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Islamic State in Ukraine: a Christmas gift from Westerners


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By George Galloway for RT

Chechen Islamist fighters who have honed their combat skills at ISIS training camps are at war with Ukrainian rebels, the Times confirms.

The British newspaper The Times reports that Chechen Islamists, many of whom were shaken by the defeat in Syria and Iraq, the basis of fanaticism, had indeed arrived on the war front in eastern Ukraine, woke me from all the torpor related to Christmas.

A previous article published in the New York Times revealed that the Islamist Chechens were under the command of the fascist party Right Sector and that they were there to "fight the Russians" because "we like to fight the Russians" and "we will never stop to fight them ".

For the Times, at Christmas, it was enough to quote one of their commanders: "Putin is our common enemy." Quote that of course could have come from the editor of the Times!

If this article struck me, the same is not true of the rest of the British media, let alone of the British political class. He flew over media spaces when he should have aroused fear and hatred. "Strictly Come Dancing" aroused more interest than these bearded Islamist extremists, once again our partners in the crime (Strictly Come Dancing is a British television show.) In each season, each celebrity is associated with a professional dance and must, every week, train to show the result in front of the jury and the public).

But it has always been so.

When I returned to the House of Commons in 2012, after a brief absence, I asked then Prime Minister David Cameron if he had read Frankenstein from Mary Shelley. And if so, if he had read it to the end. The end in which the monster, which the good doctor had so imprudently created, frees himself from his control and begins to behave like a monster.

On another occasion, finding myself stuck for a few moments in an elevator with the then Foreign Secretary William (now Lord) Hague, I told him, "William, you've been wrong in the past, you have been wrong all your life. But you had never been mad before. This policy of putting knives in the hands of Islamic fanatics and allowing them to go to Syria is not only bad, it is crazy.

"And one day," I added solemnly, "those same men with those same knives will be in this building looking for you, looking for me." Three years later.

My powers of prediction in Parliament, however, go back even further.

The day before the fall of Kabul in the face of Islamist hordes, almost 30 years ago, I told former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: "You have opened the gates to the barbarians and a long dark night is now going to to defeat the Afghan people. "

This is certainly not the worst prediction I have made.

If I had been around at the time, I would have sounded the same alarm about British support for the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt against President Nasser, about British and American support for obscurantists during the civil war in Yemen in the 1960s, about Israel's support of what became Hamas in Gaza, opposed to President Arafat, about the West's help to the extremists of the Group Libyan Islamic fighting against Gaddafi and many others. I would have told them all, "Read Mary Shelley, read Frankenstein and read it to the end."

The policy of saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is deeply immoral and has failed regularly, yet it has been reproduced many times.

In the mid-1990s, I gave the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China a lecture on the information I had while working with the Saudi opposition in London that a certain Osama Bin Laden had been led by the United States to the Xinjiang region of China to agitate the Uyghur Muslim minority, exacerbate its remoteness from the state, take advantage of the weaknesses of the policy of the Chinese state towards its Muslim citizens. And sow terror.

The name of Osama Bin Laden was so unknown at the time that the International Department cadres surrounded me at the end to ask me to spell it. This information seemed so important that a week later, I had to reiterate it to the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China.

In 2015, the New York Times made it clear that the fanatics present in Mariupol were "unpaid volunteers" and that neither they nor their Right Sector commanders had been paid or trained by the US Special Forces, nor by the American officials. But that's what they always say.

The United States only supports "moderate" fanatics, as in Syria. If you believe it, I have a bridge here in London, I can sell it for you at a low price.

It was bad enough when it was only the Right Sector, made up of half a dozen ultra-nationalist groups like the White Hammer, Stepan Bandera's Trident and the Azov Group, who openly use the "Wolfsangel" symbol. Of the SS.

These groups are declared supporters of anti-Semitic pogromists who threw themselves on their Jewish neighbors and murdered them during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine. It was not necessary to wait for trains or concentration camps. And yet, they have become political partners for "liberal democracies".

An axis of the evil formed between them and the criminal followers of Islamist extremism, who cut their heads, who devour hearts, who crucify, represents a new baseness of Western politics. And the worst possible Christmas gift for Christians in eastern Ukraine.

George Galloway has been a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. It presents television and radio programs (including on RT). He is a renowned filmmaker, writer and orator.

Link to article in OV: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/447536-isis-chechen-islamists-ukraine/

Photo: A Chechen unit commander of the Sheikh Mansur battalion in Ukraine (photo credit: Getty Images / Celestino Arce)

source: http://lagazetteducitoyen.over-blog.com/2019/01/l-slamic-state-in-uk-a-gift-of-golden-of-the-western-country.html


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