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Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

China has no interest in superpower status. No matter how many times China tell US about this. US Govt. and 99% Americans just don't get it. Nothing funnier than this. LOL
I am not an expert in economics. But that is nothing like what you have mentioned. UK is almost a welfare state, but do you find their govt bankrupt? FYI, the last I heard was that US Treasury was the biggest buyer of US securities followed by Japan and then China. People in the know bout economics would throw more light on this.

But rest assured, Life has always been good here in US - and that coming from one of the last 3 states, development wise, in US.

US is bankrupt. The only reason that it is not clear iis because the us dollar is the world reserve currency for the time being. Simply both america and uk have relied on printing dollars and sterlings. Paper iou's.
US is bankrupt. The only reason that it is not clear iis because the us dollar is the world reserve currency for the time being. Simply both america and uk have relied on printing dollars and sterlings. Paper iou's.

Paper iou's? So the money in your pocket amounts to nothing? Then how would any other currency -all pegged to the dollar, fare better?
Of course the West is paranoid about anyone challenging its domination -- they don't want to go back to the Cold War days of imminent nuclear threat.

But beyond that, it is in the very nature of dominance to ruthlessly crush any potential opposition. At the risk of sounding Machiavellian, dominant powers don't stay dominant by playing nice.

This is not something unique to the West. If China, India or the Middle East had been the dominant power on the planet, they would behave exactly the same way towards any up-and-coming challengers. Any dominant power that does not defend its dominance has become weak and deserves to sink into oblivion.
How about its 1 in 10 employed and 1 in 6 on food stamps. How are they looking after their own. Oh and just because we have a half black president in the states doesnt mean that much its window dressing. Blacks still face racism.

Dude where do you get such numbers from? I see associating with BOTS has definitely rubbed off on you.
If the US was simply printing paper IOU's without guarantees in bullion, the value of USD would have gone down compared to any other currency. Do you understand that?
As for blacks, the subtle racism they face is far more tolerable than say officially sanctioned blatant human rights abuses and officially sanctioned religious discrimination openly practiced in many countries.
It is not just the last ten years ..... it has been going on for about a century
Opium wars
Boxer war
Taiwan representing the whole of China in UN till 1972
And now this.
and that was against japan because my enemy's enemy is my enemy
The only exception I think of is the allied support of China during WWII

and WW II that was against japan because my enemy's enemy is my enemy
In times when the reserve currency was chosen the US was a lot stronger and the largest creditor nation in the world. However by 1990 they became the biggest debtor in the world. Simply other countries pegged their currency against the US $ when US was the richest. Its like there being a rich man who everyone accepts is the richest and will never go bankrupt and therefore accepts his iou's. This has allowed the US to take he advantage and print dollars. It is just because of historical reasons. However world governments have wised up to this fact and in the last 10 years world governments have reduced their holdings from 70 to 60%. It is not in the interest of the holders (China is the biggest with 3 trillion) of US dollars to admit or start dumping their dollars overnight as their holdings become worthless. So this is a slow and gradual process. However I think the tipping point will be hit sometime in the next 5 to 10 years. Americans are going to great lenghts to protect the dollars reserve status. For example all or most oil trading is done in thee dollar. US military interventions in Iraq and libya were partly because they wanted gold or other instruments for their oil. Iran refuses to sell oil for dollars hense the sanctions against Iran. Saudies and chinese could stuff the US very easily by dumping dollars but its not in their owwn interest to do so in a haphazard way. The President of IMF was suggesting alternatives to the dollar as a reserve currency and we know what happend to him. The Brics also made noises about an alternative reserve currency after their recent meetings. the reason that america is trying to put the evil day off is because the status quo allows them simply to print dollars and spend and finanance their wars etc. If US $ was not the reserve currency the effect of just printing dollars as they have been doing ie quantitive easing would be to send the price of a gallon of petrol to US$ 50 per gallon. America would not beable to feed its people or pay for petrol to fly their F16s etc. Hope that helps some way.
Dude where do you get such numbers from? I see associating with BOTS has definitely rubbed off on you.
If the US was simply printing paper IOU's without guarantees in bullion, the value of USD would have gone down compared to any other currency. Do you understand that?
As for blacks, the subtle racism they face is far more tolerable than say officially sanctioned blatant human rights abuses and officially sanctioned religious discrimination openly practiced in many countries.

Just google articles about reserve currency its common knowledge. Sorry to say Gubby you seem a bit dim. Just google and check
There goes the racist Chinese thug again...Just cannot resist a gratuitous jab at the ethnic origin of an American.

I am not jabbing at you. I am talking about ARVN and Viet Tan members in general.

Also, remember Voltaire's words: "I may not agree with what you have said but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Why are you trying to silence my legitimate expression of ideas by labeling me as a racist thug? How is this different from how the Nazis labeled Jews? Do you not believe in freedom of speech? It is after all enshrined in both the US and Chinese constitutions.
I am not jabbing at you. I am talking about ARVN and Viet Tan members in general.
Of course you are. South Viet Nam has nothing to do with this discussion. As a Asian racist, you just cannot stand the idea that an Asian of any stock dare to transcend his skin color and refuse to bow to China.

Also, remember Voltaire's words: "I may not agree with what you have said but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Why are you trying to silence my legitimate expression of ideas by labeling me as a racist thug? How is this different from how the Nazis labeled Jews? Do you not believe in freedom of speech? It is after all enshrined in both the US and Chinese constitutions.
Utter garbage. To 'silence' you I would have to request the power of the state, or in this case, the power of the admin staff and they can tell you that NOT ONCE have I ever report anyone's post. Calling you out for what you are, a racist, is calling out the truth about someone. And a Chinese is defending the freedom of speech...!!! What a laugh...!!!
Attention please! that misconception of the Germans(Nazi) at that time may lead to misunderstandings.
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