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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

Can I expect the sale of Tu22-M3 and KH-22 missiles to Vietnam ?

Why would Vietnam need a long range bomber when Vietnam is located very near the area where it needs to operate? How would Vietnam protect such bombers and their bases?
Next week,
USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62) - an AB destroyer
and USS Fort Worth ( a LCS ? )
would make a port call to Da Nang !!!

from comcom

The Il-96, carrying the preparation crew of Russian Prime Minister, has arrived in Vietnam. In the two days visit, Russian PM and Vietnamese colleague will sign a major arm deal for the Vietnamese Air Force and Ground Forces.

Notably is the procurement of an initial batch of 12 Su-30SMV 4++ gen fighters (worth more than 1 billion US dollars). The two countries will also negotiate about the transferring of technology and production line for the modern defense systems, possibly along with the 125mm tank rounds, for T-72B3 and T-90SV main battle tanks.
General receives Lockheed Martin official

PANO - Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 21:30 (GMT+7)
PANO – Senior Lieutenant General Truong Quang Khanh, Deputy Minister of the National Defence, received Mr. Patrick M. Dewar, Executive Vice President of Lockheed Martin International, on January 20th.


Senior Lieutenant General Truong Quang Khanh receives Mr. Patrick M. Dewar

General Khanh warmly welcomed the guest, and highly valued the corporation’s role in cooperating with Vietnamese partners, especially in information technology.

For his part, Mr. Patrick M. Dewar thanked the Vietnamese general for the reception, and expressed his hope to boost cooperation with the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence in the coming time.

Deputy Defence Minister receives Boeing executive

Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh (right) met with Senior Vice President of the US’s Boeing Company Marc Allen (Photo: VNA)

Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh met with Senior Vice President of the US’s Boeing Company Marc Allen in Hanoi on April 2.

The officer said the civil aviation cooperation between Boeing and Vietnamese enterprises has seen sound development over the past years.

He asked Boeing to further coordinate with and introduce amphibious products to Vietnam’s military units and non-military enterprises.

Marc Allen affirmed that Boeing will accelerate the expansion of its cooperation with Vietnam.

He also said he hopes the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence will create more favourable conditions for his firm to introduce its products to military units and businesses in the country.-VNA
I expect in the next few weeks, or closer to the date the VCP SG make his US visit, the Chinese press will issue out warnings to VietNam "Hey we are traditional friends, don't let a third party divide us", or "don't trust the US, or else..."

I was thinking that too....

LMAO talk like you Viets are so important and irresplaceble, none prevent you to cozy US....

Well that was fast, @Carlosa, our prediction came faster than expected. Xinhua have just published a commentary article saying exactly what we have predicted:

Commentary: No room for wedge in China-Vietnam relations - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Commentary: No room for wedge in China-Vietnam relations
English.news.cn 2015-04-07 10:00:03
by Xinhua Writer Deng Yushan

BEIJING, April 7 (Xinhua) -- With General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the Communist Party of Vietnam arriving here Tuesday for a four-day visit to China, the two countries are blessed with an excellent opportunity to further fortify their time-honored friendly ties.

The timing of the trip is riveting. Firstly and most obviously, it comes as the two Asian neighbors celebrate the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic relationship, which has generally been moving ahead on the track of friendship and cooperation.

Secondly, it happens after the two sides have managed to ride out a considerably disturbing episode in the history of bilateral interaction over their South China Sea dispute.

Thirdly, it takes place ahead of a Washington-announced visit by Trong to the United States, which, if carried out, would mark a historic milestone in the improvement of Vietnam-U.S. engagement.

Given that, the latest stroke of top-level diplomacy between Beijing and Hanoi sends out a clear albeit delicate message with at least three mutually supplementary key points.

First, they cherish their strong and lasting bond, which the pair have defined as "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners," and share the will to make it ever more secure and fruitful.

Their geographical proximity, economic complementarity, cultural affinity and ideological similarity, not to mention their long history of supporting each other, suggest that they form a natural community of common destiny.

And their current development needs, with both at a key stage of reform, demand that they seize every chance to gather positive momentum and deepen practical cooperation, so as to bring more tangible benefits to their peoples.

Second, the two sides are determined to keep a firm hand on the main rudder of their relationship and able to stick to the right course by properly handling their differences.

It is naive to imagine that traditional chums like China and Vietnam would never quarrel or fight. Even full brothers do that. But it is more so to speculate that their deep-rooted partnership would eventually crumble because of the South China Sea row. They have got through rougher patches.

Third, Beijing and Hanoi are mature enough to handle their relations beyond the bilateral scope. They will not chase after other interests at the cost of China-Vietnam relations, nor will they allow anybody to drive a wedge between them.

Interpretations of Trong's expected U.S. trip as a move to counterbalance China smell of Cold War-era machination and confrontationalism, which should have long been dumped to the dustbin of history.

China unequivocally encourages its neighbors to follow development paths and cultivate foreign relations in line with their respective realities. And it is widely accepted common sense that such pursuits should be conducive both to national development and to regional peace.

Although the foundation of China-Vietnam ties is robust, the two sides cannot afford to slack off in fostering their relationship. Some outsiders, for selfish reasons, are exploiting every possible excuse to sow discord between them, while a few in Vietnam's political circle have been deluded by external Pied Pipers and become accomplices.

The most viable way ahead is for Beijing and Hanoi to cement mutual trust, boost win-win cooperation, and let the facts and figures bring those deceived back to their senses and turn those wicked into the butts of jokes.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon, I want an apology from you for doubting my prediction. :pop:
Any update on the trip to USA of Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong?
During 4-5 of May Vietnam and Usa done the human right issue. That is the final qualification for fully lifting arm ban
Latest explanation of General Secretary of VCP about relationship with China, USA

Trả lời ý kiến của một số cử tri về quan hệ quốc tế, trong đó có quan hệ với Trung Quốc, Tổng Bí thư cho biết, quan hệ Việt Nam với Trung Quốc là vấn đề rất lớn, liên quan đến độc lập chủ quyền quốc gia, đến giữ vững môi trường ổn định hòa bình để phát triển đất nước. Sách lược của chúng ta phải kiên quyết, không khoan nhượng nhưng phải linh hoạt, mềm dẻo, đặt trong mối quan hệ tổng thể với thế giới. Chuyến đi thăm Trung Quốc, tới đây là thăm Mỹ, vừa tăng cường quan hệ vừa tranh thủ diễn đàn thể hiện rõ lập trường của Việt Nam, đôi bên hạn chế tối đa bất đồng, nếu có bất đồng thì giải quyết bằng phương pháp hòa bình trên nguyên tắc luật pháp quốc tế và những điều đã thỏa thuận.

translation below

As an answer to voters enquiries on foreign affair, incl. relationship with China, the General Secretary ( of VCP ) said "that's the very important thing affect to national sovereignty, investment environment .. for developing the nation. Vietnam should be both acting flexible and decisively, based on international laws.
The recent trip to China ( of him ) and next month trip to USA would be for strengthen the relationships with big power and chances for publicizing the official point of view of Vietnam. Resolve the dispute ( if any ) ( with USA, China ) by international laws and dialogue.
Nguyen Phu Trong would be the first VCP general secretary to visit the United States. It estimates on June 2015
Last procedures for a true normal relation. All of this must be done before the trip to USA in June of Mr. General Secretary of VCP

On the sidelines of the 19th U.S.-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue, Ambassador Ted Osius and Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Tom Malinowski led a delegation of Americans to the Northwest Highlands. In Lao Cai and Sapa, the delegation met with leaders from the Buddhist, Protestant, and Catholic faiths.


Visit to Tan Bao Pagoda and Thuong Temple in Lao Cai City.


Meeting with H'mong Protestants on the side of the mountain at Chu Lin 1 Hamlet, Trung Chai commune between Lao Cai City and Sapa.


In Lao Cai City, A/S Malinowski, Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom David Saperstein and Ambassador Ted Osius tour a pagoda and speak to Buddhist leaders


Special Representative of International Labor Affairs (SRILA) Sarah Fox outside of Hanoi’s first non-compulsory 06 Center.


SRILA Sarah Fox with the head doctor of the 06 center in Hanoi.


Administrators of a Hanoi 06 Center and members of the delegation, including the State Department’s Special Advisor on Labor Affairs Sarah Fox.


Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom David Saperstein addresses the congregation of H'mong protestants at Sunday church services at Ta Chai Mong Church, Sapa, Vietnam


Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom David Saperstein with H'mong protestants in Sapa, Lao Cai Province.
What we found here. I see a Vietnam Army
International Fellows attending the Academic Preparatory Course take a quick break from their studies for a picture. this nine week course prepares International Fellows for a year of challenging courses and research in an academic setting, Upton Hall, May 13. — at US Army War College.




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