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U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes


Feb 12, 2009
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The United States has a detailed plan for infiltrating Pakistan and securing its mobile arsenal of nuclear warheads if it appears the country is about to fall under the control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists.

American intelligence sources say the operation would be conducted by Joint Special Operations Command, the super-secret commando unit headquartered at Fort Bragg, N.C.

JSOC is the military's chief terrorists hunting squad and has units now operating in Afghanistan on Pakistan's western border. But a secondary mission is to secure foreign nuclear arsenals -- a role for which JSOC operatives have trained in Nevada.

The mission has taken on added importance in recent months, as Islamic extremists have taken territory close to the capital of Islamabad and could destabilize Pakistan's shaky democracy.

"We have plans to secure them ourselves if things get out of hand," said a U.S. intelligence source who has deployed to Afghanistan. "That is a big secondary mission for JSOC in Afghanistan."

The source said JSOC has been updating its mission plan for the day President Obama gives the order to infiltrate Pakistan.

"Small units could seize them, disable them and then centralize them in a secure location," the source said.

A secret Defense Intelligence Agency document first disclosed in 2004 said Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal of 35 weapons. The document said it plans to more than double the arsenal by 2020.

A Pakistani official said the U.S. and his country have had an understanding that if either Usama bin Laden, or his deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, is located, American troops and air strikes may be used inside borders to capture or kill them.

What makes the Pakistan mission especially difficult is that the military has its missiles on Soviet-style mobile launchers and rail lines. U.S. intelligence agencies, using satellite photos and communication intercepts, is constantly monitoring their whereabouts. Other warheads are kept in storage. U.S. technical experts have visited Pakistan to advise the government on how to maintain and protect its arsenal.

Also, there are rogue elements inside Pakistan's military and intelligence service who could quickly side with the extremists and make JSOC's mission all the more difficult.

"It's relatively easy to track rail-mounted ones with satellites," said the intelligence source. "Truck- mounted are more difficult. However, they are all relatively close to the capital in areas that the government firmly controls so we don't have to look too far."

JSOC is made up of three main elements: Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs and a high-tech special intelligence unit known as Task Force Orange. JSOC was instrumental in Iraq in finding and killing Abu Musab Zarqawi, the deadly and most prominent Al Qaeda leader in the Middle East.

There is speculation in the intelligence community that a secondary reason for Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal being named the next commander in Afghanistan is that he headed JSOC in 2006-08 and is read-in on its contingency missions in Pakistan.

Adm. Michael Mullen, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, this month said that based on the information he has seen Pakistan's nuclear warheads are safe.

"I remain comfortable that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are secure, that the Pakistani leadership and in particular the military is very focused on this," he said. "We the United States have invested fairly significantly over the last three years, to work with them, to improve that security. And we're satisfied, very satisfied with that progress. We will continue to do that. And we all recognize obviously the worst downside of -- with respect to Pakistan is that those nuclear weapons come under the control of terrorists. "
U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes if Country Falls to Taliban - Political News - FOXNews.com
The United States has a detailed plan for infiltrating Pakistan and securing its mobile arsenal of nuclear warheads if it appears the country is about to fall under the control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists.

And this comes as a surprise to us because....?
The fact that this is coming from the fear mongering network called Faux Noise means this news has no credibility
They can say whatever they want to. That doenst means that they can do everything which comes in their mind..
. First they should learn how to seize just limited numbers of taliban in afghanistan then talk about seizing nukes of pakistan
The fact that this is coming from the fear mongering network called Faux Noise means this news has no credibility

actually it is true the U.S. has such scenarios planned out. Could you really blame us though? if Pakistan was about to fall to the Taliban would you want the Taliban to be in possession of nuclear weapons?
actually it is true the U.S. has such scenarios planned out. Could you really blame us though? if Pakistan was about to fall to the Taliban would you want the Taliban to be in possession of nuclear weapons?

Hey Thomas,in any case your wondering that our Nukes are layed open in Karachi Stadium getting rusty our Armed Forces have fully planned the scenario that US attacking Pakistan Nuclear sites and India attack at the same time let me just say this the attempt will be a nothing more than a failure and a Nuclear Winter US nuke sites are located in deep heart inside Pakistan by the time your F-15s,F-32 and raptor reaches there is going to be too late PAF intercepter's F-7PG and radars will give headsup to launch the nukes and do you really think Pakistan will let you get away with this.US attacking Pakistan Nuclear sites are a sucide Mission you can have the biggest war planners in the world to plan this out but still would fail look North-Korea you can't even attack them with your 30,000 Marines stationed in South-Korea its sound easy to attack Nuclear sites but the consequences will be brutal i would say US will go bankrupt if they engage in a war with Pakistan they can't attack Nuclear sites and just leave do you think a nation of 175million people who trained Afghans during cold war will sit quietly you will face street by street resistance due to Pakistan Gun culture and Madarsa kids Mujahideen will come and fight you will be facing over an army of 2 million armed with modern rifles tanks Al-Khalid there's been a dramatic increase of US bases in Afghanistan we know and let me tell you this its like your wild dream of being hooked up with Taylor Swift which might happen but attacking Nuclear sites :rolleyes: don't think so you better wake up from the the dream that God choose you to be the world's Police because i get news for you.
Hey Thomas,in any case your wondering that our Nukes are layed open in Karachi Stadium getting rusty our Armed Forces have fully planned the scenario that US attacking Pakistan Nuclear sites and India attack at the same time let me just say this the attempt will be a nothing more than a failure and a Nuclear Winter US nuke sites are located in deep heart inside Pakistan by the time your F-15s,F-32 and raptor reaches there is going to be too late PAF intercepter's F-7PG and radars will give headsup to launch the nukes and do you really think Pakistan will let you get away with this.US attacking Pakistan Nuclear sites are a sucide Mission you can have the biggest war planners in the world to plan this out but still would fail look North-Korea you can't even attack them with your 30,000 Marines stationed in South-Korea its sound easy to attack Nuclear sites but the consequences will be brutal i would say US will go bankrupt if they engage in a war with Pakistan they can't attack Nuclear sites and just leave do you think a nation of 175million people who trained Afghans during cold war will sit quietly you will face street by street resistance due to Pakistan Gun culture and Madarsa kids Mujahideen will come and fight you will be facing over an army of 2 million armed with modern rifles tanks Al-Khalid there's been a dramatic increase of US bases in Afghanistan we know and let me tell you this its like your wild dream of being hooked up with Taylor Swift which might happen but attacking Nuclear sites :rolleyes: don't think so you better wake up from the the dream that God choose you to be the world's Police because i get news for you.

So you would be for the Taliban getting nukes?
So you would be for the Taliban getting nukes?

Pakistan Army wont let that happen let me ask you the same question would you like US nukes go in the hand of Black Water are you i favor of that ?

/offtopic you watch too much Mission Impossible movies lets just leave at that.
Whats in new in this story ?

The Americans have been planning that for long.

But i wonder how dumb Americans can be by spreading such rubish which is creating more hate and more possibilities for anti-US elements to harm America
Pakistan Army wont let that happen let me ask you the same question would you like US nukes go in the hand of Black Water are you i favor of that ?

/offtopic you watch too much Mission Impossible movies lets just leave at that.

black water isn't waging an insurgency in the U.S.. The Taliban are waging an insurgency in Pakistan. Are they going to topple the Pakistani Government? I highly doubt it. But that does not mean you don't plan for the possibility that they will.

look at Iran when the Shah was toppled. in the years leading up to the revolution. No one dreamed that he would be toppled. Yet it happened. Why do you think alarm bells rang when the Taliban began expanding closer to Islamabad forcing the military into action? were the Taliban trying to topple the Government then? most likely not. But they were trying to expand their influence and build up their base support I'm sure.

Please look at this video.
black water isn't waging an insurgency in the U.S.. The Taliban are waging an insurgency in Pakistan. Are they going to topple the Pakistani Government? I highly doubt it. But that does not mean you don't plan for the possibility that they will.

look at Iran when the Shah was toppled. in the years leading up to the revolution. No one dreamed that he would be toppled. Yet it happened. Why do you think alarm bells rang when the Taliban began expanding closer to Islamabad forcing the military into action? were the Taliban trying to topple the Government then? most likely not. But they were trying to expand their influence and build up their base support I'm sure.

Please look at this video.

The problem is that i live in the heart of all this taliban infested thingy areas but we did not feel they are taking over Islamabad or even Peshawar but the westerners and specially the yankees are as always playing the psy-ops.

Anyway when that happen please do attack us and destroy our nukes ;) till then spare us of all your big game man.
actually it is true the U.S. has such scenarios planned out. Could you really blame us though? if Pakistan was about to fall to the Taliban would you want the Taliban to be in possession of nuclear weapons?

If your intellectual level deludes you that Pakistan could actually fall to those Mullahs then credit goes to everybody who has contributed to make the person you are today. I would not blame your knowledge the second time as we know why this story is fed to American audience and by whom. Israel is looking to refrain Iran, who is imaginatively a threat to Israel and thus Pakistan - the second country that is the fairy tail threat to Israel, should be clinched for their reasons. America is good at many things and one of them is making its own nationals fool of highest level. When you guys could believe the Boeing 757 evaporated after striking Pentagon, you can believe cat eating elephants or Pakistan falling to Taliban.

If you own a gun, would you need somebody "else" to be there around you to protect your gun fearing anybody might snatch it?. If anwer is not "yes" then you can have a nice cup of coffee and watch some soccer and leave security of our strategic asserts to the people who developed them. :wave:
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