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UFO spotted in NASA video of astronauts as they carry out their repairs to the ISS !!


Jan 26, 2014
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A UFO photobombed astronauts making repairs to the International Space (ISS) earlier this month - setting off a wild frenzy of speculation online.
The spooky incident happened on October 7, when Flight Engineers Reid Wiseman of NASA and Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency conducted a spacewalk outside the International Space Station to fix an electrical problem.
In video shot by NASA and uploaded to YouTube last week, the UFO can be seen hovering just for a few seconds behind the astronauts, before the camera cuts to another angle.


What is it? The astronaut is seen making the repairs in the center of the frame - while circled in red is the UFO

Work: The astronauts carry out their work on the ISS just moments before the UFO became visible

Intricate: The three astronauts are seen here at the beginning of the video around one minute before the UFO appears

According to the Examinerone possible explanation for the UFO is that it could be one of two resupply craft that visited the ISS.
The Space X Dragon ship arrived at the ISS on September 23 and that space ship was followed up two days later by a Soyuz TMA 14M craft that brought three new crew members.
However, both the craft are currently docked with the ISS and the UFO in the video appears not to be attached to the ISS.
A more likely explanation than a craft piloted by beings from another planet observing human astronauts is lensflare.
Light could easily have bounced off the ISS and refracted onto the camera.
But, observers have pointed out that there doesn't seem to be a strong source of light near to the astronauts when the UFO is seen.
This may rule out lensflare and keeps the object confirmed as a genuine UFO.

UFO spotted in NASA video of astronauts repairing International Space Station | Daily Mail Online

@levina @jamahir @OrionHunter @Audio @Developereo and others
what do you guys have say about this incident?
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:o:sometimes i think they want us to see them
Man,when i was a kid...i was so obssed with these things that i used to sleep in my tree house,waiting for aliens to take me away.
why these pictures are not clear ? why it is always that these kind of pictures are not clear ?
Countless of pics like this have come and gone in past and nothing is credible.
Just let everyone know whats wrong with this pic,why shouldn't it be trusted? what could that thing in the backgrownd could be? if not an Ufo?
ye ** UFO hamesha BLUR he kyo nazar ata hey ... salay photoshop karkay atay hain
They have same orbiting altitude,but Nasa would have clarrified it if it was X-37B but they didn't, there wasn't/can't be, even a sattalite that close to ISS. It must be something else.Clarity of the pics have been reduced by NASA jus like the always do before releasing the pic to the public domain.

ye ** UFO hamesha BLUR he kyo nazar ata hey ... salay photoshop karkay atay hain
Aaj tak NASA ne kaun se pic release ki hai jiske saath chedkani na ke gayi ho
They have same orbiting altitude,but Nasa would have clarrified it if it was X-37B but they didn't, there wasn't/can't be, even a sattalite that close to ISS. It must be something else.Clarity of the pics have been reduced by NASA jus like the always do before releasing the pic to the public domain.

Man come'on enough of this UFO thing. You guys always bring UFO or Aliens whenever Humanity makes some big jump. It means us humanity have to believe left in ourselves and we cant achiever anything.

I hope you guys dont call Einstien an Alien.
Man come'on enough of this UFO thing. You guys always bring UFO or Aliens whenever Humanity makes some big jump. It means us humanity have to believe left in ourselves and we cant achiever anything.

I hope you guys dont call Einstien an Alien.
o_O who called X37 B as an alien thing ,that would be stupid to say the least, what i said was both projects are under observation from NASA , so if it was X37B they wouldn't have a made a video and released it in public to make a fool out of themselves. Which mean,there wasn't a X37B anywhere close to ISS,neither was satallite orbiting that close to ISS ,fact of the matter is that thing is in the same orbit as that of ISS and no two satallite orbit in the same orbit. questions of light flare and some space junk has already been answered in the article, look at the pic, it for sure has been edited NASA before its release,so you can either buy or move on ,but still the question remains what is that thing? And einstein being an alien :lol: i dont know where did that come from.
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