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In surahs before this mankind were told to sort out themselves sensibly in order to organise in a way that they become a people worth the name instead of accepting life of animals. They were guided step by step into becoming a good human community that is well organised ready to move forward onto economic front. The initial goal was removal of conflicts and rifts then coming together of people was encouraged and then social set up was pointed out as a goal. Once people were brought together as a community based upon divine constitution the goal was set to make the community economically viable so progress and prosperity became the main issue as explained in surah 6 and developed further in surah 7. The quran intends that people who claim to follow it turn themselves into an excellent nation in every way. This is how the quran wants its followers to reflect the glory of Allah for others to follow suit.

Surah 8 is bringing to attention of mankind what a progressive and prosperous nations is expected to look like. Not only it is supposed to be able to cope with all that is thrown at it from any side but also go beyond that and be extra prepared for dealing with all eventualities. In short people who claim to follow the quran are expected to be productive to such degree that to go beyond that is not possible by any other people. This surah also brings to attention the intentions of other people who oppose way of life the quran promotes and tells its followers to not to neglect their defences and to be well capable of fending off any attacks by enemies of islam=peace and muslims=the peaceful people. In short muslims are supposed to be capable of containing the rest of humanity in order to ensure peace in the word on terms and condition acceptable to all. The quran does not give advantage to anyone muslim or nonmuslim when it comes to ensuring peace between mankind instead it provides such basis for it that none can come up with anything like it. It does not allow animosity between people even when people attack muslims yet muslims are told to go for peace if attackers so desire despite muslims having upper hand in the battlefield. Human dignity is not to be compromised is the main lesson of the quran because Allah wants to dignify human beings to their rightful status. If any people disgrace themselves that is up to them but that is not intention of Allah for them.

SURAH 8 AL ANFAAL= The Surpluses

Proclaim, in the name of Allah, the gracious, the merciful.

1) They will need an explanation of you about reserves. Tell them, savings are advised by Allah through the messenger for distribution between yourselves in times of your needs, this is how you should be consistent with constitution of Allah through setting up beneficial institutions among yourselves as a community. That is how you should be consistent with rule of Allah along with His messenger if you are indeed committed to working for peace.

2) The truly committed to working for peace can only be those who when they are told about program of Allah their minds are excited because when His goals and guidelines are recited to them their self confidence grows that is why they end up relying upon the set out universal laws of their Lord,

3) It is such that establish the rule (social structures, systems and practices) of Allah whereby they open up whatever We have provided for their sustenance for the benefit of each other.

4) They are the ones who are really committed to working for peace as they ought to therefore to them belong heights of dignity according to set laws of their Lord because they earn protection against all ills through securing honourable provision for themselves as a community.

5) It is due to this struggle for the set out purpose your Lord brought you out of your state of existence that you the people were in even though some of those who committed to working for peace were hesitant.

6) The hesitant group sought explanation of you the people with clarity of purpose about the purpose of the move in relation to the context of the mission that had been made clear to them already. They thought as if they were being led to the dead end so that is what they were expecting.

7) But remember Allah already set out for you one of the two goals even though you settled for the one that was least demanding as your target but Allah planned to fulfil His program according to His set out universal laws in order to eliminate the way of those who oppose His constitution,

8) so that the truthfulness of Our program proves true and the falsehood against it proves false even though those who commit crimes against humanity in opposition to Our constitution detest it.

9) Call to mind the time when you the people sought help of your Lord so He responded that I will help you with a force of one thousand men well trained and fully organized fit for the missionary task.

10) By means of this good news Allah raised confidence in your minds that help cannot come from anyone save through hard work according to constitution of Allah because Allah is mighty in wisdom.

11) Remember long before the commencement of the battle for the mission He filled you the people with confidence from Himself by raining down upon you the heavenly inspiration to free you thereby of any doubt or to remove from you any harmful thoughts caused by any opponent of heavenly rule and to strengthen your minds thereby and to help you take firm steps for the success of the mission for establishing the divine kingdom.

12) At the time your Lord revealed to you O prophet for the people on the mission the message that I am with you and told you to give courage to those committed to working for peace. I will thereby bring fear in the minds of those who declare war against My rule therefore go for the very foundation of their society/lifeline and dismantle each of their principles/aspects they stand upon in every way till they see sense.

13) Do this to them because they commit atrocities against each other in defiance of constitution of Allah and also against His messenger and any people who declare war against rule of Allah and against His messenger should beware that Allah has put in place the rule of consequences and law of retaliation.

14) It is therefore proper for you to use it if the aggressor repents and reforms not because there is indeed painful suffering for those who wage war against installation of constitution of Allah.

15) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! When you are challenged you must be fully prepared to strive against those who wage war against rule of Allah by oppressing and suppressing mankind and never should you budge from your position in the battlefield.

16) Be warned! Whoever leaves his position on such an occasion unless it be for battle strategy such as to join his supporting forces will be left by Allah in painful suffering and how awful will that life be for him!

17) And it is not that you are fighting them for your own individual gains but that you are fighting them for the greater goals as set by Allah according to His guidelines for the good of mankind so whatever you attacked them with it was not by you for yourselves but it was thrown at them with backing of Allah so that He puts those who commit to working for peace through this struggle successfully, Allah makes evident for people His vast observation indeed.

18) And that is something for you to think about because that is how Allah neutralises all plots of those who oppose installation of His rule thereby make each other suffer.

19) Say, O fighters against installation of heavenly kingdom, if you wanted heavenly truth to be made manifest then the truth has been demonstrated for you. So if you now stop opposing it then it will benefit you but if you step aside from the truth then We too will let the consequences of your own actions take their course and your forces however large in numbers they will not avail you at all because Allah is surely with those who commit to working for peace on His terms and conditions.

20) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! Be consistent with constitution of Allah indeed along with His messenger and do not turn your backs on His message now that you have heard it.

21) Do not be like those who say, we hear but they act not upon what they hear.

22) Surely most harmful and destructive people in judgement of Allah are those who act as if deaf and dumb to His goals and guidelines having learned no sense.

23) And if Allah had found in them constructive mindset and beneficial attitude towards mankind then He would have indeed made their heeding to His guidance evident. Even though He had made sure that His message is delivered to them yet they had turned away and that is the clue that they heard it not.

24) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace, respond appropriately to the message of Allah and the call of His Messenger when he calls you to that which is to give you a great future thus make it evident by your actions that message of Allah does make difference to the man through his mind and surely it is He under Whose constitution you will all be assembled as one people.

25) So guard yourselves thereby against tumult and upheaval that results from oppression and suppression through your brotherhood because rift and civil strife not only affects those of you who cause it but you too as individuals and families will be dragged into it, so be warned that Allah is strict in making people face the results of their own actions.

26) Call to mind how He sheltered you when you were a few in numbers and were lacking in power in the land, always worrying in case your enemies would kidnap and enslave you. He made you strong through His revelation and provided you a safe asylum and gave you guidelines to participate in all that is beneficial for mankind so that you show to others that you have appreciated through establishing His rule.

27) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! Do not betray knowingly the set mission of Allah via His Messenger nor violate your trusts in each other as a brotherhood

28) rather you should make manifest through your actions that things you have and children you have are in fact a means of helping you in this struggle to see how you deal with each other and surely it rests with Allah to reward you greatly should you work for the good of each other.

29) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! If you really desire to be consistent with constitution of Allah for the good of humanity then He will inspire you with sense of understanding of criterion and its use whereby you can judge between your mutual beneficial and harmful participation to free you from wrongdoings against each other and thus protect you from any resultant harmful effects for you because it is Allah alone who bestows dignity and honour upon mankind.

30) And remember how the opponents of heavenly rule plotted against you the people. They sought to take you captive or kill you or exile you. They conspired to do things their way and Allah also planned to do things His way and Allah is unique of the planers.

31) So call to mind the time when Our revelations were recited to them and they used to say, we have heard them and if we wished, we could produce the like. These are nothing but tales of the ancients.

32) And remember also how they used to say, O Allah! If this Quran is indeed the truth from You then rain down upon us some concrete supernatural miracles to convince us or inflict upon us some dreadful miraculous punishment to punish us for refusing to accept this Quran.

33) But Allah would only give them evidences as told and will punish them not the while you were in their midst delivering His message to them. Nor does Allah punish a people while there are amongst them such people as are truly seeking His protection in form of His guidance.

34) But now there is no reason why Allah should not make them face the consequences of their own actions because they have driven you out and they are blocking others from the sacred goal therefore they cannot be its supporters. Surely none can be its supporters save those who want to be consistent with rule of Allah for the good of humanity yet most of them do not learn sense to understand this.

35) Their ruling system in their jurisdiction is for nothing other than to gain influence on people to be arrogant or to take undue advantage of others. Say, then suffer the consequences because of your opposition to divine goals and guidelines.

36) Surely those who oppose Our guidance use what they have to block people from the way of Allah and so will they continue to spend but in the end their these very efforts will become the cause of their regrets and in time they will end up destroyed, that is how those who oppose installation of Our rule will end up gathered together in painful suffering,

37) In order that Allah may separate the people with destructive mindset and harmful attitude against humanity from the people with constructive mindset and beneficial attitude for humanity and heap the destructive people upon one another, thus put them altogether and then land them into pit of hell of their own making because they are of those who are losers.

38) Tell those who oppose Our rule, if they stop opposing Our rule from now on their past behaviour will be overlooked but if they persist then let them reflect upon the consequences for those passed before them.

39) Yet if they still persist then campaign against them until they are unable to cause wars anymore and actions of people are entirely judged by rule of Allah alone but if they stop then Allah is surely watching all that they do.

40) If they turn their backs to this advice then know that Allah supports you not them for He is supporter for the progress and helper of the prosperity of mankind.

41) Due to this help of Allah you are made aware that anything you produce as a community one-fifth of it is for Allah so that the messenger uses it for those needing assistance such as the individuals without ability or opportunity to produce and the well settled in ways of production but fall in need for some legitimate reason and the ones on a journey to explore new ways producing things if you really are committed to working for peace according to the constitution of Allah on basis of that which We have revealed upon Our man for purpose of differentiation between rule of Allah and rule of man for purpose of unity between two factions that opposed each other. So remember that Allah has setup laws to govern over all things.

42) Behold! You were on the higher ground objectively and they were on the other side and their objective was harmful for all of you. Even if you had made a mutual appointment to fight it between yourselves yet you would have failed but Allah sought to accomplish what He had planned so that those who still went for suffering may do so after clear proof have been placed before them and those who wanted blissful life may do so after clear proof are placed before them. That is how Allah makes evident for mankind to see that He observes things comprehensively.

43) Remember in your thoughts Allah made them appear to you weak in their objectives and the supportive arguments, had He shown them to you strong then you would have surely lost courage and instead you would have quarrelled even amongst yourselves about this matter and that is how Allah helped you win peace because He makes evident the very motives in minds of people through results of their actions.

44) So remember the time when you locked them in the battle of wits He exposed them to you as a people weak in objectives and arguments before your very eyes whereas He saw them taking you as merely an ill equipped minority in their eyes yet Allah let the truth about His program be established through that very party because ultimately only according to set laws of Allah all affairs are settled.

45) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! When you face an opponent in an arena be firm and let glory of Allah become manifest greatly so that you end up successful in your given mission.

46) Therefore be consistent with constitution of Allah along with His Messenger and argue not with one another senselessly against the mission that unites you because you will disintegrate and weaken your strength so instead show endurance and persistence in following set out objectives and guidelines because Allah supports those who take steps steadfastly but sensibly towards the set out goal.

47) So do not be like those who come forth from their positions in disarray and confused just for purpose of showing off people that they are invincible thus they intend to stop others from the way of Allah but they forget that Allah confines all their moves against installation of His rule.

48) Remember when the leadership of the hypocrites among you approached the leadership of your opponents and made their course of actions attractive to them saying, none of the people can overcome you today because I will be at hand to help you. Yet when both the parties came face to face with each other he turned back on his word saying, I am not with you anymore because I can see which way things are going which you cannot. I am now more concerned about success of mission of Allah as well as about Allah being strict in calling people to account.

49) At that time the party of the hypocrites who had designs in their minds were saying to each other, their make beliefs have let them down. That is why it should be clear to all that anyone who puts his trust in set out universal laws of Allah will find Allah sound in His wisdom.

50) If you could imagine the time when the promise of installation of rule of Allah is fulfilled to those who oppose His rule by the people who strive for establishing His kingdom as they surround them from their front and their back saying, taste the result of the fire of hatred you have created among yourselves.

51) This terrible situation you brought upon yourselves by your own course of actions because laws of Allah never inflict injustice upon people.

52) The same thing happened to the people of Pharaoh and to those that had gone before them. They also opposed the guidelines of Allah and victimised their people so Allah found them caught in their own mutual destruction. Surely Allah is mighty and strict in enforcing His set out universal laws.

53) That is Allah never changes the blissful state of existence which He has bestowed on a people due to following of His guidelines until they themselves change their state of existence for the worst by falling away from His guidelines and that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that His advice is comprehensive and should not be taken lightly.

54) This same principle applied to the people of Pharaoh and those who have gone before them, they rejected the set goal and guidelines of their Lord so We caught them in the process of their mutual destruction because they did terrible things to each other.

55) This is why the most harmful and destructive people in the sight of Allah are those who reject and oppose divine rule because they do not want to commit themselves to working for peace.

56) Such as those who make treaties with you and time after time violate their treaties and have no concern for the advice of God or for the good of humanity.

57) So if you decide to counter them by declaring war against them then defeat them decisively making an example of them for others who may be thinking of following their example so that they all may learn a good lesson.

58) Also if you have good evidence to fear treachery from any of the factions with whom you have any treaty then you must finish off the treaty with them well before you decide to attack them because Allah supports not a people who keep not to their words.

59) Let not the opposers of Our rule think that they can get better of those who commit to working for peace, surely they can never succeed in frustrate them.

60) However be well prepared against them in every way including the military strength or at least a fighting force that you can muster so that you could use this strength as deterrent against these like enemies of goals and guidelines of Allah and your enemies to prevent them from attacking you and also others besides them who are not obvious to you but obvious to Allah. Remember that whatever you spend in the way of installation of kingdom of Allah will be paid back to you in full because you will not be treated using unjust laws in that kingdom.

61) However if these enemies incline towards peace then do make peace with them but by putting your trust in set out laws of Allah. That is how He makes obvious to mankind that He is comprehensive in His advice for them.

62) And should they intend to deceive you then set out universal laws of Allah should be relied upon by you. He is the One Who has strengthened you thereby with those who have committed themselves to working for peace,

63) by inspiring sense of brotherhood in their minds. If you had spent all that which is in the earth even then you could not have united their minds this way nonetheless Allah has united them because He is mighty solid in His wisdom.

64) O Prophet! Surely universal laws of Allah are sufficient for you to rely upon and for those who support you of those who are committed to working for peace.

65) O Prophet! Rouse those who claim to have committed themselves to working for peace to prepare themselves for war also. They should train to such degree that if there are twenty fully trained among you then they should be able to vanquish two hundred and if there are one hundred they should be able to overcome one thousand of those who oppose Our mission because they are enemies of humanity as they are a people who lack the sense of brotherhood and sacrifice for the good of others.

66) Just now as things are Allah is informing you that you are not well prepared for wars because there are individuals among you who are weak in their fighting skills yet as things stand if there are one hundred good fighters among you, they should be able to vanquish two hundred and if there are one thousand, they should be able to overcome two thousand because that is the declared plan of Allah for you and Allah backs those who stand for His set goals as per His guidelines and they stand their ground.

67) Remember that in case of war it is not the divine objective for a prophet to make people his prisoners or to cause aimless bloodshed in the land. Would you therefore go for the short term gains in the world the way it is whereas Allah plans the better end goal of installation of lasting divine kingdom for you? That is because Allah is mighty in His wisdom.

68) That is the reason Allah has given you the constitution so that you forge ahead by understanding and implementing it lest you are caught in terrible painful suffering like others who inflict harm and destruction upon each other.

69) Therefore take part in all that is productive, lawful and beneficial so that you are consistent with constitution of Allah for the good of mankind. Surely Allah protects people through His revelation for progress and prosperity of mankind.

70) O Prophet! Tell those under your care of those with limited means that if Allah finds improvement in your mindset and attitude then He will give you even better than what you have been found with and remove your difficulties from you. For Allah is protector of mankind through His revelation for their progress and prosperity.

71) And if they still have treacherous designs against you after you set them free from ignorance and poverty then that will not be anything new they have already demonstrated deception to Allah and people that is why He gave them under your care for reformation so let them go when they are ready so that they may demonstrate if they have mended their ways. That is how Allah makes obvious His sovereignty based upon His wisdom.

72) As for those who claim to be committed to working for peace and migrated and made effort in the way of Allah with whatever they have and their persons as well as those who gave them asylum and support are indeed the true supporters of one another. As to those who declared commitment to working for peace yet emigrated not, you are under no obligation to protect them until they emigrate but it is your obligation to help them if they are oppressed by any other people in matters of their legal rights except against a people with whom you have a treaty and they have accepted to live under their rule. Surely Allah is aware of all that you do to each other or for each other.

73) As to those who oppose Our rule they support each other against it. So if you fail to do as told then there will be wars in the land and great corruption and destruction for mankind.

74) Those who have committed to working for peace and migrated and made efforts in the way of installing the kingdom of Allah and those who gave them asylum and support, they are the true followers of Our guidance. They will in time have freedom from all ills and honourable provisions once the heavenly kingdom becomes established on the earth.

75) Those who commit to working for peace afterwards and migrate and joined you in your ideological struggle to establish the rule of Allah according to His constitution, they too are your brethren despite the fact that according to the book of Allah the blood relatives have closer bonds with one other. Indeed with Allah rests the responsibility of making all things essential obvious for mankind.
Surah 9 is follow up on earlier surahs but it is mainly about final concept of islam as regard war and peace between people. As peace is impossible to achieve unless people are educated about this goal and people are either lazy or crazy when it comes to rising up for this goal. Not only that but there are vested interests of individuals and those who side with them therefore working for peace is not an easy task or mission.

Regardless some people end up on one side and some on the other side for a range of reasons eg ignorance, arrogance, use and abuse, sympathy with one side or the other for personal or general interest etc etc. It is a vital element that at all times people are allowed the opportunity to join the community so that through unity peace could be brought about at least among those who join in brotherhood based upon islam according to certain set out terms and condition that cannot be compromised under any circumstance or situation at any time.

The movement is told to further its aim through spreading the message in form of the quran and have no animosity towards anyone but let not those who find their unjustifiable interests threatened by islam be free to harm and destroy islam or its followers or those who wish to join the movement therefore being prepared for all eventualities is made necessary obligation for muslims as a whole.

For the very reason of peace it is not advised that people should be attacked all of a sudden and thrown in to chaos and confusion leading to a great harm and destruction of mankind unnecessarily. Moreover it takes away the chance for negotiated settlement which is of great benefit for people involved because it saves loss of life and property etc etc.

SURAH 9 AL TAUBA= General Amnesty

1) This is proclamation of general amnesty from Allah for His messenger concerning those who live by rule of other than Allah with whom you the followers of the Quran have any treaties but they breach them.

2) Say, unless you stop you are hereby given four months notice to go about your business freely in the land but you are made amply clear that you cannot stop the message of Allah from reaching His people because Allah leaves such people in state of humiliation as reject and oppose His rule.

3) This is an open declaration from Allah via His messenger to all the people concerned on the day of the Grand Assembly that Allah through His messenger hereby grants general amnesty for those who live by rule of other than Allah. So if you people stop your breach of treaties then it will be beneficial for you but if you keep going back on your word then be warned that you cannot derail the mission of Allah. Moreover tell those who oppose divine rule that painful suffering is theirs as a result of their self chosen course of actions

4) save for those who live by rule of other than Allah yet at least have honoured their treaties with you in every detail and aided none against you. So fulfil your treaties with them to the end of their term because Allah supports those who are consistent with rule of Allah for the good of humanity.

5) When the sacred months are over or the period of notice has expired from then on you are free to retaliate against such as break the treaty from among those people who live by rule of other than Allah as you see fit wherever you find them causing you trouble, you should seize them, besiege them and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war yet if they stop their hostilities against you and help you establish the divine system and attain freedom from doing any harm to others then help them to be that way, surely Allah is protector of mankind through His revelation for their progress and prosperity.

6) If any party of those who live by rule of other than Allah requests you for asylum then grant it the asylum so that the party may hear about the goals and guidelines of Allah and then escort it to its place of safety. This is to be done because these people have not yet heard the message of Allah.

7) How can Allah advise His messenger to enter the treaty with people who live by rule of other than Allah when they keep on breaking the treaty but exception is for such as live by rule of other than Allah with whom you ratified a treaty at the sacred institution and only for so long as they stick to it? You too should therefore stick to it because Allah supports those who are consistent with Allah for the good of mankind.

8) But how can you trust such a people who when they see any advantage over you breach the treaty showing no responsibility towards any relationship based on that agreement? So they simply try to take you into confidence by their smooth talk but in their minds they have other plans because most of them work against the rule of Allah and the benefit of mankind.

9) They have traded the goal and guidelines of Allah that are for the benefit of mankind for their individual gains that is why they hinder others from His advised way of life. Harmful and destructive indeed is their course of actions for human community.

10) They neither help others by honouring the obligations based on social relationships nor observe the obligations of treaties with those who claim to have committed to working for peace. These are such a people indeed who have transgressed beyond all bounds of human decency and dignity.

11) Still if they stop doing all this and help you establish the divine rule in order to help you attain freedom from all ills in the community then they are your ideological brethren under the divine constitution. That is how We explain Our goal and guidelines in detail for people who wish to understand and implement them.

12) But if they violate their peace treaty with you yet again after ratifying it thereby interfere with installation of your constitution within your jurisdiction then you are free to fight with such chiefs and their personnel who are blood thirsty warmongers. Since their peace agreements prove worthless so war is the only way to stop them from their carry on.

13) Why should you not fight against such people as have broken their peace treaties again and again and conspired to expel the messenger as well as they were the first to start the aggressions against you? Are you people trying to show such concern for them that they do not really deserve? Nay, it is Allah’s goals and guidelines that are more deserving of your attention if you really are committed to working for peace because peace is not possible with people who only want war.

14) Therefore fight them that is how Allah will make them suffer the painful consequences of their actions by your hands in order to contain them that is why He will support you against them thus He will soothe the hearts and minds of those who are committed to working for peace.

15) That is how He will take away all the arrogance and rancour from their hearts and minds making them realise the truth after their defeat because Allah turns towards His blissful revelation whoever so desires and works towards it, that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that He alone is the sovereign of this universe the one full of wisdom.

16) Do you think that if you fight them not then you will be left alone by these people? Not at all and Allah has not yet made known amongst yourselves as to which of you people have exerted your utmost effort in His cause and which of you did not take any supporters other than Allah, His messenger and those who claim to have committed to working for peace, that is how Allah shows that He is well aware of all that you people do.

17) It cannot be expected of such chiefs and their people who keep breaching the treaties from among those who live by rule of other than Allah that they can install and maintain the constitutional institutions of Allah because they make it amply clear for all communities involved to see by their such actions against the goals and guidelines of Allah. It is such people whose actions lead to harm and destruction whereby all end up in painful suffering.

18) The institutions of Allah can only be installed and maintained by those who really commit themselves to working for peace according to the constitution of Allah for the good end result for the mankind by way of establishing divine system for eliminating all ills in the community by paying full attention to nothing other than set up universal laws of Allah. It is they who are expected to implement His goals according to His guidelines faithfully.

19) Can you really take those who distribute drinking water to the assembly members and maintain the sacred institution without sense of its proper purpose as equals to those who really commit to working for goal of peace according to the manifesto and constitution of Allah for the good end result for the mankind therefore struggle for establishing the rule of Allah? They are surely not equal in sight of Allah and Allah guides not those who instead of learning and implementing His guidance transgress His set limits and inflict harm and destruction upon each other.

20) Those who really commit to working for peace and leave their homes in support of cause of Allah for the good of mankind and struggle sensibly for establishing His rule with whatever ways and means they have along with their people as a community are surely raised very high in dignity by Allah and that is how they attain and maintain peace through progress for prosperity.

21) Their Lord gives them program for blissful life through revelation from Himself as a reference so that it provides for them the basis for blissful kingdom wherein are blessings of all sorts that last.

22) they abide therein for as long as they live by rule of Allah. Surely it is Allah in whose program rests great life as a reward for mankind.

23) O you who claim to have committed to working for peace! Supports not your community leaders and your community members if they love waging wars against each other instead of striving for peace so if any of you go back to them to that kind of life style then such people are of those who transgress against laws of Allah and inflict harm and destruction on humanity through rivalries between themselves.

24) Say to them, if despite their wars against rule of Allah your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, the things you have acquired, the trade in which you fear loss and the homes which you like are more important to you than the rule according to the constitution of Allah which He revealed via His messenger and struggling for the installation and implementation of the constitution of Allah then wait till law of consequences set by Allah shows its effects, and remember, Allah guides not those who learn not His advice and instead rebel against it.

25) Allah has indeed helped you on many occasions in life and recently during the period of turmoil because at the time you valued yourselves very high as individuals due to your arrogance and rivalries against each other so your this mindset and attitude did not help you at all. The land despite its vastness seemed closing in upon you as a people yet you retreated from the brink of destruction due to His revelation.

26) All because Allah has sent His manifesto and constitution through His messenger for people who would commit themselves to working for peace thereby He revealed to you for your rescue forces which you did not realise before yet the opposers of the message remained in painful suffering and that is how He made opponents of His rule suffer the consequences of their own actions.

27) Despite their such behaviour Allah kept the door to His guidance opened for any of them who would make effort to learn and benefit from it because Allah is protector of mankind and He secures them through His revelation that leads to prosperity.

28) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! No matter what beware of those who live by rule of other than Allah because they are fully submerged in harmful and destructive motives and designs against humanity therefore do not let them over step the constitution of Allah within the jurisdiction of sacred institution after this year unless they repent and reform. If you are concerned about poverty of constructive thought and action in people, soon Allah will enrich you through His program because that is His plan. That is how Allah makes evident for mankind that He is the ruler who has the wisdom.

29) So campaign hard against those who are not committed to working for peace according to the constitution of Allah for bringing about the new era that is good for mankind- because they stop not each other from doing what Allah has forbidden through His messenger by embracing not the standard for their judgement which is proper because it is beneficial for the mankind- until they are convinced and become consistent with universal laws of Allah that are good for mankind or they will be humbled in time even if such people belong to the people of the book.

30) The party of Jewish priests claims the priestly order established in the name of Ezra is proper Judaism according to Allah and the party of Christian priests claims the priestly order established in the of the Saviour is proper Christianity according to Allah. That is what they claim with their mouths without any proof, borrowing the make beliefs and ritual practices of those who used to oppose Our rule in the past. Challenge of Allah is upon them to prove their claims so that they come to know how perverted they are from His guidance due to giving themselves to make beliefs.

31) They have taken their Rabbis and priests as their rulers instead of Allah as well as the Saviour of the newly formed community even though they were commanded to serve constitution of God as the only ruler. For none has the right to rule but He alone. Dignity for mankind lies only in His rule and it is not possible through rule by any other and He is free of any partners and rivals in His sovereignty of the universe.

32) These like religious leaders desire to extinguish the light of Allah's guidance by spreading their make beliefs and falsehood in His name but Allah will establish His light fully despite the opposition of those who dislike and discourage His rule.

33) It is He Who has sent His messenger with His goals and guidelines as a proper constitution for mankind so that He makes it manifest against all other ways of ruling even though those who live by rule of others than Allah dislike and discourage it.

34) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! Surely most of the Rabbis and priests take away the God given rights of the people to His provisions by spreading their make beliefs in the name of Allah and that is how they hinder them from the proper way of life as set out for mankind by Allah. They do all this to keep all the treasures such as gold and silver under their control that is why they do not open up things of value for the good of others therefore alert them about the painful consequence of their such actions.

35) Unless they avoid this behaviour the day will surely come when their treasures stolen from others will produce heat of hate like hell whereby their fronts and sides as well as their backs will be branded by their victims on the day of the uprising. They will be told by them, this is the treasure which you used to store for your future. Now taste the pleasure of what you hoarded.

36) In order to avoid such unnecessary bloodshed and chaos by sudden attacks and upheavals by one party against another, the advance notice for open hostility based on a fixed number of months was advised by Allah for improving human society to give them time for peace negotiations thus it was ordained in the constitution of Allah since the time He brought the heavens and the earth into operation and that fixed period is four months. That is the firmly established standard so do not transgress against each other during this period and if the war has to be declared then fight the warmongers who live by rule of other than Allah and inflict harm and destruction upon others all of you together just as they the warmongers fight you all together but beware that Allah only supports those who are consistent with His set out universal laws for the good of mankind.

37) Surely ignoring the notice in any vital aspect causes increase in acts of revengefulness whereby are misled those who oppose Our rule, for they hold it binding as it is at one time but ignore its important aspects at another time, thus they make changes to the important aspects of notice which Allah has sanctified thereby make lawful what Allah has forbidden. Their such harmful course of actions seemingly gives them advantage that is why Allah guides not a people who instead of learning oppose His rule.

38) O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the way of Allah some of you cling to the ground? Are you becoming complacent to the standard of life you have achieved for yourselves in this world instead of trying to change it yet more for even better standard for others in the hope of better hereafter? If so little comfort you have will not last because harmful standards of life will start spreading again if you sit idle and that will render your works you have already done to nothing. Even though comforts of this life are little compared to the life to come yet letting this life slip into the hellhole is not going to be anything good for you.

39) Still if you do not see need for marching forth with the message for the good of mankind then He will let things take their course as is His rule and that will in time inflict upon you a painful suffering and that is how He will replace you with another people and you cannot harm His set out mission at all, for Allah has set up universal laws that govern operations of all things.

40) It is unlike of you the people to not to support the prophet because you know full well that he is supported by Allah for His mission. Call to mind the time when the opponents of his mission drove him out of his township and they were just two men at the time but look at your numbers now, the while they were in the cave during migration the second of the two said to his companion, worry not because Allah is with us. At length Allah fulfilled His word sent to him and strengthened him with forces which you could not imagine at that time and that is how We made the arrogance based influence of those who opposed Our rule come to nothing because program of Allah is supreme and Allah is mighty in His wisdom.

41) So march forth regardless equipped lightly or heavily and campaign for the establishment of the rule of Allah in the land with whatever you have along with your personnel. That is beneficial for you indeed if you would bother to understand and implement it.

42) As for the evaders of the campaign, had this been a short journey for the trade with vast gains then they would have certainly accompanied you but this journey for the mission seems too far and too hard for them to undertake. To justify their evasion they even call Allah to be their witness saying, if we were able to then we would have certainly marched with you. That is how they try to defeat the very purpose of existence of the community by not supporting their people in their set out mission but Allah makes obvious through results of their own actions that they are liars.

43) Allah has granted you success in campaign without such peoples’ support but why did you let them stay behind? It was better if you had not so that it could become clear to you which of them spoke the truth and which of them invented false excuses to be exempted from the campaign .

44) Surely those who are really committed to working for peace for the implementation of the constitution of Allah for the good end result for the mankind never ask you for exemption through false excuses from going on a missionary campaign with whatever they have and their personnel. Thus Allah makes evident those who are consistent with His mission for the good of humanity.

45) Only those ask for exemption through false excuses as are not really committed to working for peace for the implementation of the constitution of Allah for the good end result for the mankind because their minds are filled with doubt and confusion regarding the mission so due to their internal turmoil they have no solid foundation therefore they are unstable.

46) Had they really intended to march forth with you then they would have certainly made some preparations for it but they did not, that is how Allah exposes them as not fit to go forth for His mission and instead He let them stay behind so they were told, stay behind with those who stay behind.

47) Had they gone with you they would have added nothing but mischief and they would have made efforts to create disorder among your ranks and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. Allah knows those who still work against His mission.

48) Indeed they had plotted sedition before and created disturbance to make you unsuccessful until the truth came through and the decree of Allah prevailed even though they disliked it.

49) Among them there was such who said, grant me exemption and put me not through trouble. Have they fallen not into trouble already by avoiding the campaign against harmful and destructive forces? Surely painful suffering encircles those who oppose rule of Allah because letting harm and destruction have its way cannot lead to peace based upon prosperity.

50) If you gain success it grieves them but if you face a setback they say, we had taken our precautionary measures so they go back to their homes rejoicing.

51) Tell them, nothing can happen to us other than what Allah has set out for us according to His universal laws. He is our supporter so in laws of Allah should put their trust those who really commit to working for peace.

52) So can you expect for us anything other than two excellent outcomes the installation and establishment of rule of Allah for betterment of humanity or yet better life in hereafter? However we are leaving it to set out universal laws of Allah to reward you with results of your own actions against each other or against us. So wait if you will we too are waiting for the right time.

53) Say, whether you contribute to society out of what you have willingly or with reluctance it will not be accepted from you because you are such a people who rebel against the rule of Allah.

54) The reasons their contributions are not accepted are- they oppose the constitution of Allah and they oppose His messenger because they are not in favour of installation of His rule so they support it hesitatingly therefore they do not offer their due contributions but reluctantly as if they are forced out of them.

55) So let not be of any significance in your sight what they have or their following because Allah has set the law of consequences to reward them with painful suffering as a result of what they do in this very life and they may leave this world the while they are still confused and opposing the rule of Allah and face the rest of consequences in hereafter.

56) They call Allah to be their witness that they are indeed part of you the community but they are not part of you, the fact is they are a people of opposite mindset and attitude with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires.

57) If they could find a place of refuge or a cave or any hiding-place, they would have certainly run to it with an obstinate rush.

58) There are some among them who raise false allegation against you O prophet concerning the assignment of rights about the community provisions. If they are assigned rights to it they are well pleased even though they are already self sufficient and if they are not assigned rights to it because they do not need it then they are full of rage.

59) It would have been beneficial for them if they were consistent with what Allah through His Messenger had assigned for them as their proper right and said, rule of Allah will make us self sufficient because soon Allah will complete His program for our prosperity through His messenger. Indeed to revelation of Allah we turn in that hope.

60) Surely fulfilment of the assigned rights of those with needs and desires of the residents of the state is an obligation for their state administrators to the point of satisfaction of their minds according to the feedback monitoring institutions such as set the standards according to the constitution of Allah even when the state and the community is going through process of transition for the betterment of the community. This is a constitutional obligation from Allah and that is how Allah makes evident that He is wise.

61) Despite his doing all this for them yet there are some people among them who try to damage the prophetic mission by saying, he lends his ears to everyone. Say, it is good for you that he listens to all of your demands then does what benefits you the whole community as He is committed to working for peace according to the constitution of Allah because he is committed to working for peace and prosperity of those who themselves are committed to working for peace and prosperity, for he is very passionate about progress and prosperity of those who are committed to working for peace. As for those who try to inflict damage upon the mission of the messenger, they will end up in painful suffering if they repent and reform not.

62) They assure you Muslims in the name of Allah in order to regain your confidence but the proper thing to do for them was to support implementation of the constitution of Allah along with His messenger if they were truly committed to working for peace.

63) Don’t they know that any people who oppose Allah by opposing His messenger are bound to end up in life of painful suffering for as long as they live unless they repent and reform? That surely is the worst humiliation that such people bring upon themselves.

64) These hypocrites the evaders of community responsibilities are afraid lest a Surah is sent about them revealing to Muslims what is really in their minds. Say, mock if you will but Allah is to bring to light all that you are trying to hide.

65) If you questioned them as to what are they up to? They will say, we are just debating things to pass time. Say, are you taking constitution of Allah and His guidelines through His messenger as a joke as you do not go forth on a campaign for its implementation?

66) Make no excuses you have committed yourselves to opposing guidance of Allah after declaring your commitment to working for peace. Even if We accept repentance and reformation of some of you We will leave others of you to suffer because they are such criminals who refuse to repent and reform.

67) The hypocrites in the leaderships and the hypocrites in the communities are like each other. They promote what is harmful and destructive to the communities and discourage what is beneficial for the communities that is why they withhold their hands from doing things that benefit people as communities. They ignore guidance of Allah so He lets them do things as they like and face the consequences because hypocrites do things against the rule of Allah.

68) It is promise of Allah to the hypocrites in the leaderships and the hypocrites in the communities who are hidden opposers of His rule as well as to the open opposers of His rule that they are bound to end up in fire of hatred to abide therein for as long as they live as a direct result of their own actions. Allah lets them move away from His blissful program as they choose therefore they are bound to suffer the pain that lasts unless they repent and reform,

69) just like those who ruined themselves before you even though they were mightier than you in power and much more prosperous in all kinds of wealth and a great community when they followed Our advice. They enjoyed their portion of this worldly life before you just as you enjoy your portion but beware that you are entering the same make beliefs based course of actions ignoring realities of real world as they did. As time went by their make belief based deeds turned them into more and more useless people regarding life in this world and the hereafter that is how they became of the losers.

70) Have they not heard the news of those who have gone before them? The people of Noah, Ad and Thamud, the people of Abraham, the men of Madyan and the cities which were overthrown by upheavals and civil wars. Their messengers came to them with clear warnings against their make belief based actions that is how Allah helped them to prevent them from harming themselves harm but instead of benefitting from the advice of Allah they ignored and opposed it that is how they ended up harming their own people so much so that they ended up destroyed by each other.

71) This is why the leaderships committed to working for peace and the communities committed to working for peace are supporters of one another as a nation that is united. They promote what is good and beneficial for the mankind and discourage what is harmful and destructive for humanity that is why they help establish the divine system whereby they attain freedom from all manmade ills in their society thus they show they are committed to implementation of the constitution of Allah along with His messenger for the good of human community as a whole. Such are the ones through whom comes peace based on prosperity that is promised by Allah, surely Allah is a mighty and a wise ruler of this kingdom of universe.

72) Allah has promised such administrations and communities as are committed to working for peace blissful kingdoms in which flow rivers of all they will need and desire to abide therein for as long as they will live by rule of Allah. Moreover they will have beautiful mansions in these blissful kingdoms that will last them for their life time. They will achieve all this due to program of Allah, the great and that is the best achievement.

73) O you the Prophet! Strive using the Quran with utmost effort for convincing those who oppose Our rule openly as well as those who oppose Our rule secretly through conspiracies and be steadfast in this struggle against them making clear to them that painful suffering is their destiny and therein they will remain unless they repent and reform and that is the worst of states to be in.

74) They call upon Allah to be their witness to assure you that they took no steps against the state when in fact they conspired against the state ruled according to the constitution of Allah that is how they made obvious that they have committed themselves to opposing the rule of Allah after they submitted themselves to it and they thought of a plot which they were unable to carry out. They had no reason to be revengeful instead that had reason to appreciate that Allah through His messenger has enriched them by His revelation based prosperity. So if they repent and reform it will be better for them but if they turn back to their old way of life then Allah will let them fall in painful suffering in this life as well as in the hereafter and they will have none in the land to support and protect them.

75) There are some among them who made a promise with Allah saying, if He bestows us with His provision in abundance then we will surely use it for the benefit of others and become truly of those who commit to working for peace and do what is right and beneficial for others.

76) But when He did bestow of His bounty upon them they became stingy and turned back on their promise and became evasive instead.

77) That is how He found hypocrisy taking roots in their minds instead so it will last them till the day they meet His set out consequences for that for which they breached their promise with Allah and due to which they told lies.

78) Did it not dawn upon them that Allah makes their secret thoughts and their secret counsels obvious through results of their own actions and that Allah knows full well all that is hidden from them?

79) It is they who falsely accuse those who are part of the administration of those who are committed to working for peace for provisions of their rights to them as well as they throw ridicule at those who just offer their services for the benefit of the community. Soon Allah will show them result of their ignorance and arrogance based accusations and ridicule because in time their this mindset and attitude is bound to land them in painful suffering.

80) Therefore it is the same whether you assign them with rights to provision for their security and satisfaction or not they will continue doing what they do. Even if you assigned them with rights to manifold more provision yet Allah does not find them feeling secure and protected under His constitution. That is because they oppose the rule according to the constitution of Allah as revealed to His messenger. So Allah does not guide such people who do not learn and implement His advice and instead work against it.

81) Happy they were in their opposition in their sitting idle against the advice of the messenger of Allah because they hated joining in the struggle using whatever they had and their personnel for the mission of Allah. Moreover they discouraged each other saying, do not be carried away in the heat of the moment. Say to them, the heat that generates due to painful suffering from which you are being taken out is much more severe than this heat If only they could understand.

82) Let them laugh a little because they have much to cry about as a result of what they did to their community by staying away from the struggle for implementation of the rule of Allah.

83) As of now if Allah brings you among them again to set out another mission and any of them asks your permission to go forth on a campaign say, you will never be allowed to come along with me nor fight an enemy in my company. You chose to sit idle the first time therefore you can sit idle with those who oppose my advice.

84) Moreover you should not support any of them nor should you go to their dwellings because they opposed mission of Allah through His messenger thereby they have cut off themselves from the community because they are a rebellious people.

85) So let not be of any significance in your sight what they have or their following because Allah has set the rule of consequences to reward them with painful suffering because of their own actions in this very life and they themselves may leave this world the while they are still confused and opposing the rule of Allah.

86) Because when a message is revealed by Allah telling people, commit to working for peace for the implementation of the constitution of Allah and strive along with His messenger, the leading people among them ask you for exemption saying, please leave us with those who are to stay at home.

87) They prefer to be with those who remain behind as a result of resistance in their minds against the greater benefit of their community and they show this by avoiding the understanding of the benefits for striving to establish the rule of Allah in the land.

88) On the other hand the messenger and those who are committed to working for peace with him strive with whatever they have and their personnel. They are the ones who will end up with benefits and they are the ones who will be successful.

89) Allah has prepared for them a roadmap to land them in blissful kingdoms in which flow rivers of all things of their need and desire wherein they will abide for as long as they deserve and that will be a worthy achievement for them.

90) Just like them some from among the desert Arabs also came with their excuses begging for exemption to stay behind that is how those who lie to Allah and His messenger sit idle. Soon a painful suffering will seize those of them who claim they are committed to working for peace but in actual fact they are not because their actions contradict their words.

91) Of course there is no blame on the disabled and the sick or those lacking the means for stay behind so long as they stand for the implementation of the constitution of Allah with His messenger. There can be no blame for staying behind against such as are truly committed to working for peace and work for it within their capacity within their assigned place because Allah is protector of such through His blissful revelation.

92) Likewise is the case of those who came to you the prophet and the community requesting the conveyance and you said, I am unable to provide you the conveyance and they returned home with their eyes streaming with tears because they were filled with sorrow that they had no resources for going along with you for the mission.

93) The blame is only against those who begged for exemption although they are a people with ways and means and physically fit so they had no excuse to remain behind yet they preferred to be with those who remained behind. Allah has caught them in their self created barrier in their minds against well being of their own community so they do not know what is really good for them to do, making life better for people or letting it get worse by doing nothing.

94) They will apologize to you when you return to them. Say, apologize not because we will not accept it of you as Allah has already informed us about your affairs. However Allah and His messenger will see how you conduct yourself in the future therefore you are directed to guidance of Allah Who makes known the future of the people on the basis of their present conduct and that is why He warns you about the results of what you do.

95) They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them in order to assure you about their loyalty and support so that you may let them off the hook. So leave them alone because their heads are filled with opposition against rule of Allah therefore agony has to be their abode the fitting consequences for their misdeeds.

96) They will swear to you in order to assure you so that they are accepted back into the community by you but even if you do accept them back Allah will never approve of such tricksters who promised to work for the implementation of the rule of Allah but actually did the opposite when it came to that.

97) Some of the desert Arabs are worst in opposing and conspiring against the installation of the rule of Allah because they are least inclined to learning and abiding by the set limits that Allah has revealed to His messenger whereas Allah makes it obvious that He rules through wisdom so ignorant people must educate themselves if they want to benefit from the wisdom of Allah.

98) It is due to their ignorance based arrogance that some of the desert Arabs look upon the assigned community responsibility in form of community revenue as a penalty and wait for some misfortune to befall you. Misfortune is to strike them due to their such mindset and attitude if they do not repent and reform through learning and that is why Allah makes obvious for mankind to learn why must they abide by His advice because He is comprehensive in His knowledge of things.

99) It is because some of the desert Arabs are learned therefore they are truly committed to working for peace for the implementation of the rule of Allah for the good end result for the mankind so they look upon whatever they are assigned as the community responsibility in form of community revenue as a means of bringing them closer to establishing the rule of Allah through supportive networks set up by the messenger. Surely closer they are brought to their objective by their such actions therefore soon Allah will land them in life prosperity through His program for blissful life because Allah is the protector of mankind through His program whereby He leads mankind to blissful life.

100) As for the latter and the earlier people from among the immigrants and their hosts in Madinah and those who supported them out of goodwill for the community Allah found tem consistent in their course of actions and they found His guidance consistent for its set purpose that is how He prepared His plan to land them into life in blissful kingdoms in which flow rivers of all they need and desire wherein they will stay for as long as they deserve it and that is indeed the achievement that is worth the effort.

101) Just as those people are consistent with Our guidance so are there some from among the desert Arabs around you hypocrites and so are some from among the residents of Medina fanatical in their hypocrisy. You do not know them but We know them and soon We will catch them in double the agony whereby they will suffer severely.

102) There are also some who have owned up to what they have done wrong. They have mixed records constructive as well as destructive. It is likely that Allah will turn to them through His blissful revelation if they worked towards it because Allah is protector of mankind through His blissful program.

103) Do accept from them the part of what they have and offer happily as social fund as their assigned community responsibility so that thereby they make evident their full commitment to the implementation of the rule of Allah, that is how you should stay in touch with them because your supportive network will give them confidence and comfort that their works are accepted by Allah, that is how Allah makes evident for people that He is comprehensive in His wisdom.

104) Know they not already that Allah accepts repentance and reformation of those of His people who truly follow His set goals and guidelines that is how He accepts their offerings in His name for helping others? Surely Allah is unique in accepting such people gracefully as turn to His guidance so that He blesses them with prosperity.

105) So tell them, conduct your affairs as you should being alert that Allah and His messenger as well as those committed to working for peace are watching your behaviours as members of community because that is the reason you are brought under His constitution Who makes evident the results of your actions in the future for what you do at the present, that is how He informs you about all that you do whether you are getting near your goal or moving away from it.

106) There are still others regarding whom Allah has not made His decision obvious yet. It is up to His set universal laws whether they will suffer the painful results of their own actions or whether He will find them turning to His advice and reforming that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that His rule is based upon wisdom.

107) Another case is of those who conspired to build a separate institution to spread misinformation and disinformation to create mistrust and distrust to cause suspicion thereby animosity in order to bring about disunity through fights between those who are committed to working for peace on directions of such a person who declared war against Allah and His messenger already. They will indeed call upon Allah to be their witness in order to assure you that their intentions were only to benefit the community but Allah will make evident by their actions that they are liars.

108) You O prophet are not to stand for divide between people ever. Certainly the institution founded according to the constitution of Allah for the good of humanity right from the very first day is fitting and proper that you should stand by it as a central goal of your mission because out of loyalty to that goal are involved courageous people in the struggle to free themselves from all ills as a community. That is how Allah supports those who struggle to free themselves from all sorts of harms to be a good community.

109) Who is the better person he who lays his building or community upon the solid foundation from Allah for the good of mankind according to His program or he who lays his building on a crumbling bank that tumbles down with him into the ditch to destruction? However Allah guides not such people as learn not His program and do things against it.

110) The structure of those who so build is never free from instability even in their own minds pulling their minds in different directions thus ending up torn apart. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind to see that His rule is based upon wisdom therefore stable.

111) Indeed Allah has bidden those who claim to be committed to working for peace to work towards blissful gardens together for themselves using their people and whatever they have. They strive to establish the rule of Allah for the good of humanity even if it leads them to fight those who are hell bent on making life hell for each other and even if they themselves are fought against by them due to this cause. This is an ever true promise which is binding upon Him as was mentioned in the Torah and in the Injeel and now in the Qur’an as well so who is more capable in fulfilling His promise other than Allah? Take courage therefore due to this promise in which you have to take upon yourselves to fulfil your role in order to reach the mighty achievement.

112) Such are those who turn to His guidance moulding themselves accordingly for their own good by serving His constitution holding only Him as the sole ruler of the universe, they move about in the land for implementation of His constitution for the good of themselves and others, bending according to His directions and submitting to His constitution, promoting what is good for the mankind and discouraging what is harmful and that is how they observe the limits as set by Allah, therefore proclaim the blissful program for the benefit of such people who would commit to working for peace.

113) It is not right for the prophet and those who are committed to working for peace that they should let people from among those who rather live by rule of other than Allah abide among them such as rebel against kingdom of Allah be they their relatives after it has become obvious to them that these people are enemies of rule of Allah and humanity because they conspire and collaborate with enemies against the heavenly kingdom to destroy it and its people. All this because these people are fully consumed by fire of hatred and committed to its destruction.

114) It was not right for Abraham either to associate with his community elder beyond Our binding limit set in Our guidance. So when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of rule of Allah and humanity he too disassociated himself from him. The fact is Abraham was a right minded, steadfast person who followed Our guidance faithfully.

115) It is not the way of Allah to leave people in chaos and confusion after He has granted them guidance until He has made clear for them what they ought to protect themselves against in order to prosper because Allah has taken it upon Himself to make obvious for mankind all things necessary.

116) It is Allah alone to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He brings nations to life when they follow His program and lets them perish if they do not. That is how you should come to know that you have none other than Allah to protect you or to help you.

117) Therefore Allah turned through His revelation to the prophet and those of the immigrants and their host supporters who stood by him in the time of hardship even though a party of them changed their minds thereafter but they came back to their senses and that is because Allah proved to them He is blissful through His program for prosperity.

118) Likewise He turned to the case of three whose case was yet to be made known. So despondent were they that the earth with all its vastness seemed to them suffocating and even their own people seemed to close their doors upon them suffocating them yet more. That is how they were made to realise that there was no security against set laws of Allah save in abiding by His laws. That is how He turned to them after they turned to His advice and reformed. Surely for them He is a beneficial adviser to blissful life.

119) So O you who claim to be committed to working for peace! Be consistent with the constitution of Allah and be consistent with those who stand for what is truly proper.

120) Therefore it is not right for the people of Medina or the desert Arabs of the neighbourhood to oppose the mission of the messenger of Allah in any way or to desire anything for themselves against the set out mission of the prophet. That is because they struggle not for removing lack of knowledge and poverty or any other hardship through implementation of the rule of Allah nor take any step which provokes the opposers of Our guidance or receive any injury from an enemy but it is credited to them because Allah does not let go to waste the hard works of those who take necessary steps to mend rifts between individuals and communities in order to establish peace.

121) Moreover they do not use anything small or large or cut across any valley for preaching or battle but is written to their credit therefore Allah rewards them according to the best of their actions for the good of the mankind.

122) Also it is not proper that those who are committed to working for peace should all go forth together at once on any missions rather a reasonable party from each community should stay behind as well so that they learn the proper understanding of Our constitution and pass it on to others when they return to them so that they become aware of any new programs, rules and regulations and refrain from acting against them in their ignorance.

123) O you who claim to have committed to working for peace! Strive hard against those who oppose implementation of Our rule according to Our set out constitution and try to turn you away from Our guidance. That is how you should let them know how serious you are in your commitment to working for peace and be aware that Allah supports only those who are consistent with His mission for the good of the mankind.

124) Whenever a Surah is revealed some of them ask others, whose commitment to working for peace has increased by this from among you? Certainly the commitment to peace increases among those who have already truly committed to working for peace so they rejoice over it.

125) As for those in whose hearts and minds rests animosity against rule of Allah and humanity it further adds rage to their existing agony so they perish the while they are opposing it.

126) Do they not see that they are put through hardship every year once or twice? Yet they neither repent and reform nor learn the lesson from this.

127) Whenever a Surah is revealed they give each other a prompting look as if saying, is anyone watching us? Then they silently slip away. Allah has found their hearts and minds slipping from His guidance because they are a people who bother not to learn things for understanding them.

128) O people, surely there has come to you such a messenger from among yourselves who grieves at your loss and who is excessively anxious for your progress and prosperity and who tries to benefit and dignify those who claim to be committed to working for peace.

129) If they still turn away from your message then say to them, laws of Allah are sufficient for disposal of my mission. There is no sovereign in this universe but He. In His universal laws I have put my trust, for He alone is the sovereign of all this great kingdom of the universe.
Surah 10 Yunus

Proclaim in the name of Allah the gracious the merciful.

1) Alif Laam Raa. These are statements of the book of wisdom.

2) Is it strange for the mankind that We have revealed Our guidance to a man from among the humans themselves so that he warns the mankind against doing harm to each other and delivers the program for better future for those who would commit themselves to working for peace so that they base their community on a truly solid foundation provided to them by their Lord? Those who oppose Our guidance say, this man is indeed a conspirator against our religious and political establishment.

3) But the fact is your ruler is Allah alone Who created the farthest galaxies as well as this galaxy in six stages/steps and by that right He established His sovereignty over the kingdom therefore He runs the affairs of the universe through His set out universal laws. Nothing can intervene in His jurisdiction without being part of His planned process. This is Allah your ruler so abide by His rule alone, should you therefore not be rather reflective and thoughtful people?

4) To His program you should all turn for guidance because promise of prosperity by Allah proves true when acted upon. He is the One Who initiated the process of creation and replicated it so that He rewards those who commit to working for peace by taking actions to mend rifts between mankind according to His set out properly balanced standard. As for those who oppose His advice they will have raging thoughts to satisfy their hatred with thereby they will undergo the painful suffering because they deny and oppose the universal set out laws of Allah.

5) He is the One Who thereby gave the sun its burning brightness and the moon its pleasant light and set her phases that you may learn to compute the years and other such measures. Allah evolved them but for a set purpose as He has explained in His revelations for people who observe and learn to understand things.

6) Indeed in the mechanism whereby alternation between the night and the day is achieved and in the mechanism whereby whatever else Allah has created and put to work in throughout the galaxies including this galaxy there are evidences for those who want to be consistent with constitution of Allah for the good of humanity.

7) As to those who do not look forward to meeting Our set standard due to being submerged in life of this world ignorantly against Our guidance yet desire prosperity, such are the ones who fail to realise the fact that prosperity does not lie in neglecting Our revelations,

8) instead they will end up in state of agony if some are not already there as a consequence because of whatever harm they have do to each other.

9) But those who commit to working for peace and work hard to reconcile mankind to Our set out goal according to Our guidelines for the betterment of the mankind their Lord due to their commitment to cause of peace will guide them to rivers flowing with all they will need and desire in the blissful kingdoms.

10) Their cry therein will be, O Allah, sovereignty belongs to You alone! And their lives therein will be based upon Islam=peace. So their ultimate reliance will be based upon the fact that sovereignty belongs only to Allah the Lord of the universe.

11) Had Allah set up the consequences of peoples' harmful actions in quick succession as they look for the quick gains regardless of the consequences of their actions then the respite given to the people would not have been put in place. So We leave those alone for a set period of time to do as they please who entertain not the hope of meeting Our set standard to wander about in their rebellion as some make others suffer for their own gratification.

12) That is why when consequences of human on human violence affect mankind humanity either turns to Our set out universal laws till it establishes Our constitution but as soon as We remove its affliction thereby it walks away as if it had never needed to rely upon Our set out laws for removing that affliction which touched it! That is how works of those who work against Our rule seem proper to them.

13) Likewise We found generations before your time destroying themselves by inflicting harm on each other despite the fact that their messengers came to them with clear goals and guidelines for their guidance but they did not learn and commit to working for peace! That is how We let those face the consequences of their actions who committed crimes against Our rule.

14) Then We made you their successors in the land so that We let you have a period of time to demonstrate your conduct towards Us and each other in light of Our guidance.

15) Yet when Our clear goals and guidelines are proclaimed among them, those who look not forward to meeting Our set standard say to you, bring us a Quran different than this or make some changes in it. Tell them, it is not possible for me to change it because it is not my work rather I follow only what is revealed to me by Allah. Surely I cannot be inconsistent with my Lord or mankind because I fear that if I did that then I too will end up doing harmful things like you and like you I too will end up with their consequences on the day of uprising.

16) Say, if Allah wanted things to be any other way then I would not have proclaimed this Quran to you, nor would He have made you aware of it. Indeed a whole lifetime I lived among you before its revelation and never did anything like this. Why do you then not use your sense?

17) And who can be more harmful and destructive than the party of priests that itself forges a bundle of lies attributing them to Allah or denies to people their heavenly assigned rights to provisions thus opposes His revelations? Indeed such criminals can never prosper.

18) They subject themselves to other rulers instead of Allah who can neither harm them nor benefit them yet they claim these are our interveners to Allah. Say to them, are you informing Allah of what He knows exists not either in the heavens or in the earth? Sovereignty belongs to Him alone and He is free of having any partners they ascribe to Him.

19) Moreover mankind used to be one single community but later on they became divided through inventing various harmful and destructive ways of life. Had your Lord not already given His guidance and a time period for people to live in this world then the matters in which they differed would have certainly been settled a long time ago.

20) As regards their saying, why no sign has been sent to him from his Lord? Say, to decide about matters relating to future rests with Allah alone and that is the way He sends His proofs so wait if you will, I too am waiting with you as to fulfilment of those promises like revolts by some people against others in forms of wars, revolutions and reforms until people turn to a way of life that leads to peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

21) When We show prosperity to some of the mankind after some calamity had afflicted them, the well off begin to conspire and plot against Our goals and guidelines. Tell them, laws of Allah are strict in letting your plots take you down by surprise because Our causes are set up to deliver to you results of your own actions.

22) He it is Who due to those set laws enables you to travel in the land until you board a ship and travel by sea. That is how the ships sail with them aboard due to favourable wind so they are happy with it but as comes a stormy wind and the waves reach them from all sides and they think they are going to be drowned by them then they rely sincerely upon the set laws of Allah alone saying to each other that if we are delivered from this trouble then we will become a people worth the name.

23) Yet, when He does deliver them from the trouble the very same people become rebellious in the land without any proper regard for each others’ rights. Say, O mankind! Your rebellion against each other is only harming and destroying your own kind because you destroy each other for the transitory pleasure of this world which you can also have by working for each other rather than against. No matter what in the end you will turn to Our guidance from then on We will tell you how to live your lives properly.

24) Another example of Our set up universal laws in life of this world is that of water, We send it down from the heaven then it is absorbed by the soil which then helps vegetation that becomes food for the people and the animals grow till it covers the land with beauty like gold ornaments and as the people think they can now harvest it there comes fulfilment of Our decree by the very same water as storm by night or in broad daylight and mows it down thoroughly as if nothing existed there yesterday. That is how We explain Our goals with guidelines for those who would learn to think properly and go for them.

25) Through these like proofs Allah invites you the mankind towards peace because He guides any people who want to work towards the path of life that is firmly founded .

26) Because those who do better than good for others and more they will never face bleak future nor will they suffer any shameful situation. Not only that but they will be a people who will end up in blissful kingdoms wherein they will live for as long as they carry on living that way.

27) As for those people and communities that inflict harm and destruction on each other, they will face the results of their own actions likewise therefore disgrace will cover them and they will have none to protect them from set out universal laws of Allah. Their sorrow will be visible on their faces as if their faces have been covered with patches of the dense darkness of night. They are the people who will abide in agony for as long as they live unless they repent and reform.

28) That is how at the time We will catch the rulers and the ruled altogether in painful suffering therefore We will tell those who would have been living by rule of other than Ours, stay in the state that you have chosen, you and your proclaimed sovereigns. We will see them set against each other as their proclaimed sovereigns other than God will say to them, it was not for our rule that you lived for but your own petty interests

29) and Allah is sufficient as a witness between you and us so we disregard claims of your service to us.

30) That is how each person/nation will come to know what it has sent forth for its future as they are made to face the results of their own actions by set out universal laws of Allah their rightful sovereign and that is how their false claims and make beliefs will leave them in the lurch.

31) Ask mankind, who provides your sustenance from the heaven and from the earth? Who provides you with sense of hearing and sight? Who raises nations from the dead to life by giving them His program to follow and who lets them perish when they fail to keep up with His set laws? Who regulates all affairs about everything in the universe? They will soon enough reply, Allah, after facing the dire consequences of their actions . Say, if it is all due to Allah then why are you not consistent with His constitution for the good of each other?

32) That is how Allah who truly has right to be your Lord wants you to be. What is left for you after you give up following what is right and proper other than straying in to falsehood and make beliefs? How can you do such a thing?

33) Thus has the universal law of your Lord proven true as regard those who rebel instead of committing to working for peace.

34) Ask them, can any of them whom you have taken as your sovereigns other than Allah create anything and then tell you about the process involved? Of course not. Say, Allah creates and then tells about the process how he has done it. Then how is that you are so misled?

35) Ask them also, is there any among your proclaimed sovereigns who can guide you to the way of life that is proper for you? Of course not. Say, Allah guides to the way of life that is proper for you. Then who is more worthy to be followed He that can guide to the right path or he that cannot and is himself in need of guidance? What is the matter with you, how did you arrive at the wrong conclusion that you have?

36) The fact is most of the people follow nothing but make beliefs and make beliefs in no way can be substitute for the provable reality. Surely Allah makes people aware of all they do through results of their actions.

37) Due to such stated facts in it, it is not possible that this Quran could have been produced by any of those whom you the mankind take as sovereigns other than Allah and also because it is confirmation of the revelations that were sent before it and it explains what was written in all the earlier scriptures as guidance for the mankind, so there can be no doubt in the fact that it is from the Lord of the universe.

38) Do they claim, he has forged it? Tell them, if what you claim is true then produce a manifesto and a constitution like it that explains all essential things in such great detail within such a limited text, you may call to your aid any of those whom you take as sovereigns (or gods of literature) other than Allah.

39) No, they cannot produce the like of it rather they deny and oppose that which they cannot overcome with their knowledge but they have not yet seen its prophecies unfold. The same destructive mindset and harmful attitude was shown by those who passed before them towards Our similar books earlier. But they should also see what was the end of those who indulged in make beliefs and ritualism against Our guidance. They ended up destroying each other.

40) Of these people there are some who commit to working for peace but there are others who do not and your Lord surely makes people aware about those who conspire to cause rifts and wars between people by denying each other their heavenly rights to provisions.

41) If they still reject say, I am responsible for consequences of my interactions with others and you are responsible for consequences of your interaction with others, you are free from responsibility for my actions and I am free from responsibility of your actions.

42) There are some among them who hear what you say but they do not think so can you make the deaf listen to you, because they are not bothered to learn and understand?

43) Then there are some among them who look at you as if they are looking at you for guidance but they are not, so can you show the way to the blind who do not enable themselves to see right from wrong?

44) The fact is, Allah does no harm to mankind in any way but that people do great harm to each other all by themselves.

45) That is how one day He will bring them together under His constitution relieving them of their harmful and destructive ways of life so they will think they have lived under oppression and suppression just a short while because they will recognise whatever good they will have done for each other to get out of that situation the while those who would have denied themselves opportunity of meeting the set standard of Allah would have perished who would have denied themselves the benefits of His guidance.

46) Regardless We show you some results of their harmful actions or cause you to die before that but to Our constitution their return is inevitable because universal laws of Allah are ever witness of all that they have been doing.

47) And for every nation there has been an appointed messenger and when their messenger came to them the divine criterion of judgement was passed on to them for justice so that they are not wronged by each other even in the least.

48) They ask you, when will this promise of result of their actions be fulfilled if what you say is true?

49) Say, I have no control over anything even regarding myself for any harm or benefit rather happens whatever Allah has planned. For every nation there are consequences when their set limit is reached so they can neither delay them even for a moment nor can they advance them so you too will be dealt with the very same way.

50) Say, have you considered that if His stated painful suffering in form of your revolt against each other falls upon you by night or by day, how will you survive it? What then is there that those who commit crimes against humanity against advice of Allah wish to hasten other than their own painful suffering?

51) Would you commit to working for peace only when painful suffering actually overtakes you? Then you will beg for its removal although it had been your own wish to hurry it on.

52) At that time it will be said to those who will then declare their commitment to working for peace, taste the pain and suffering the while it lasts. Should you then not be made to face the result of what you have been doing when all others have been put through the same process?

53) They ask you, is what you claim really true? Tell them, yes. By words of my Lord and proof of their fulfilment, it is absolutely true and you will not be able to avert it.

54) If each person/nation that has inflicted harm and destruction on others possessed all that the earth contains it would be willing to offer it all in ransom if it could to free itself from troublesome consequences of its actions that will engulf it. They will regret in their hearts when they will see the effects of what they will have done. That is how justice between them will be served and they will not be inflicted with any unjust consequences even in the least.

55) Beware all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah and beware that promise of Allah is a self evident truth yet most of the mankind bother not to learn what they should be doing to avert the life of painful suffering.

56) He is the One Who brings nations to life through His given program and He lets nations perish when they fail to follow His program so to His program you all should turn for guidance.

57) O mankind! There has come to you an advice from your Lord, a cure for any harmful ambition you may harbour in your minds against each other, a guidance for progress and prosperity for those who will commit to working for peace.

58) Say, this Quran is wisdom from Allah as a blissful revelation for your guidance to prosperity, so let the mankind create a blissful life for themselves by using it, for it is beneficial to do as it says than all that they can gather through harming each other.

59) Say, do you realise that out of all that Allah has provided for you to have a great life, you yourselves have made some things lawful and others unlawful to take undue advantage of each other and thereby harm each other against the advice of Allah? Ask them, did Allah permit you to do that or do you ascribe such things to Allah by lying?

60) What consequences do mankind think such people should face who attribute lies to Allah on the day of uprising? Indeed Allah is protector of mankind as is obvious from His guidance for them yet most of them follow not His advice so they end up in painful suffering.

61) No matter what affairs you may be engaged in and no matter which goals of the Quran you may be following and whatever task you may be carrying out, We are a witness to it while you are deeply occupied with it, for there is not even an iota of anything in the earth or in the heaven that is beyond control of your Lord, neither anything smaller than that nor
larger than that but it is governed by clearly set out universal laws.

62) Behold! The supporters of guidance of Allah have nothing to worry about nor anything to regret.

63) Those who commit to working for peace and are consistent with constitution of Allah for the good of humanity.

64) for them there is a good news of blissful life in this world as well as in the next life in hereafter and words of Allah change not. Being that successful is indeed a great achievement.

65) O Prophet, let not the false proclamations of those who oppose Our guidance harm your mission, surely to honour mankind rests entirely with program of Allah because He makes mankind aware of comprehensiveness of His program.

66) Beware! Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to Allah alone so those who declare their allegiance to others than Allah follow nothing but self deception and preach nothing but falsehood whereby they harm mankind.

67) He is the One Who has brought about the night for you to rest therein and the day so that you can see and do things. Indeed there are evidences in all this for those who will heed Our guidance.

68) Some even proclaim Allah has a begotten son! Sovereignty belongs to Him alone and He is self-sufficient! His is all that is in the Heavens and in the Earth! Have you any proof for what you claim or are you so ignorant that you are ascribing to Allah something about which you have no proof whatsoever?

69) O prophet tell them, those who attribute lies to Allah will never be able to get away with it.

70) Even though they may have a little enjoyment in this world they will have to face Our judgement and then We will make them face the consequences for their opposition to Our guidance.

71) Relate them the story of Noah when he said to his people, O my people! If it is too much for you that I should live among you and preach to you the revelations of Allah to guide you away from the harms you do to each other because I put my trust in them that they are good for you then go ahead and muster all your supporters and come up with your united decision planning it well so that you have no doubt about it being foolproof then execute it against me and give me no respite yet you will not succeed.

72) If you still turn away from guidance of Allah even when I ask you no reward, for my reward rests with Allah then what else can I do to stop you from harming and destroying yourselves? I am doing this for I have been commanded to become a person who commits himself to working for peace.

73) But they opposed him. As a result We saved him and those of them who were with him in the same boat and We made them successors in the land and drowned those in their own ignorance based arrogance who rejected and opposed Our revelations and so they ended up destroying each other. Therein you can see what was the end of those who were warned of the consequences but they heeded not.

74) Then at length after him We sent messengers to their descendants. They came to them with clear goals and guidelines as to how they should deal with each other but they would not commit themselves to working for peace on the basis of what their ancestors had already rejected before them. Thus We let the transgressors isolate their minds from Our guidance.

75) Then later on We sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our instructions. But they too showed arrogance because they were a nation that opposed Our guidance and inflicted harm and destruction on each other.

76) When the guidance came to them from Us they said, this is indeed a conspiracy against us.

77) Moses replied, is that all you can say about the guidance of Allah when it has come to you? Is this really a conspiracy against you when I am telling you to be good to each other? Conspirators never tell their enemies to be good to each other rather they take undue advantage of them by setting some of them against the others secretly thereby putting them on the ways to their destruction therefore they can never prosper.

78) They said, have you come to turn us away from the way of our forefathers in order that you two may become the rulers in the land? We will never commit to working for peace along both of you.

79) Pharaoh said, bring me every skilful person who is well versed in the art of debate.

80) When the experts in debate came Moses said to them, demonstrate whatever arguments you wish to put forth.

81) So when they had demonstrated their works Moses said, the goals and guidelines that you have put forth Allah will surely bring them low, for Allah does not approve the works of those who cause unjust wars amongst people in the land.

82) By His words Allah vindicates what was beneficial for humanity, much as to the dismay of those who opposed His guidance and worked against it.

83) None of the people committed to working for peace with Moses save youths from his own people because of fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs lest they should persecute them and certainly Pharaoh was mighty in the land and the one who did not hesitate to transgress any limit.

84) Moses said, O my people! If you are really committed to working for peace for the implementation of the constitution of Allah then have confidence in His universal laws if you are really committed to working for peace..

85) They replied, in laws of Allah we put our trust saying, our Lord! Do not let us suffer at the hands of unjust people,

86) and deliver us through your blissful guidance from the nation of such trouble makers who oppose Your rule in the land.

87) We revealed Our plan to Moses and his brother saying, take your people and set up in Egypt institutions and make your those institutions basis for organisation of your people to help establish divine system in order to implement program for prosperity to bring about blissful life for those who commit to working for peace.

88) Moses said, our Lord! You let Pharaoh and his chiefs have things that make life blissful in life of this world but our Lord, instead of behaving appropriately they are misleading people about Your set out goals and guidelines by taking away their rights to provision. Our Lord, let us go for their wealth because of their terrible minds and attitudes due to which they will not commit to working for peace unless they see the painful suffering with their own eyes.

89) Allah said, your concern will be addressed in time but remain steadfast and follow not the path of those who ignore Our goals and guidelines.

90) So We led the ideological children of Israel across the sea of troubles because Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them relentlessly with animosity and oppression until they saw themselves drowning in their own self created destruction, he then said, I now commit to working for peace in His name other than whom there is no God, He in whose name are committed to working for peace children of Israel so I too am of those who submit to His goals and guidelines.

91) He was told, now you declare your commitment to working for peace when all is finished but a while before you were terribly rebellious and one of those who conspired for wars in the land.

92) However We will save you in your body of works now so that you are a lesson for the succeeding generations even though most of the mankind pay no attention to Our revelations.

93) That is how We settled the children of Israel in a nice dwelling place and provided them with good things of life. They divided not until after the knowledge had come to them and they stepped aside from it ending up with animosities between themselves. Surely your Lord will decide between them about matters due to which they ended up divided on the day of uprising or on the day the constitution of Allah is established in the land.

94) If at all you the people are in doubt regarding what We have revealed to you then consult those people as well who have been studying Our books before you. You will find that it is the truth indeed that has come to you from your Lord therefore you people should not be of those who doubt,

95) and join not with those who deny and oppose the goals and guidelines of Allah otherwise you will end up of those who are in loss.

96) Yet those concerning whom the universal laws of your Lord have to fulfil will not commit to working for peace,

97) even though every proof has been brought to them until they see their own painful end as result of their own actions.

98) Was there any township as a whole which foresaw the revolt coming and fully committed to working for peace and their commitment to peace then benefited them except the people of Yunus? When they committed to working for peace We saved them from the destructive revolt and let them enjoy their life of this world till they remained on that road.

99) If it had been a matter of enforcing the will of your Lord then all the people of the earth would have committed to working for peace, so will you then compel mankind against their will to commit to working for peace instead of letting them choose?

100) Since it is a matter of choice it is not possible for anyone to commit to working for peace properly unless they pay attention to guidance of Allah and He lets people remain in their ignorant mindset and destructive attitude who do not learn to be wise.

101) Say, look at whatever exists in the heavens and the earth. Our proofs by means of warnings do not benefit such people as do not pay due attention to them and commit not to working for peace according to them.

102) So are these people waiting for days when ignorant followers revolt against their destructive leaders like the ones that befell the people who passed away before them? Say, wait if you will I too am waiting with you till that time comes.

103) But beware that when such a time comes, We save Our messengers and those who commit to working for peace, this is Our way, We take it upon Ourself as their right that We save those who are committed to working for peace.

104) Say, O mankind! If you are in doubt concerning my proposed standard for living then know this that never will I serve those whom you take for rulers beside Allah nor will I follow your harmful and destructive rules for living my life instead I stand to serve constitution of Allah the sole sovereign of this kingdom who will make you face full results of your actions and I am commanded to be of those who commit themselves fully to working for peace.

105) Therefore set yourself for installing and establishing the constitution of Allah that is upright and proper and never be of those who attribute sovereignty to any others than Allah.

106) So never serve any other than Allah as a sovereign who can neither benefit you nor harm you, for if you do that then you too will become one of those who transgress Our set limits.

107) Remember always that if Allah lets a calamity afflicts you as a result of your own wrong doing then none can remove it but He alone by guiding you out of it and if He lets a blissful favour come your way then again none can withhold His provision for you. However He bestows His bliss upon whoever of His servants works for it according to His plan because He is protector of mankind by means of His blissful program for them.

108) Say, O mankind! The truth based upon proofs has come to you from your Lord! Any nation that follows His guidance follows it for its own good and any that goes astray does so at its own risk and I am not your custodian but a messenger from Allah.

109) So follow what is revealed to you the mankind and be steadfast till Allah brings about His rule in the land and He is unique of those who claim to be rulers.
I agree with Muse (below). This stuff needs to be read in a separate thread as it deserves its own attention and time (apologies if you've already posted it separately). You've also made some many points, important nonetheless, that I'd like to respond to.

By the way, in the video selection ... I'm surprised you didn't include anything from Zakir Naik, considering how South Asian Muslims basically worship him! Not a bad selection, though.

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