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Tunisia Was the Only Success Story of the Arab Spring. Now Its Democracy Is In Jeopardy

Well they didn't sanction glorious Egypt, KSA and the UAE .. am I right?
If you want to lose half the oil supply and close the whole region to the west then sure. theyre threatning to sanction egypt if you live under a rock
Democracy for these countries is just a fancy words for US vassal.
Here are some ideas about why Tunisia is failing and what are the possible solutions from a chinese scholar Eric Li and I think its quite relevant for other developing countries too.
Scroll to timestamp 33:25 when he talks about Tunisia:
Well they didn't sanction glorious Egypt, KSA and the UAE .. am I right?
Well.. they weren't caught red handed with a secret active military nuclear program like Iran.. did they?
Tunisia is a typical case of Arab Spring failure.

Cause number 1 : politic parties after 2011 were all a kind of Mafia, fighting in parliament but sleeping in the same bed behind the curtains.

We have a very corrupted deep state (prior to 2011), that United Medias, political parties, healthy families, syndicates, judicial system, police, football teams presidents, artists, .... To a unique goal of maximum corruption a theft of country ressources.

Our president dissolved the parliament with the full support of the Tunisans but failed to tackle the corruption, he has no political party to assist him, it's almost a "Mission Impossible".
Well.. they weren't caught red handed with a secret active military nuclear program like Iran.. did they?
Nice try but sanctions against Iran no matter under what pretext are entirely motivated due Iran's independent policy ... it's what americans do when wanna mount pressure on others like what happened against Dr Mosadegh .. it was demcratic and elected Gov ,there was no nuke, no regional issue, no missile program and we were sanctioned and faced coup, like what happened to Allende or Lummuba that was dissolved in acid ...

Being independent has cost which aforementioned countries can not bear and if you ain't sanctioned or face acid or coup then be sure you are moving in the line of their interests.
And what being caught red handed?? as if american after dropping nukes on Japan,orange agent in Vietnam, depleted uranium on Iraq and Afghanistan , providing Saddam political intelligent supports to use CW against Iranian and at last supporting isreal in acquiring nuke has any saying about other nations' intentions ... above all reimposing sanctions after 2015 nuclear deal just another proof that these guys take sanction as tool.
Nice try but sanctions against Iran no matter under what pretext are entirely motivated due Iran's independent policy ... it's what americans do when wanna mount pressure on others like what happened against Dr Mosadegh .. it was demcratic and elected Gov ,there was no nuke, no regional issue, no missile program and we were sanctioned and faced coup, like what happened to Allende or Lummuba that was dissolved in acid ...

Being independent has cost which aforementioned countries can not bear and if you ain't sanctioned or face acid or coup then be sure you are moving in the line of their interests.
And what being caught red handed?? as if american after dropping nukes on Japan,orange agent in Vietnam, depleted uranium on Iraq and Afghanistan , providing Saddam political intelligent supports to use CW against Iranian and at last supporting isreal in acquiring nuke has any saying about other nations' intentions ... above all reimposing sanctions after 2015 nuclear deal just another proof that these guys take sanction as tool.
If you really want to be independent kick the reveloutnary guard out of iran. They are working for a single party in iran and for the highest bidder and the iranian military is currently a joke that cant protect its own borders and currently controls the economy of iran and after being labelled a terrorist group the iranian economy crumbled. Obviously the current situation is impossible to even think about it now
If you really want to be independent kick the reveloutnary guard out of iran. They are working for a single party in iran and for the highest bidder and the iranian military is currently a joke that cant protect its own borders and currently controls the economy of iran and after being labelled a terrorist group the iranian economy crumbled. Obviously the current situation is impossible to even think about it now
There is more honor in a toe of a single revolutionary guard member than the entire Egyptian army aka American/Israeli slave army/outpost.

Iranian army stood like a lion against your daddy Saddam and entire Arab world. You could not even get 1 inch of Iranian soil. Suck on it.
Tunisia is a typical case of Arab Spring failure.

Cause number 1 : politic parties after 2011 were all a kind of Mafia, fighting in parliament but sleeping in the same bed behind the curtains.

We have a very corrupted deep state (prior to 2011), that United Medias, political parties, healthy families, syndicates, judicial system, police, football teams presidents, artists, .... To a unique goal of maximum corruption a theft of country ressources.

Our president dissolved the parliament with the full support of the Tunisans but failed to tackle the corruption, he has no political party to assist him, it's almost a "Mission Impossible".

Sounds like Pakistan...
There is more honor in a toe of a single revolutionary guard member than the entire Egyptian army aka American/Israeli slave army/outpost.

Iranian army stood like a lion against your daddy Saddam and entire Arab world. You could not even get 1 inch of Iranian soil. Suck on it.
Supposed puppet slave outpost. This is the only argument iranians on this forum argue with as if their vocab is limited to these words. When they wanted to elminate syria as a threat the iranian reveloutnary guard was one of the first to respond
when they wanted to make a spike in yemen to hold saudi arabia hostage to buy more unnesscary weapons and pressure and control its oil industry The iranian reveloutnary guard and Hezboallah were the first to respond
Who is the main contributer to Iraq's current terrorism problem, you guessed it The Iranian Reveloutnary Guard and its sponsors
When the MB wanted to make an armed branch to deter off the military from intervening in their horrendus way of ruling Egypt, who came to the rescue? Thats right The iranian reveloutnary Guard.
Who's the reason for the instability in lebanon? Thats right the Lebanese goverment itself. Who hijacked this and took the chance to control lebanon and make millions suffer for decades to come and the prevention of the foundation of a legitmate goverment ? Thats right Iranian sponsored hezbollah trained by the Iranian Reveloutnary Guard
Supposed Honor warrior and protector of the muslim world if your plan is to loosen The US's grip on the middle east then congrats that failed misraebly Helping the MB to stay in power was in americas intrest, a destroyed arab world with religous and social differences due to a hybrid of islam with incomplete and twisted Hadiths of our Rasul and incomplete Ayas of the Quran will only soften the job for israel to expand and for the US to continue benefitting off stolen resources and expand on it
now ill leave this wikipedia article for your eyes to feast on, honor warrior.



Tunisia to compensate those killed or wounded during revolution

Saied's announcement arrives as his power grabs continue to draw alarm on the future of Tunisia's democracy
President Kais Saied declared that Tunisia will pay reparations to the families of those killed and wounded during the country’s pro-democracy revolution, an event which sparked the Arab Spring movement back in 2011.

During the uprising - known also as the Jasmine Revolution - dozens of youth were killed and hundreds of people were wounded while calling to oust then-president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali from power, according to Reuters.

Saied issued a decree to provide compensation to the relatives of “martyrs,” law enforcement officers, and troops who were killed or wounded while defending against what he referred to as “terrorist attacks” in the years following the revolution.

Though Tunisia’s president pledged to preserve the freedoms achieved during the Jasmine Revolution, his recent moves towards greater authoritarianism left many experts concerned for the future of the last bastion of Arab Spring democracy.

Last month, Saied dissolved Tunisia’s parliament - the latest move in a series of power grabs which drew international alarm.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced the dissolution last week as “a smearing of democracy” and “a blow to the will of the people.”
Erdogan’s comments prompted Tunisia to summon Turkey’s ambassador in protest, and the country’s foreign ministry condemned his remarks as “unacceptable interference” in its domestic affairs.

Over the past decade, living standards in Tunisia have fallen; a fragmented political class has prevented the country from developing any sense of direction.
Arab spring started 11 years ago. That is a decade since. According to this description, how was Tunisia ever a success story of Arab spring?
Arab spring started 11 years ago. That is a decade since. According to this description, how was Tunisia ever a success story of Arab spring?

Arab spring target is democracy, it is the only country where the movement can achieve its target. About economic and other thing is different context, dont play with words again with me
Arab spring target is democracy, it is the only country where the movement can achieve its target. About economic and other thing is different context, dont play with words again with me
Then they are treating a means as an end. They never pursuit the improvement of the living standards. It is the democracy as the end in itself. Why did that report bother mentioning it anyway?

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