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The Ugly Truth About Pak Economy: A Brief History

Today is the product of yesterday...and yesterday of the day before.....

Todays economic problems are the continum of ugly mismanagement, neglect, indifference and criminal plunder.

Quite amazing, sad even, that Paks are talking about the condition of their economic life without fundamenetal understanding what has happened to them.

What #CriminalEnterprise did to them... and still doing.

Let us revisit this ensuing tragedy from day one of Pak State

First Days of Pakistan:

The state borrowed from a Pak Banker... since when Pakistan came into being...there was no money and the good Indians withheld money necessary for the functioning of the nascent state. Ghandi struck hunger to have the funds released. Good Ghandi.


Karachi drove the early industrial growth... rest of the Pak was in time capsule. The trader, merchant, banker and industrial class emerged.

There was no Pak State policy in this. But rather this growth was driven by individuals and business families.

Pak State was busy flirting with superpowers and internal politics. Zero policy of any dimension. Rather it was British system running the state.

Political impasse. National Identity responsibility of Radio Pak. No debt to worry about. Life is good.


Finally take off. Dams. GDP growth. Industrial Policy and fast development.

Pak became a lender. A case study. Just look at those black & white pics of Chinese PM visiting Karachi.

With growing economy and mordernising military Pak State began enjoying respect from the so-called Islamic world as well.

Foundation laid for CPEC. Sino-Pak Friendship was sealed after this. KKH. If anyone deserves the credit for CPEC its is the Chinese State and none other.


BD debacle... didn't create any economic dent because economic and financial fundamentals were right.

Enter ZAB.

ZAB thought he was Mao. He thought that strength of Pak State was him. He thought he was Pak State.

In his short time the damage he did to the economy, education and fianancial sector laid the foundation of permanent economic stagnation of Paks and Pak State.

No need to go into details. It is the end results that matter.

Enter Zia...the reluctant dictator....to become permanent protector of religion.


Afghan jihad. A great commercial enterprise... entire banks were created to finance this 'holy war'. Both whites and browns made loads of money. Yeah... freedom fighters in the Whitehouse... Islam in danger... yeah... let's rent the country and make money....yeah. Life is good

Zero economic policy. Living of renting the State and Pak People. #DieselMullahs became fatter.

Exit America.

Zia in Heaven.

BB in power because ZAB cann't die. ZAB is still alive and will remain so for next 30 years.

BB and IPPs. First takeover by #CriminalEnterprise.

Please, note that Zia and the following rulers could have built many dams and hydropowers. But Zero State Policy for country or people. Strategic Locatin... yeah. Let us just rent...why work.

Here indian deepstate deserves 10 out of 10. They invested heavily in their assets in Pak bureaucracy and political parties to oppose dams. Indians think long term.


The democracy of NS and BB... get-rich-quick-schemes. Zero policy of any kind.

1992 Money Bill to facilitate money laundering courtesy #EconomicHitman appearing on TV these days.

Mushy Years:

Despite debt restructuring he did jack. He had every possibility to build dams. He had absolute power and an America behind him. All he did was to remain in power because the reverse-jihad was on in AF again. Strategic Location... yeah... let's rent more.

He was totally surrounded by the #CriminalEnterprise . The aid that came went out as quickly.

Zardari Gifts:

Borrow as if there is no tomorrow and get the $ out equally quickly. Besides his assignment was to increase debt. ZAB was alive and dandy.

Zero Reforms. Borrow and spend. Borrow and spend.

The laws and amendments were passed which lay the foundation for creating long term breakup of the country.

TTP got finannced and equipped. Do you remember the Zardari's ambassador?

Gang wars in Karachi. Zero economic growth apart from mafias.

NS Gifts:

Borrow at expensive rates and create showpieces of 'development'. Manipulate figures and create artificial growth through increasing imports by keeping PKR strong.

Charge duties on imports instead of creating a stable tax base.

Zero Reforms. Borrow and spend. Borrow and spend.

worked in the background and facilitated the destruction of national public enterprises by this policy. He allowed systematic ballooning loss in POEs.

In the last few months NS's party introduced policies which will stagnate growth. Besides the figures of NS time were fudgged. It was an import driven growth which could only last on borrowing.

It was by design. Is there someone here who could prove it to be otherwise?

It was all designed for default.

TTP on full swing... Pak Armed Forces the target... all out effort to create a Syria. But it failed.

Karachi gang war peaked and then enter Rangers.... Operation still going on. If Karachi could grow...Pak would.

Total loss: $250+ Bln in economy and 70+k deaths.

Media blaming the Pak State... Time.... great for Media Cells. Free booze, whores and property. A bag full of crisp dollars... Jouranlism is Great Business.

FATF blacklisting danger. NS regime did nothing to counter it rather facilitated this. NS regime fulfilled its assignment.

$100+ bln to become secular and nuke-free..... how much is Pak's external debt now?

IK Problems:

Save Pak from default.

Pay maturing debt. The money Pak Friends lent went to debtors. Foreign Reserves declining. Money going out quickly than coming in.

But planned default is averted. Pak just returned from Abyss.

Pak could have gone directly to IMF but do you know the Conditions?

When a country like Pak imports pears from NZ and cloths worth $2 Bln from abroad... how you are going to have economic growth?

PM IK cann't fight #CriminalEnterprise which has total Instuitional Capture.

SBP is still taking direction from #EconomicHitman and so is Fin Ministry.

Even in his party the #CriminalEnterprise has deep penetration... electables.

IPPs keeping State and People hostage. Who is behind these IPPs? How much has been paid so far? WB reports 18+ Bln loss in electricity.

This year alone Pak has matured payable debt of $9+ Bln.

The only 'blame' that could be laid on Fin Minister is that he didn't ban all imports apart from edible oils, feul and absolutely necessary foodstuff for the poor.

But there are crazy FTAs and WTO to worry about all courtesy of imported democracy.

Thank you, Condy!

But still import ban is necessary.

A country sitting on abundant energy resources cann't even extract them.

There is already discovered oil and gas in KPK. But LNG was more profitable for the #CriminalEnterprise.

Now would like to know from Paks: What do you think Pak State must do?

Average money laundering $10+ Bln every year. FATF with a knife on your throat. IMF playing virgin... media cells day and night playing the game....

Can any other Fin Minister could have done better?

And is that magical 'better'? Borrow and Spend?

Thinking is hardest job. Paks must learn to think. For once have a policy framework of becoming an economically, socially and financially viable state. Think!



These people who downplay or out rightly deny the facts are usually beneficiaries of the corrupt system. They have been benefiting and enriching themselves through corruption. They are never going to support anyone who talks about accountability and justice.

Such beneficiaries exist everywhere. I have some relatives who support crooks in Pakistani politics because they benefit. You have some that only care about their own street, neighborhood or city. There are various categories.
SITE, Korangi, Landhi and Nooriabad
What did I say about slicing the fat of everything that moves in and out of a 200 million country? they are merely inefficient rent seekers that live off the poor Pakistani customers who have no other alternatives. Instead of bragging about them please tell me what exactly do they export and what is the quanta of value addition. Flogging mangos or sugar or cotton grown on farms is not value addition. Please do enumerate.

For instance we know Dhaka and Chittagong have huge garmant plants. But this is not just brags. We know they export over $20 billion of garmants to the world. I know. Everytime I go shopping for cloths I can't avoid "Made In Bangla tags".

So please tell me what and how much in $$$ is being exported from this 'powerhouse' sites you mentioned? On closer inspection you will see it is just rent seeking.
What did I say about slicing the fat of everything that moves in and out of a 200 million country? they are merely inefficient rent seekers that live off the poor Pakistani customers who have no other alternatives. Instead of bragging about them please tell me what exactly do they export and what is the quanta of value addition. Flogging mangos or sugar or cotton grown on farms is not value addition. Please do enumerate.

For instance we know Dhaka and Chittagong have huge garmant plants. But this is not just brags. We know they export over $20 billion of garmants to the world. I know. Everytime I go shopping for cloths I can't avoid "Made In Bangla tags".

So please tell me what and how much in $$$ is being exported from this 'powerhouse' sites you mentioned? On closer inspection you will see it is just rent seeking.

Rent seekers hahahaha

Showing your jahalat. 33 of the 50 biggest tax payers are from Karachi. Go back to eating your donkey.

The only city I think that is not reliant on rent seeking or exporting raw agr produce and deserves recognition is ..... Sialkot [no I am not from Sialkot] because you actually see products from this city across the world and they are competing against Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian products like sports goods, leather, surgical equipment. I can go on Alibaba right now and get bombarded by dozens of Sialkot based companies all screaming to export their goods on the international markets. This needs to be replicated across Pakistan. And funny thing is Sialkot is teribly located for exports. Thousand miles from port and hundreds miles from airport although they have built their own private airport. This is real value addition and entrepreneaurship. Not rent seeking.
SITE, Korangi, Landhi and Nooriabad are by far some of the biggest industrial estates in the country. Guess where they are located.
How many shipe,fighter jets,turbines,air planes,heavy machinery,chemicals from these areas are exported annually?
Paindu people from some pind in Punjab can only do agriculture. Don't bring your jahalat here and go drink your lassi and eat makayi ki roti while Karachi works for the whole of the country.
Being paindu and jahil is still better then being Baba ladla,Uzair baloach,Zardari,Rao Anwar and many more peoples,these are products from karachi, only naming them can make human race ashamed.
For past 3 decades karachi has more acted like curse to Pakistan,while Punjab has manged to produce only noora,Karachi has manged to produce Altaf,Bhutto and Zardari.


The only city I think that is not reliant on rent seeking or exporting raw agr produce and deserves recognition is ..... Sialkot [no I am not from Sialkot] because you actually see products from this city across the world and they are competing against Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian products like sports goods, leather, surgical equipment. I can go on Alibaba right now and get bombarded by dozens of Sialkot based companies all screaming to export their goods on the international markets. This needs to be replicated across Pakistan. And funny thing is Sialkot is teribly located for exports. Thousand miles from port and hundreds miles from airport although they have built their own private airport. This is real value addition and entrepreneaurship. Not rent seeking.
They make more things with their bare hands then whole Pakistan combined.
Rent seekers hahahaha

Showing your jahalat. 33 of the 50 biggest tax payers are from Karachi. Go back to eating your donkey.
Karachi was destroyed by those who lived in karachi, no one else. Stop terming other provinces as donkeys eaters etc, many karachites 5 yrs ago were ghar ke londis of RAW. Dont go down this road where we start a blame game between provinces.

The only city I think that is not reliant on rent seeking or exporting raw agr produce and deserves recognition is ..... Sialkot [no I am not from Sialkot] because you actually see products from this city across the world and they are competing against Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian products like sports goods, leather, surgical equipment. I can go on Alibaba right now and get bombarded by dozens of Sialkot based companies all screaming to export their goods on the international markets. This needs to be replicated across Pakistan. And funny thing is Sialkot is teribly located for exports. Thousand miles from port and hundreds miles from airport although they have built their own private airport. This is real value addition and entrepreneaurship. Not rent seeking.

And there own airline SIAL air, and a big dry port all without any govt. support.
33 of the 50 biggest tax payers are from Karachi.
That's because the biggest rent seekers are based there with HQ's. Karachi Port for instance handles entire nations exp/imps. Othes are rent seeking companies that flogs a foreign franchised products like toothpaste across the entire 200 million market will show it';s tax address in Karachi. On the other hand the mother of all tax sucking entities like PIA, PS and others are also based in Karachi. You will ignore to mention them.

karachites 5 yrs ago were ghar ke londis of RAW
Something which is matter of record but funnily enough has recieved minimal coverage [swept under the carpet] whereas PTM gets the full media attention.
Karachi was destroyed by those who lived in karachi, no one else. Stop terming other provinces as donkeys eaters etc, many karachites 5 yrs ago were ghar ke londis of RAW. Dont go down this road where we start a blame game between provinces.
I didn't start it.... that ch*tiya @Indus Pakistan started bad mouthing Karachi for no reason. Probably some Karachite had his way with him.
Yeh dream on. I have seen most of you mutts. Barely make it 5 ft and either matchsticks or fat blobs. And if your so tough show it to the Hindu's that you ran way from sliding on your own self induced diarrhoea. No differant from the typical Indians I disparage. Having a circumcision has not made you 'he men'.
@WebMaster @Horus @The Eagle @Dubious This guy's racism is out of control
Yeh dream on. I have seen most of you mutts. Barely make it 5 ft and either matchsticks or fat blobs. And if your so tough show it to the Hindu's that you ran way from sliding on your own self induced diarrhoea. No differant from the typical Indians I disparage. Having a circumcision has not made you 'he men'.
U are the most ugly human bieng i have ever encountered in my life, i can see right through u, living in the west has developed a deep seated inferiority complex in u which u try to avert by indulging in racism to feel power or as they say get back in control.

Hahaha the paindu gets angrier

The pilot who shot down Abhinandan was a Karachiite. Much like some Karachite had his instrument up your ***. :partay:
Ignore this fck, it is his job to start an ethno racist or anti islam cuckoo fight in every thread. If u indulge him and start abusing people of other provinces he wins, provinces are just administrative lines, we are one, united under a similar ideology, we are Pakistanis.

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