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Turkish constitutional referendum 2017 - News, Update & Discussion

Ankara (CNN)Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the country's prime minister have declared victory in a Sunday referendum designed to hand Erdogan sweeping powers.

The Turkish Election Commission has yet to release its official results, and the opposition promised to contest at least a third of the votes cast. But according to the state-run Anadolu Agency, with 99.8% of the ballots counted, Erdogan appeared poised to win with 51.4% of voters casting ballots in his favor.
A total of 47.5 million votes were cast, Anadolu said.
Supreme Electoral Council President Sadi Guven also confirmed that the "yes" votes had prevailed, according to unofficial results. He said official results would arrive in about 10 days, after any objections had been considered.

This is a message to the world to shut up'

Turks celebrate at AKP headquarters in Ankara as the early results indicate a win for the "yes" ballots.
Shortly before Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım declared a victory for Erdogan, thousands converged in celebration at the Ankara headquarters of the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, that Erdogan founded. The revelers honked their horns and waved Turkish flags along with white flags saying, "Evet" -- Turkish for yes -- which appeared to be the way the majority of voters cast their ballots.
Many in attendance saw the referendum's result as an important message for the world, not just the nation. Wasin Yalcin, 24, said the vote represented "a new hope for us to get rid of foreign forces," while Yusuf Basaran, 20, said he believed "Europe's spine has cracked. This referendum will be the most effective thing in the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire."
Added Aysel Can, a member of the AKP's women's branch, "For a strong Islamic state, for a strong Middle East, Turkey had to switch to this executive presidency system. This is a message to the world to shut up; Turkey is getting stronger. America has to know this, too. We are the voice, we are the ears, we are everything for the Middle East."

Erdogan: What you need to know 01:36
Erdogan called Yıldırım and the leaders of the right-wing National Movement and Great Unity parties to offer "congratulations for the referendum victory" before the final vote tally was announced, according to Anadolu.
Yildirim later took the stage at AKP headquarters in Ankara to herald a win for the "yes" vote. He says those who voted yes and those who voted no remain one, and now the country will look to improve the economy, expedite development and fight its foreign and domestic enemies.
"No one should have an offended or broken heart," the prime minister said. "There's no stopping. We will continue our path. We will continue marching on from where we left."
Partial recount coming?

Turkish referendum: A country divided 01:36
The opposition took issue with the results, saying that country's electoral authority had decided to "change the rules in the middle of the game." The High Electoral Board announced it would not accept ballots that were missing ballot commission stamps. But the board changed course after voting was under way, saying it would accept unstamped ballots "unless they are proven to have been brought from outside."
The opposition said this would affect the legitimacy of the vote and called for a partial recount of about 37% of the votes, said Erdal Aksunger of the Republican People's Party, or CHP. He left the door open to challenging a higher percentage of the ballots.
"The High Electoral Board has changed the rules after the voting started. There is a clear clause in electoral law saying unstamped ballots will be invalid and the High Electoral Board issued its notice in compliance with this law," CHP deputy chairman Bulent Tezcan said.
Later, CHP leader Kemal Kılıcdaroglu said in a news conference, "On what grounds do you declare these valid? ... You should not change the rules in the middle of the game. ... This is not right. We will never accept this."
Guvel of the Supreme Electoral Council said the board has made similar decisions in the past. He said the board made the decision before results began coming in.
"Due to the complaints of non-stamped votes being given -- with the request from the representative of AKP -- our committee decided unless there is proof that they came from outside, we decided to accept non-stamped ballots and envelopes (as) valid," he said.
Three killed on election day

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan casts his vote accompanied by his wife and grandchildren.
Erdogan, who cast his vote in Istanbul amid tight security, said he hoped Turks would make the "expected" choice.
Earlier in the day, three people were reported to have died after an exchange of gunfire near a polling station in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır.
A violent argument erupted at a polling place in the village of Yabanard. Two men, aged 68 and 32, were shot after two families got into an argument, Anadolu reported.
As a minibus transported the wounded men to Siverek Public Hospital, it was attacked by people with guns and stones. Another villager was injured. All three victims, who shared the same last name, later died, the news agency reported.

Turkey's historic referendum: What's at stake? 03:48
If passed, the measures will represent the biggest constitutional upheaval in the country since its foundation in 1923 after the demise of the Ottoman Empire.
Related: Istanbul - a city divided ahead of referendum
They would cement Erdogan's grip on a country whose divisions have deepened since a failed coup attempt in July that ended with the deaths of more than 250 people and led to the imposition of a fierce crackdown on dissent.
Those who support the reforms believe they will kickstart a lethargic economy and stabilize a nation dealing with the resurgence of a 30-year conflict with militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party. But opponents argue the proposals will lead to the formation of a constitutional dictatorship.
What does more power mean?

Turkish PM thanks voters after referendum 01:41
If Erdogan prevails in the official election results, his grip on power would be considerably tightened. Term limits for the presidency would be reset and, if he wins elections in 2019 and 2024, he could be in power until 2029.
Read: How Erdogan transformed Turkey's democracy in a decade
After serving as prime minster for more a decade, Erdogan became president in 2014. By little more than force of personality, he turned a largely ceremonial post into a vehicle of significant power.
He has initiated a widespread crackdown on opposition, which intensified after last year's botched coup, for which he blamed US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.
Critics say the clampdown has gone beyond the supporters of the coup and is designed to silence dissent in the run-up to the referendum.
The arrests of 47,155 government critics, academics, journalists, military officials and civil servants have draw widespread international condemnation and strained Turkey's relations with the European Union.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. People who think that this will have a good outcome are either too naive or too ignorant to see that without checks and balances the president can do as he likes.
So who are those pieces of sh*ts? From which political party, are they doing something illegal? In democracies people vote, people have opinions and people protest. If "No" won and pro-AKP people were protesting you would have support them, right?

show me when that happened? yes i now never. Look to twitter and al lot of shits come from this shits.

you can vote on someone belf here in the uk if you have permission. heck i let my old man vote for me as i didn't know who to choose, a retard (labour), or a d!ckhead snob(tories)

Wow that comes as a huge shock to me. It seems to go against the spirit of democracy.
Wow that comes as a huge shock to me. It seems to go against the spirit of democracy.
not really it was either that or not bothering. its not very popular its mainly done for those who cant make it to the polling station
i think it is time for europe to act. a lot of erdogan support is coming from europe. you can not destroy our democracy and at the same time enjoy the benefit of it in europe, im talking about Turks in europe of course. european countries should completely stop dual nationality if you want to be a european citizen you would have to give up your other nationality. that would help europe for integrating them a lot faster. and it would help us in our own.
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Yep İzmir ( Y:31.20 - N:68.80 ) with a big majority as expected but İstanbul ( Y:48.65 - N:51.35 ) and Ankara ( Y:48.85 - N:51.15 ) are really close.

Highest "YES"
  1. Bayburt% 81.70
  2. Rize% 75.55
  3. Aksaray% 75.49
  4. Gümüşhane% 75.16
  5. Erzurum% 74.48
  6. Yozgat% 74.27
  7. Kahramanmaraş% 73.96
  8. Çankırı% 73.46
  9. Konya% 72.88
  10. Bingöl% 72.57
Highest " NO "
  1. Tunceli% 80.41
  2. Şırnak% 71.70
  3. Kırklareli% 71.33
  4. Edirne% 70.49
  5. Muğla% 69.30
  6. İzmir% 68.80
  7. Diyarbakır% 67.59
  8. Hakkari% 67.58
  9. Iğdır% 65.20
  10. Aydın% 64.30
( Updated )

YES 25.085.527 %51.39
NO 23.725.587 %48.61
Difference +1.359.940
Total Voters
: 58.512.772
Total Votes : 49.674.066
Accepted Votes : 48.811.114
Participation Rate : % 84.89
could you post the results of all cities? or a map with the results (percentage of no and yes vote). Thanks.
i think it is time for europe to act. a lot of erdogan support is coming from europe. you can not destroy our democracy and at the same time enjoy the benefit of it in europe, im talking about Turks in europe of course. european countries should completely stop dual nationality if you want to be a european citizen you would have to give up your other nationality. that would help europe for integrating them a lot faster. and it would help us in our own.

Dual Nationality has nothing to do with integration...
A lot of President/ state members in EU has Dual nationalities...

Integration comes when the country you are from acknowledge & respect your roots... the one who don't will fail the integration of their citizens whatever they are...

Integration =/= Assimilation...

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