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UAVs going partners with Attack Helicopter.



New Recruit

Jan 3, 2009
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UAVs have a great future, possibly as partners to manned attack helicopters ‘Looking at Israel’s fighting in the West Bank cities and the latest US experience in Iraq, both US and Israeli officials contend that the day of the manned attack helicopter is over. The Israelis predict Iraq will see the last extensive use of attack helicopters in a major conflict. Post-war analyses will doom further attack helicopter development, they say. Pentagon officials agree to the extent that attack helicopters will not be used as an independent maneuver force unsupported by fixed-wing aircraft and artillery​

Certainly UAV/UCAVs are extremely capable and eventually in the future they may replace manned aircraft. However saying that "analyses will doom further attack helicopter development" may be premature. The same thing was said about missiles replacing guns and then BVR missiles replacing dogfights. Yet a gun is still fitted to the F-22, as are WVR close-combat missiles.

I think all this business about UAVs helping choppers is old anyway, only recently the conflicts have proved it to be true. Back when Europe was threatened by soviet invasion, one of the new technologies developed was laser guided anti-tank artillery round called Copperhead.
M712 Copperhead
I saw in a very old book (from 80s I think), a diagram showing the plan to use artillery mounted on high ground far away from soviet-controlled territory to fire this round. It would be guided by laser designator equipped choppers and soldiers/snipers positioned close to friendly forces, with UAVs flying over the soviet-controlled territory. They knew then that attack choppers would be shot down by soviets, but small expendable UAVs could be used over the soviet territory for finding and lasing tanks to guide the copperhead rounds.

Also, sir Raheel, how does your A-5 handle (agility/maneuverability wise) compared to other aircraft you have flown? Also, which squadron is better, you Panthers or the Spiders? lol
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i still bellieve that manned equipment has a edge over unmanned
Manned war machines are much much better than UA, but the future holds many promises for UAs. People are working so hard in developing processor technologies to replace human (human brain) in machines. By about 2030, they will be able to do that. Then UAVs would not remain that expandable machines as they are now. Read
Also, sir Raheel, how does your A-5 handle (agility/maneuverability wise) compared to other aircraft you have flown? Also, which squadron is better, you Panthers or the Spiders? lol

A-5 is not very agile or maneuverable aircraft due to its role. It is an old aircraft with a designated role of ground attack. New mutlirole aircraft have all these things available but we dont have that luxury my friend :)
And ofcourse Spiders are better :):)...Its my sqn :)
Manned war machines are much much better than UA, but the future holds many promises for UAs. People are working so hard in developing processor technologies to replace human (human brain) in machines. By about 2030, they will be able to do that. Then UAVs would not remain that expandable machines as they are now. Read

Surely to replace the human brain, artificial intelligence (AI) must be invented? I do not think true AI will be realised for many decades. Until then, UAV/UCAVs must always be interfaced with humans to make the decisions. Current technology is nowhere near true AI! I am doubtful that by 2030 (only 20 years!) we can create AI. Even if it happens, can it be trusted with precision guided weaponry?

raheelocelot said:
A-5 is not very agile or maneuverable aircraft due to its role. It is an old aircraft with a designated role of ground attack. New mutlirole aircraft have all these things available but we dont have that luxury my friend
And ofcourse Spiders are better ...Its my sqn :)

Haha! I thought you were a panther because the camouflage on your aircraft looks brown and I thought Black Spiders have black on their camouflage? My mistake. I guess you cannot wait to get your JF-17s!
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Surely to replace the human brain, artificial intelligence (AI) must be invented? I do not think true AI will be realised for many decades. Until then, UAV/UCAVs must always be interfaced with humans to make the decisions. Current technology is nowhere near true AI! I am doubtful that by 2030 (only 20 years!) we can create AI. Even if it happens, can it be trusted with precision guided weaponry?

Haha! I thought you were a panther because the camouflage on your aircraft looks brown and I thought Black Spiders have black on their camouflage? My mistake. I guess you cannot wait to get your JF-17s!

UCAV demonstrators (or at least Taranis) are being developed with think for itself technology.
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