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U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes

As if the ummah is any wiser. All some mullah has to do to come up with some silly conspiracies about the Jews and we see the ummah froth and foams at its collective mouth.

No argument there. Muslim masses are also manipulated by self-serving, power hungry mullahs.

Which doesn't invalidate my point about AIPAC and Zionist media. All of America's misadventures in the Middle East were for Israel's benefit. The Arabs are more than happy to sell their oil to the highest bidder, be it American, Chinese or European.
Which doesn't invalidate my point about AIPAC and Zionist media. All of America's misadventures in the Middle East were for Israel's benefit.

Kindly do elucidate on how Israel gained by US invading Iraq?
Well what can you expect if every alternate day there is some nutter claiming to be some kind of defender of true faith sitting and calling on wrath of almighty against US and other "infidels" for supposed crimes and insults and presenting a picture of intolerance and hatred for a religion which has no such characteristics?

Should not be surprising that its the Islamic nations that are not at all tempting.

Selective media coverage.

Have you seen the bile coming out of Evangelical ministers against Muslims, Hindus and everyone else? They are smart enough to keep their mouth shut about Jews, at least for now.

And these people have far more influence on world affairs than Muslim mullahs. Instead of inciting a bunch of suicide bombers or 9/11, these Christian fundamentalists influence the mighty American war machine. Baby Bush thought he was "guided by Gawd".

Jewish rabbis have convinced the majority of Jews that they are entitled to that piece of land because it was promised to them by God's Covenant with Abraham. Evidently this means that any goyim living on the land may be summarily evicted or executed to make room for God's Chosen People.
Kindly do elucidate on how Israel gained by US invading Iraq?

Israel claimed that Saddam was funding suicide bombers into Israel. Saddam never threatened American interests.

One of the supposed rivalries between Iraq and Iran was their quest for regional dominance and to become the champion of Muslims against Israel. That is why most of Ahmedinijad's rhetoric against Israel is aimed mainly at the Arab street.
Maybe he was born in the US? Even otherwise, it was not always this bad.................... it is easy to move out/away when one is single!
But Pakistanis are not the only ones ......For instance.....

I remember a client of mine, lived & owned biz in MD for 22 years.
We was talking bout the guy who shot the cia folks in Langley at my work with him. the culprit was being held & tried within walking distance of my work. So, this Indian guy goes " I am glad that he killed cia people. look at what they do to others".
A few months back, this spiritual guys had a congregation with hundreds of people attending his speech etc in Sf Bay area.
( he has been coming to the US for past 16 years, cant recall his name)
The guy starts out by praising the indian community in the US & how they "form" a mini India where ever they go. Then he goes on to compare the US with devil. Cant recall the exact word he said in hindi but i was told it means "evil". The program was being shown on public access tv!!

No Idea what their beef with the US was .So, go figure.

Yes born and raised in the U.S.A :usflag: but my heart is with both! :pakistan: unlike the ones that hate....
No argument there. Muslim masses are also manipulated by self-serving, power hungry mullahs.

Which doesn't invalidate my point about AIPAC and Zionist media. All of America's misadventures in the Middle East were for Israel's benefit. The Arabs are more than happy to sell their oil to the highest bidder, be it American, Chinese or European.
Good...Then you can place yourself among those who are brainwashed into believing that AIPAC and the 'Zionist media' control US.
Good...Then you can place yourself among those who are brainwashed into believing that AIPAC and the 'Zionist media' control US.

Would it be more accurate to suggest that the media largely tows a pro-administration line when it comes to foreign policy, bolstered by all the 'sources' from within the government that disseminate information (and it would not be inaccurate to suggest that at times that dissemination of information is to advance a particular agenda).

And since Israel plays a key role in US foreign policy and serves US interests, (along with a strong domestic lobby in support of Israel) the media message invariably ends up being shaped a particular way.
Israel claimed that Saddam was funding suicide bombers into Israel. Saddam never threatened American interests.
Saddam was paying the surviving family surviving members of suicide bombers and no one sane expect those monies to be kept out of the hands of Hamas or Hezbollah. For years the US have suspected that some of our aid money for the Palestinians thru UNRWA have been diverted to fund these campaigns. Enough of them were stolen by the Arafat family so they could live in luxury in Paris. Still...In no way does that mean the US overthrew Saddam Hussein for the ridiculous reason you implied. Now who is guilty of the same sin you accuse US?
Would it be more accurate to suggest that the media largely tows a pro-administration line when it comes to foreign policy, bolstered by all the 'sources' from within the government that disseminate information (and it would not be inaccurate to suggest that at times that dissemination of information is to advance a particular agenda).

And since Israel plays a key role in US foreign policy and serves US interests, (along with a strong domestic lobby in support of Israel) the media message invariably ends up being shaped a particular way.
No it would not. For any media, print or electronics, there are clear competing sides. I will take print right off the top of memory:

The New York Times (lib) vs The Wall Street Journal (cons)
The Nation (lib) vs The National Review (cons) vs The Atlantic (med)

Any one who has read all of them over a period of six months will see divergent opinions regarding the current US administration at that time and that includes foreign policies. Anywhere between those MAJOR print media and the public will see varying degrees of pros vs cons from minor print media. I read all of them.
First thing is Pakistan Nuclear Assets are completely under Army control. And there is no way Taliban take over our nuclear asset. Pakistan have 80 to 90 Nuclear weapons. If you remember Russia had more than thousand back in 1980's and some of them were in the areas which are now not in Russian control. What happened to those WMD's. Did someone took over them. Answer is NO.

The American congress and THE WELL INFORMED MEDIA. The most sophesticated intelligence CIA. They all went to Iraq for WMD's. Right? Later after killing thousand of civis they found nothing.It shows the creditibility of US CIA and Media.

And who is going to secure our Nuclear Assets. These soldiers. It will be shame for Pakistani to fight these soldier. We deserve a better army to fight with.
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