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Turkish Aviation Programs

I need some clarity on the TFX's design.

Can we expect the MTOW to be in the 35,000 kg area now (i.e., F-15SE-class)?

I ask because the SSB/TSK decided to go with 2 GE F110 engines, which will provide about 130 kN each. So, this is obviously a larger engine than the EJ200 and F414. I also noticed that TAI took-off their MTOW of the TF-X. I can't find a living source saying it's still 27,000 lbs.

My guess is that because the TuAF is currently not a part of the F-35, they have revised the TF-X into a larger design that can cater to deep strike missions. Moreover, the Hurjet is, at its core, a lightweight fighter in the class of the JF-17 and LCA, albeit lighter, but still fully capable nonetheless.

The Hurjet point is important because it can take on those localized and lower-threat/risk missions, leaving the TF-X for high-risk, long-range operations. In other words, you don't have to rely on solely the TF-X for your fleet, you can use the Hurjet as well, thereby controlling your overall costs.

Thoughts? @cabatli_53 @T-123456

In critical design phase of aircraft; side and isometric views of HURJET
Erdogan Karakuş emekli hava korgeneral boş boş konuşuyor ve yanlış bilgi verip algı operasyonu yapıyor

Ona göre Yunan Hava Kuvvetleri F-16 lar ile Amasya ya kadar elini kolunu sallayarak baskın yapıp dönebilir
ve D.Akdeniz de Türk Donanmasını batırabilir ayrıca gerekirse Yunan F-16 ları G.Kıbrıs da Baf da konuşlanıp oradan da Turkiye ye baskın yapabilirmiş

Bu zatın amacı belli Turk milletine psikolojik harp uygulamak

Bu sözde emekli hava korgeneral CNN Türk de aynen şunu dedi Yunan Mirage2000 ucakları 400km menzilli SCALP füzeleri ile D.Akdeniz de Turk Donanmasını batırır .. hatta bir gemiye 20 SCALP füzesi atabilir ... nasıl bir cahilliktir

1) SCALP Füzelerinin gemi savar ( anti ship ) kabiliyeti yok
2) Yunanistanın elinde öyle yüzlerce SCALP füzesi yok ... 50-90 arası SCALP füzesine sahipler
3) Yunan hava kuvvetlerinin Tanker ucagı yok
4) Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinin de eli zaten armut toplayacak

neyse ki Emekli Amiral Deniz Kutluk gereken cevabı verdi .... Türk Savaş Gemileri her türlü füzeyi durduracak güctedir ve ne Yunan Hava Kuvvetleri ne de Yunan Donanması D.Akdeniz de üstünlük saglayamaz .. BAFa gelecek olurlarsa da orası imha edilir

Yunan F-16 larında seyir füzesi bile yok ....... cahil Erdogan Karakuş
Yunan Mirage2000 ler ise toplam 39 adet EXOCET gemi savar füzesine sahip ..... ve cahil Erdogan Karakuş Turk Savaş Gemilerine 20 şer 20 şer füze atıyor .... ve bu zatın kanal kanal cıkıp propaganda yapmasına izin veriliyor

Türkçe yazdım kusura bakmayın
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I listened to some of the TV program. He says that one should not underestimate more enemies, and that the Arabs used to regard Israel the same way before and the result was defeat. He describes the possibilities of the Greek air force and tells the range of his planes. He says you need to be vigilant that you can only come to the interior with a raid. The biggest mistake in war is to belittle the enemy, and often the numbers do not determine the war. For example, if a country with 20 X missiles makes a sudden raid on the tanks of the country that has 100 of the same missile, it will exclude it from war.
I listened to some of the TV program. He says that one should not underestimate more enemies, and that the Arabs used to regard Israel the same way before and the result was defeat. He describes the possibilities of the Greek air force and tells the range of his planes. He says you need to be vigilant that you can only come to the interior with a raid. The biggest mistake in war is to belittle the enemy, and often the numbers do not determine the war. For example, if a country with 20 X missiles makes a sudden raid on the tanks of the country that has 100 of the same missile, it will exclude it from war.

Not a similar situation. Arab coalition lost to Israel, not because they underestimated Israel, but because too many Arab nations with different interests & objectives other than defeating Israel were involved in the War of 1948 and they failed to effectively co-operate their forces together for eattack on Israel. Turkey is in a much better position against Greece than Arab countries were against Israel as the country is united. Plus, Israel were supported by both Super Powers - the United States and USSR (one of the rarest moments in the history). Would the US & Russia back Greece in the case of the war between Greece and Turkey? I don't

Considering all military assets (including fighter jets & aircraft) of both Greek Armed Forces (Hellenic Army) and Turkish Armed Forces, in my humble opinion, I believe Turkey should win the war if there was a war between two rivals.

However, that's only if Turkey was successful in preventing USA, Russia and EU from interfering in the military conflict.

Edit : I apologize for posting something off-topic. However, I've found @Balamir's analogy intriguing and only expressed my opinion about the issue.
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What is this?a video is published by tusaş,an F16 which photoshoped
Erdogan Karakuş emekli hava korgeneral boş boş konuşuyor ve yanlış bilgi verip algı operasyonu yapıyor

Ona göre Yunan Hava Kuvvetleri F-16 lar ile Amasya ya kadar elini kolunu sallayarak baskın yapıp dönebilir
ve D.Akdeniz de Türk Donanmasını batırabilir ayrıca gerekirse Yunan F-16 ları G.Kıbrıs da Baf da konuşlanıp oradan da Turkiye ye baskın yapabilirmiş

Bu zatın amacı belli Turk milletine psikolojik harp uygulamak

Bu sözde emekli hava korgeneral CNN Türk de aynen şunu dedi Yunan Mirage2000 ucakları 400km menzilli SCALP füzeleri ile D.Akdeniz de Turk Donanmasını batırır .. hatta bir gemiye 20 SCALP füzesi atabilir ... nasıl bir cahilliktir

1) SCALP Füzelerinin gemi savar ( anti ship ) kabiliyeti yok
2) Yunanistanın elinde öyle yüzlerce SCALP füzesi yok ... 50-90 arası SCALP füzesine sahipler
3) Yunan hava kuvvetlerinin Tanker ucagı yok
4) Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinin de eli zaten armut toplayacak

neyse ki Emekli Amiral Deniz Kutluk gereken cevabı verdi .... Türk Savaş Gemileri her türlü füzeyi durduracak güctedir ve ne Yunan Hava Kuvvetleri ne de Yunan Donanması D.Akdeniz de üstünlük saglayamaz .. BAFa gelecek olurlarsa da orası imha edilir

Yunan F-16 larında seyir füzesi bile yok ....... cahil Erdogan Karakuş
Yunan Mirage2000 ler ise toplam 39 adet EXOCET gemi savar füzesine sahip ..... ve cahil Erdogan Karakuş Turk Savaş Gemilerine 20 şer 20 şer füze atıyor .... ve bu zatın kanal kanal cıkıp propaganda yapmasına izin veriliyor

Türkçe yazdım kusura bakmayın
Karakuş is a trash, dont care of what he saying.

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