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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The Russians have delivered 100 tons of aid to Aleppo. They have sent mobile hospitals and doctors to Syria. For the past year they have been delivering food, blankets, medicine to civilians, they have also sent in sappers to defuse mines and IEDs. What has the west or Arabs done besides arming jihadists that in term just keeps the war going

100tons of aid he says as he beats himself off! And I wonder how many deaths whether directly or indirectly..? Go crow somewhere else.
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If we give up, nobody will survive

"At that very moment, two M60 tanks came to forefront, starting rapid fire against Daesh targets. The first one was shot with the anti-tanks missile, TOW, but did not stop firing and covered all targets with fire one by one.

Injured terrorists hit the tank a second time and wounded soldiers in it. The battalion commander ordered to retreat, but they declined to leave the tank by saying, “If we give up, nobody will survive."

Caught on fire, the malfunctioned armored vehicle maintained hitting terrorist targets with manual firing weapons.

Shortly after, the third TOW hit the tank and the tank's barrel stopped firing. The crew had no a choice but to leave. They were all wounded."
100tons of aid he says as he beats himself off! And I wonder how many deaths whether directly or indirectly..? Go crow somewhere else.

Do you have any real rebuttal besides insulting me?
How many men are put in from both side?what is the current situation?
Hard to tell.

Yesterday, some plonker on twitter said that the Turkish army finally entered al-Bab, so I posted the news here. Later on, it turned out the news was fake.

It's really hard to tell what's going on in al-Bab right now.

Turkey claims to have killed at least 1000 ISIS fighters since the start of the Euphrates Shield operations. I personally think this number is exaggerated.

In my opinion, ISIS has probably lost only a couple of hundred fighters since August 2016.

You have to bear in mind that most of the battles so far have consisted of only several dozen fighters on both sides. The war against ISIS remains a low intensity conflict, even on the Kurdish and Iraqi fronts.

Turkey will eventually capture al-Bab, in my opinion, so nobody should really be worried about that.

The question is what comes after al-Bab's liberation. Will Turkey hand the city over to the Russians and Syrian regime forces, or will Turkey annex it or turn the Azaz-Jarabulus corridor into some sort of a Turkmen autonomous region? Nobody knows for sure.

A more important issue is how will ISIS react against Turkey's eventual takeover of al-Bab? The thing about ISIS is that it is continuing to successfully launch suicide attacks in places that are currently held by Turkish troops in northern Syria. Just a few days ago, at least 12 FSA fighters were killed in Sawran by an ISIS VBIED.

That's the real challenge that Turkey faces. ISIS's goal is to continue destabilizing the territories held by its opponents until they're weak and exhausted enough to collapse. After all, this is how ISIS took over Anbar province and Mosul in the first place. It carried out so many VBIED attacks over the course of 3-4 years until the Iraqi army and local governments finally collapsed and paved way for an ISIS takeover in these areas.

The problem with these Salafi-jihadist groups is that they have a lot of sleeper cells and covert followers.

Turkey must sever its ties with all Islamist groups in Syria because none of them are trustworthy. A lot of them have ISIS sleeper agents.
The problem with these Salafi-jihadist groups is that they have a lot of sleeper cells and covert followers.

Turkey must sever its ties with all Islamist groups in Syria because none of them are trustworthy. A lot of them have ISIS sleeper agents.
So you've banged on repeatedly.
Maybe you should take in a few million disgruntled refugees (aka jihadists in Russian) and then yap about your "aid"...

Why would Russia take in jihadists? Russia never armed those jihadists or invited them into Syria. Go complain to Turkey, the Arabs and the US about that.
After turkey capture al bab should stop here in fighting Isis..get efrin,manbij and eupherates shield should stop here ....
After turkey capture al bab should stop here in fighting Isis..get efrin,manbij and eupherates shield should stop here ....
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