, June 15h, 2021.

Hey @Foxtrot Alpha did you know that BLA has fractured into two parts.
One which was under General Aslam Baloch and now its incumbent chief is Bashir Zeib.
And the other one's leader is unknown.
Hybaryar Marri..... they don't have a single field commander but a committee
Hyrbiar is sitting in the UK they must have a field commander in Balochistan to coordinate attacks.And what about your research about these groups.
Hmmm... Why though?

We continue here as discussion is not allowed in that thread ...
it served a purpose, not the first time this thing has been done....it's done to shake up the bush and it worked....

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