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Two Muslim doctors rescue Shiv Sena!

Lockheed F-16

Dec 16, 2008
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Two Muslim doctors rescue Thackeray
Updated at: 1338 PST, Saturday, June 20, 2009

MUMBAI: Although Shiv Sena is known for having bias against Muslims, doctors belonging to Muslim community came to give Bal Thackeray, the Sena chief the much needed medical aid on Thursday.

The two doctors, namely Dr. Samad Ansari and Dr. Jaleel Parkar from Lilavati Hospital, rushed to Thackeray’s house to give him medical assistance as he gasped for breath.

Later, the Sena chief was brought to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Lilavati Hospital. Bal Thackeray has been under regular medical supervision since his health started deteriorating some time back.

“I examine him daily and sometimes I make two visits to Matoshri. On Thursday, I had examined him in the afternoon along with Dr Prakash Jiandani and he was absolutely fine.

“At around 8.30 pm, I had called and I was told that he was sitting with some guests. But at 9.30 pm, they called us to say that he had a breathing problem after which Dr Samad Ansari and myself rushed to Bandra (E) and saw him.

“His BP had shot up and his heart rate had increased. The oxygen levels were also low,” informed Dr. Parkar.

The doctor revealed that a few injections were given to senior Thackeray and he was put on oxygen in his house. He was later rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
Did'nt you read the article its recent, June 19 2009.

I wonder what Bal Thakery and sangh parivar would say to this.

Nothing as Doctors did there job without prejudice and that what they are supposed to do they are not Muslims or Hindus they are doctors.
Even during the war times enemy soldiers captured are treated by Doctors not by religion
I don’t understand why it is made a news which is not even a news in the first place. First as Cheetah786 has pointed out and very rightly so, they were doctors and the person they were treating was a patient, nothing more nothing less. Second, what other choice they had? To refuse to treat a patient because he was Thackeray? This stupid act would have brought their careers to an abrupt end, with a certain prosecution and imaginable consequences for fellow Indian Muslims.
I don’t understand why it is made a news which is not even a news in the first place. First as Cheetah786 has pointed out and very rightly so, they were doctors and the person they were treating was a patient, nothing more nothing less. Second, what other choice they had? To refuse to treat a patient because he was Thhakrey? This stupid act would have brought their careers to an abrupt end, with a certain prosecution and imaginable consequences for fellow Indian Muslims.

You mean consequences to those two doctors. Why did you generalize this to all Indian muslims.

Bal Thackeray often addressed as the Hindu Hriday Samrat is being treated by two Muslim doctors at Lilavati Hospital. The 83-year-old Shiv Sena boss was admitted to hospital with a breathing problem on Thursday night.

Though the Sena may have taken up an anti-minority stand on many an occasion, their leader is now in the able hands of doctors Dr Jalil Parkar and Dr Abdul Samad Ansari.

While Parkar is a pulmonary consultant, Dr Ansari is a doctor with the Critical Care medicine department of the hospital. Other doctors treating Thackeray are Dr Prakash Jiandani and Dr Anil Ramnani.

However, Dr Parkar denies that Bal Thackeray is against Muslims and says he treats him like a family member. "He never discriminates between people, whether he is a Muslim, a scheduled caste or a Maratha.

He treats everybody equally. He is a loving and kind man. When you meet him he enquires about your well being and if he feels that you have a problem, he will offer to help," says the doctor, who has been visiting him daily for the past four months.

Ask Parkar about the party's stand and he says, "All that the party says is that if you live in this country, love this country."

When asked about the Muslim doctors, Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut said, "We have not even thought about these things and we don't discriminate on these lines.

Besides, we don't have anything against Muslims. The party is only against anti-nationals and fanatics. Besides, Balasaheb has tremendous amount of faith in Dr Parkar."
:agree: :tup:
In this Shia mosque, religion is not a divider, neither for the Warkaris who take shelter here nor for the trustees who welcome them

At a time when dividing lines are drawn on the basis of caste, creed and even region, a group of Puneites has quietly shown the way to true unity. For the past 19 years, trustees of Hazrat Raza Shah Fakir Takiya and Masjid Trust of the Shia community in Ganjpeth have gladly given shelter to Warkaris in their premises. More than 100 Warkaris, who came on yesterday, are now enjoying the hospitality of the mosque and will leave tomorrow.

Volunteers of the trust ensure that the Warkaris have a pleasant stay. "We make all the preparations for the Warkaris before their arrival. And as they are tired and we make sure they can spend a few days comfortably," said trustee Sayeed Zulfekar Ali. "Our Maulana personally serves food to the Warkaris," he added.

Gajanan Vanzare, who prepares the food, explained how this arrangement first began. "Initially, my family used to serve them at home. Gradually, the number increased and I began looking for a place to put them up. It was then that the trust offered us their facilities. They made it a point to help me in my initiative." he recalled.

Pandharinath More (85), a Warkari from Kolhapur, is full of praise for the trust's efforts. "We are treated very well and good facilities are arranged for us, year after year," he said. Echoed Shakuntala Lohar (55), another pilgrim. "They make good arrangements for both men and women. The mosque volunteers see to it that we don't have any problems," she said.

"No one has ever created any problems for us. We are happy to meet the Warkaris' requirements and make them feel comfortable. This has been a festive tradition for us for the past nineteen years and we will carry this tradition forever," said Zulfekar.

In this Shia mosque

Mosque =house of God

Humans have created differences themselves As his all Mighty God sees everybody with the same eyes.And i am sure in His eyes all are welcome to his house.
You mean consequences to those two doctors. Why did you generalize this to all Indian muslims.
Because such an act by those two Muslims would have labeled all the Muslims as bad who are already viewed as 'kalank on the face of bharat mata'. Now please don’t press on this and try to de-rail the thread. If you want to continue, you may want to open another thread or PM me.
The reason why its a big deal in the Indian media is the past history of Mr. Thakery. He has always tried to communalise politics mouthing propaganda against north indians and muslims. So this would definitely be a surprise for Shiv Sena supporters particularly the fanatical ones among them. Thakery is a prominet leader of the Shiv Sena politcal party. However, recently he has moderated his views and has even courted muslim votes.

I have noticed a pleasant change in the electoral politics in India for the better in the past five years. The height of secretarian and communal politics of the 90s has run its course. I can see that the next elections will be fought more on governance and economic issues rather than religion if any party wants to succeed as has been shown in the recent elections. This is good for the future of India. Politics of hate cannot last for long anyways.
I don’t understand why it is made a news which is not even a news in the first place. First as Cheetah786 has pointed out and very rightly so, they were doctors and the person they were treating was a patient, nothing more nothing less. Second, what other choice they had? To refuse to treat a patient because he was Thackeray? This stupid act would have brought their careers to an abrupt end, with a certain prosecution and imaginable consequences for fellow Indian Muslims.

It is not a news for you! it is the biggest example of nature's irony.
Bal Tackery is not only the most wanted terrorist in Pakistan for instigating various sectarian conflicts and organising countless bomb blasts killing hunderds of Muslim civilinas, women and children alike. He has also organised varius murders of Muslims and various attempts of ethnic cleansing in india. his activists use tools of shiva to butcher pregnant Muslim women and their children.
Of course in india he has the liberty to kill Muslims in any fashion but in Pakistan, he will remain one of the most wanted terrorist for his crimes.
Saving the life of Bal Tackery means many Muslims will loose there life with his brutality which he will unleash in the comming days of his life.
This man and his cronies does not have human character. They grew in slums and nothing productive can be expected from them.
The more power they get more it will be misused and more indian & Pakistani Muslims and Christians will suffer.
I wonder when he wil get his part of justice?
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The reason why its a big deal in the Indian media is the past history of Mr. Thakery. He has always tried to communalise politics mouthing propaganda against north indians and muslims.

South Indians Not North INdians. My family had lost a shop during the violence.
South Indians Not North Indians. My family had lost a shop during the violence.

Shravan thats true, but there has also been violence against north Indians from UP and Bihar. Basically anyone from a non-marathi background were targeted. Which is surprising because there are many muslim marathis as well.
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