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U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan

Ignited Mind

Dec 18, 2010
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U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan


The United States has decided to intensify drone strikes in tribal areas to mount pressure on Pakistan to restore Nato supply line without tendering apology. Sources told Online that the U.S has absolutely denied demand of apology over Salala check post attack last year added that U.S has informed about its new drone policy to Pakistan. “During recent visit to Pakistan, the US Special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Marc Grasman had informed the leadership of Pakistan about the new drone policy and the U.S is not considering apologizing over Salala attack”, sources said. Sources said that Pakistani leadership had denied U.S demands when Mark Grasman had demanded condition less restoration of Nato supply from political and military leadership of Pakistan. Sources also claimed that Hilary Clinton has also canceled Pakistan’s visit which was expected in beginning of May. While Pakistan has declared drone attacks as illegal and demanded end to drones immediately that is affecting the war against terrorism.

U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan | The Nation
Of course, once Pakistan played its perceived trump card, the other side was going to respond in some fashion. Only to be expected.
Of course, once Pakistan played its perceived trump card, the other side was going to respond in some fashion. Only to be expected.

I believe that Pakistan establishment is complicit with Americans on drone attacks. When the decision is made by Pakistan to stop these the Americans will stop without PA having to take action. Just wait and see. Is that not what you told me when you said transit routes would be reopened lol
I believe that Pakistan establishment is complicit with Americans on drone attacks. When the decision is made by Pakistan to stop these the Americans will stop without PA having to take action. Just wait and see. Is that not what you told me when you said transit routes would be reopened lol


Pakistani Government officials at the very top of the administration are complicit in these drone strikes, otherwise these drone strikes would not be allowed to continue. Even senior members of the legislative branch in the US have reported that they have the approval of the Pakistani Government to conduct these drone strikes in FATA. The Pakistani Government administration doesn't care for FATA nor the suffering of the people there, and continuous backing from the US they are obedient to Washington, this should all be crystal clear to us.

US isn't "intensifying" these drones strikes because they can on their own will, it's because they are given permission to by the traitors at the very head of Government in Pakistan.

As I said yesterday "Drones should be fired down, US won't do anything radical about it. GoP should also be fired down. Army elite should also be fired down especially Kayani just like Anwar Sadat. As well as any militants in NWFP should be fired down."
Of course, once Pakistan played its perceived trump card, the other side was going to respond in some fashion. Only to be expected.

In your mind:

Pakistani trump card = ask for repayments on expenses of US transit.
US trump card = kill innocent across the border.

Nice going.

The only alternative to drones is a ground assault which would result in far more casualties.

In the absence of Pakistani willingness to clean up their mess, it was only natural that the US stepped up.
In response to this expect the insurgency in Afghanistan to also "intensify" it works both ways. We've seen brazen attacks on Kabul already, further escalations will be seen in Afghanistan.
In your mind:

Pakistani trump card = ..........
US trump card = ....................

Nice going.

USA has many trump cards, not just one. It would be prudent to keep that fact in mind.
In response to this expect the insurgency in Afghanistan to also "intensify" it works both ways. We've seen brazen attacks on Kabul already, further escalations will be seen in Afghanistan.

I think the Americans have already seen the worst of Afghan insurgency during their decade long stay there.

What new trick do the taliban can possibly have up their sleeve.

At the very most they can blow up a few more bazaars.
ISI actually gives CIA targets to be hit by these drones.

These drone strikes have decimated the ranks of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

This whole condemnation is nothing more a horse and pony show designed to fool Pakistanis into thinking that the GOP is against drone strikes when it knows full well how effective it is.
USA has many trump cards, not just one. It would be prudent to keep that fact in mind.

Mate US democracy has been overturned their regime and army fights for Israeli interests and is controlled by AIPAC completely. The American people are slave to AIPAC

ISI actually gives CIA targets to be hit by these drones.

These drone strikes have decimated the ranks of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

This whole condemnation is nothing more a horse and pony show designed to fool Pakistanis into thinking that the GOP is against drone strikes when it knows full well how effective it is.

Agree with you mate. If Iran can have America in a tizwizz Pakistan can too
ISI actually gives CIA targets to be hit by these drones.

These drone strikes have decimated the ranks of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

This whole condemnation is nothing more a horse and pony show designed to fool Pakistanis into thinking that the GOP is against drone strikes when it knows full well how effective it is.

This does appear to be reality, the only thing is US doesn't want this sensitive drone technology handed over to PA, but instead the GoP and US collaborate on these drone strikes and pass off intelligence, and publicly in order to make the Government of Pakistan look like it's trying to resist US they denounce the drone strikes.

It's just the Pakistani intel or army paints the target US pulls the trigger, both are collaborating.
This does appear to be reality, the only thing is US doesn't want this sensitive drone technology handed over to PA, but instead the GoP and US collaborate on these drone strikes and pass off intelligence, and publicly in order to make the Government of Pakistan look like it's trying to resist US they denounce the drone strikes.

Its actually Pakistani offensives into the tribal areas in which the Army uses massive artillery bombardment to soften up Taliban positions before they move in backed by Air Strikes which kills hundreds of people in the process.

Pakistan asked USA to hand over the Drone technology. But its too cutting edge. The Command and Control systems, the satellite relay system, and the drone itself could be handed over to China for reverse engineering.

Maybe, one the next generation of drones are invented, then USA could release this technology to Pakistan.

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