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URGENT msg !

A couple of hundred people from a failed liberation army that happens to hide in holes like disgusting pests, crawling in fear upon hearing any noise that sounds like a helicopter, believe that they can achieve their "Independence" from Pakistan?

Another wet dream on their part. Nothing to worry about.

I recently met a lot of Baluch Infantry men of Pakistan Army and had a lot of friendly conversations with them. I asked them about their personal, their family's and the local tribal views on the separatists from Baluchistan. They all labelled these "Liberators" as traitors and wished they could somehow make them understand the importance of their homeland. Though all of them agreed that Baluchistan requires a lot of attention, they don't believe that separatist movements are going to achieve anything by continuing violence and oppression while eating out of the hands of uneducated Sardaar's and foreign agencies.

Neglected? Yes. Traitors? Only a handful.
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the province needs equal / fair share of the country's resources for development, infrastructure, schools, hospitals so that the local people feel that they are a "part" of this country - the quicker the GoP acts, the better. empty slogans will not suffice!
A couple of hundred people from a failed liberation army that happens to hide in holes like disgusting pests, crawling in fear upon hearing any noise that sounds like a helicopter, believe that they can achieve their "Independence" from Pakistan?

Another wet dream on their part. Nothing to worry about.

So, if this possibility is so remote and so unlikely, maybe "LiberalPakistani" has another motive for posting this thread? Perhaps he wants to defame the US Marines and the West? Is that possible? Could "LiberalPakistani" be an agent provocateur, or simply delusional?
Good Information and Good Post. This information is very important for the Pakistani nation to be aware of! The Independence of Baluchistan is impossible unless there is foreign involvement!

"Permission for US Marines to land on Pakistan's southwestern coastal area in a mock invasion; - And a consortium of three western companies want to circumvent Gwadar and get government's approval for a mini-seaport instead."

Let them come! Let them reach the shores of Pakistan, and by the Mighty Allah's will they will suffer the most humiliating, most painful, most devastating defeat in the history of Western Military Affairs!

This event if it consummates will be equally if not more glorious than the The Battle of Çanakkale (March 18th, 1915 c.e). InshAllah. Let it be History, that Pakistan is the only nation (high involvement) in the world to defeat two "Super Powers". That Pakistan is the only nation to have militarily defeat the United States in military operations.

Pakistan Zindabad!

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