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Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House

"The two leaders further discussed how they will continue to strengthen US-India economic ties through increased trade, and they look forward to meeting again soon."
Translation for this

we dont want AJK and Great Briton

Your most powerful minister (Amit Shah) said on parliament floor that AJK and Aksai Chin are "integral" part of india, and "Jaan de dain gay Azad Kashmir k liye"


Why don't make a move? Hindus are gutless losers....they can only bark but can never follow through.
Your most powerful minister (Amit Shah) said on parliament floor that AJK and Aksai Chin are "integral" part of india, and "Jaan de dain gay Azad Kashmir k liye"


Why don't make a move? Hindus are gutless losers....they can only bark but can never follow through.
I agree we are losers:cry::cry::cry:
Your most powerful minister (Amit Shah) said on parliament floor that AJK and Aksai Chin are "integral" part of india, and "Jaan de dain gay Azad Kashmir k liye"


Why don't make a move? Hindus are gutless losers....they can only bark but can never follow through.
Flat track bullies.
Trump Urges Restraint by India and Pakistan in Kashmir Conflict
President says he had ’good conversations’ with countries’ leaders

Rebecca Ballhaus
Aug. 19, 2019 8:41 pm ET

WASHINGTON—President Trump urged restraint on both sides of the Kashmir conflict in calls Monday with the leaders of India and Pakistan, as tensions over the disputed region have escalated between the two nations this month.

“Spoke to my two good friends, Prime Minister Modi of India, and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan, regarding Trade, Strategic Partnerships and, most importantly, for India and Pakistan to work towards reducing tensions in Kashmir,” Mr. Trump tweeted Monday. “ A tough situation, but good conversations!”

In his call with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the president emphasized the importance of keeping peace in the region, according to the White House readout of their call. In his call with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, the president urged Pakistan to “moderate rhetoric” with India and avoid escalating the conflict, the White House said.

India’s decision this month to end the autonomy enjoyed by India’s only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir, has increased friction with Pakistan. Both countries hold part of Kashmir and claim the whole of the area, which was the cause of wars between them in 1947 and 1965, along with a smaller conflict in 1999.

In February, the nations traded airstrikes, which resulted in the downing of an Indian jet fighter, after a bombing by a militant on the Indian side of Kashmir that New Delhi blamed on a Pakistan-based jihadist group. With resistance from the local population in Jammu and Kashmir to India’s decision to end the state’s autonomy, there are fears of another military confrontation.

In July, during a visit by Mr. Khan to the White House, the president offered to mediate the Kashmir conflict and said Mr. Modi had asked him to do so. Less than an hour after the meeting ended, India rejected the U.S. offer to mediate and said Mr. Modi had made “no such request.”
Why he not asked india to show restraint when they were revoking 370 now when india is killing people in iok and violating human rights he is calling for restraint so that we not stop indian brurality against kashmiris

I won't open a new thread for this---. Trump will lose next election---

But here is what is happening---. Mr. Modi's team has assessed that Pres Trump is not going to win the next elections---his chances are slim to none---and if Modi can move right away---he can control the reaction of the US pres---because he would be busy in the coming elections---. Trump won't be able to force india to do anything what indians don't want to do---.

The annexation of kashmir was a very well thought of plan---with the permission of many a players---Iran---Israel---UK---US
Why he not asked india to show restraint when they were revoking 370 now when india is killing people in iok and violating human rights he is calling for restraint so that we not stop indian brurality against kashmiris
US has said India didn't take them into confidence on article 370
My biggest concern is the world seem to have accepted the pigs move on Kashmir, they may mediate a war if it escalates, but there seems to be no action on the 370.

My question is what will Pakistan do, we can NOT let this slide. Demographic change will be a sea of blood, and harder for a referendum in the future.
My biggest concern is the world seem to have accepted the pigs move on Kashmir, they may mediate a war if it escalates, but there seems to be no action on the 370.

My question is what will Pakistan do, we can NOT let this slide. Demographic change will be a sea of blood, and harder for a referendum in the future.

Exactly, I asked the same question in many of my previous posts....as it's just blabbering from our side on revocation of Article 370, but we are clueless on any credible action plan/next move.....I guess mate...answer to above bold part is "Try forgetting Kashmir".
"Try forgetting Kashmir".

That can never be possible for 2 reasons.
1. It will mean letting 10+ million Kashmiri's die in the hands of the army of the anti-Christ.
2. Diversion of the rivers, will lead to Pakistan turning into a full fledged desert. (FAMINE)

So its the lifeline of Pakistan, the generals know this, this will most likely eventually lead to a nuclear war, those apes currently ruling India, are not thinking rationally, since their heads are filled with 5HIT, I just hope, we have hydrogen bombs, because if Pakistan is going out, might as well make sure the other side is vaporised.
My biggest concern is the world seem to have accepted the pigs move on Kashmir, they may mediate a war if it escalates, but there seems to be no action on the 370.

My question is what will Pakistan do, we can NOT let this slide. Demographic change will be a sea of blood, and harder for a referendum in the future.


Right now---most of the nations are asking us to stay within Simla agreement---they are just hoping that Simla agreement exists---and we should sort it out by ourselves.

But they know and don't want to admit that we are back to state of war that was in 1948-49.

Pakistan would need to establish a defacto indian occupied kashmir govt in pakistan---they would create their own military and thus the game will start---.

Just remember---it took the Taliban over a year to strike back---.

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