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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Lets not look like cheering an uncalled for and most probably an innocent party's Death as US ambassador in Libya had nothing to do with the Movie.
We have an opinion about the matter and we are entitled to express our opinion but lets not do it in a celebratory way.
In real world one brother might not be same as other. He will have different thinking, different liking. Then why it is so difficult for some people to understand the concept that god has given everyone a different brain and they are all independent thinkers. Why do people generalize action of one person and randomly paint everyone enemy.

These people are really brainless, in my personal opinion. Just because Ahmad or Ram did something wrong, I will not slap Muhammad or Ravi. I know there are people in my country that do the same sometimes, and I do not have any different opinion for them too.

I Just fail to understand, I just cannot digest this that people can be so outright stupid. To be honest, I can get angry at times with a section of people might say few words, but never ever I can cross the limit and turn violent.

Maybe because I am not violent in nature and that reflects everywhere.

I pray for the family of the poor diplomat and the soldiers, may god give them courage that some idiots took away their loved one.
*cough* Chinese Embassy, Belgrade, 1999 *cough*
Then why did not the Chinese retaliate? I asked the Chinese this and they evaded. Why not? Because they know that it was an accident. The Chinese government allowed their citizens to vent but once the security services told the protesters to STFU -- the people did STFU.

I am glad that so many people here approved, directly or indirectly, the violation of one the most sacred of diplomacy -- an embassy.

The American public will remember this.

The drones then kill a couple of hundreds of Libyans. So what? It is already like burning wild fire there in Mideast. The problem is that U.S. will have a very tough time there for a long time.

I do not think that is what U.S. has wanted.

U.S. deploys drones, destroyers in hunt for killers of Americans in Libya - CNN.com

US is going to deploy drones and war ships of Libya coast, a bad news for people who committed this barbaric act, I Hope the terrorists who committed this act are killed in a drone strike soon.
So...it's a war then? Let the bombs speak.

The point was to highlight the American hypocrisy.

Then why did not the Chinese retaliate? I asked the Chinese this and they evaded. Why not? Because they know that it was an accident.

Because the Chinese were not ready to get into a military conflict with NATO. Duh!

What were they supposed to do, besides launch a strong diplomatic protest? Escalate the matter irresponsibly and get into a shooting match with all of NATO?

The Chinese government allowed their citizens to vent but once the security services told the protesters to STFU -- the people did STFU.

NATO claimed it was an accident, predictably. The Chinese govt. didn't buy it. An independent European investigation by journalists concluded it was no accident.

I am glad that so many people here approved, directly or indirectly, the violation of one the most sacred of diplomacy -- an embassy.

The American public will remember this.

Nobody is approving anything. Your righteous indignation is misplaced.
Because the Chinese were not ready to get into a military conflict with NATO. Duh!
Retaliate by going after a US Embassy -- in China. Duh!

NATO claimed it was an accident, predictably. The Chinese govt. didn't buy it. An independent European investigation by journalists concluded it was no accident.
Suuuuure it was 'deliberate'. First it was because of 'stealth' technology. Then it was because Milosevic was hiding inside. Next...???

Nobody is approving anything. Your righteous indignation is misplaced.
No, my observation is spot on.
Retaliate by going after a US Embassy -- in China. Duh!

Because responsible governments do not behave this way? Just because the Americans broke the rules doesn't mean everyone else will escalate the situation out of control. Sometimes you have to assess the situation realistically and wait for a more opportune time, and a more subtle manner, of retaliation.

Suuuuure it was 'deliberate'. First it was because of 'stealth' technology. Then it was because Milosevic was hiding inside. Next...???

The investigation is a matter of public record, about alleged electronic surveillance equipment within the embassy.
Because responsible governments do not behave this way? Just because the Americans broke the rules doesn't mean everyone else will escalate the situation out of control. Sometimes you have to assess the situation realistically and wait for a more opportune time, and a more subtle manner, of retaliation.
So the default assumption in a war zone is that the American broke the rules -- deliberately.

An accident is simply impossible. And China cannot 'deliberately' allow its embassy security forces to be 'overwhelmed' by rioters and at least have a US consulate destroyed.

Got it...:lol:

The investigation is a matter of public record, about alleged electronic surveillance equipment within the embassy.
This is so fracking weak. If such an 'investigation' is that strong, bring it...
Have riots begun in Pakistan yet?

Pakistan’s largest religious party Jamaat-e-Islami says that Pakistanis are planning to hold peaceful demonstrations against the US over an anti-Islam movie insulting the glorious religion’s Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Press TV reports.

Jamaat-e-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hassan expressed support for peaceful protests against the blasphemous film.

He announced that Pakistanis are planning to hold peaceful rallies on Friday.

Hassan also accused the US of falsely claiming to have respect for people of different religions and cultures.

Following the release of the controversial clip, protests have erupted across the region, with demonstrators gathering at US embassies in their countries.

Yesterday, US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, along with three other consulate staff members was killed in Benghazi after clashes involving a group of angry demonstrators near the consulate building.

A protester has also been shot dead in Yemen.

The act has drawn condemnation from the Vatican in Rome, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Yemen.

Similar protestes are expected to be held in countries across the world.

Sam Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film released on the 11th anniversary of the September 11attacks, which he said was made thanks to Jewish donations totaling USD 5 million.

PressTV - Pakistanis plan peaceful protests against anti-Islam film: Islamic Party
So the default assumption in a war zone is that the American broke the rules -- deliberately.

An accident is simply impossible. And China cannot 'deliberately' allow its embassy security forces to be 'overwhelmed' by rioters and at least have a US consulate destroyed.

Got it...:lol:

This is so fracking weak. If such an 'investigation' is that strong, bring it...

Actually, it's NATO that couldn't get its story straight and kept doing the dance of evasion...

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately | World news | The Observer

A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until 1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.
Actually, it's NATO that couldn't get its story straight and kept doing the dance of evasion...

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately | World news | The Observer

A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until 1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.
And not one name. :lol: Not of the 'officers'. Not of the NIMA 'source'.

Here is how GPS works: Earth based coordinates.

If you build a building on geo-coordinates X by Y, it is not the building's geo-location but the Earth's that is used by any GPS guided device. If you move that building 100 meters anywhere, it would STILL be the Earth's geo-coordinate that is used, not the building's latest Earth geo-coordinates, unless the map is updated. If you fly over a city, and you mark 'City Hall', it is not 'City Hall' that is recorded in the computer's memory, it is the Earth's geo-coordinates of the ground point that a building call 'City Hall' sits upon that is recorded. So if you have a map that contains the icon 'City Hall' off by 100 meters to the left but the Earth's geo-coordinates are written as correct, you may land your helo (or your bomb) on a street intersection instead of City Hall's front yard. If you swapped geo-coordinates between two buildings, you may bomb a hospital instead of an electrical station.

GPS Visualizer: Free geocoders: Convert addresses to GPS coordinates
"Geocoding" is the process of converting street addresses or other locations (ZIP codes, postal codes, city & state, airport IATA/ICAO codes, etc.) to latitude and longitude, which can be entered into a GPS device or geographical software. GPS Visualizer offers several options for geocoding your information.

GPS Coordinates - What They Are & How to Get Them
The global GPS system actually doesn't have a coordinates system of its own. It uses "geographic coordinates" systems that already existed before GPS...
So from a purely technical perspective, the one completely devoid of political and personal biases, it is eminently plausible that it was an accident that the Chinese Embassy was hit if we had the wrong geo-coordinates.

Do us all -- the Americans and other sane forum members -- and might as well admit that you are a '9/11 Troofer' since you are already more than halfway there with this.

Almost forgot...:lol:

From YOUR source...

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately | World news | The Observer
The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring Yugoslav radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer in Brussels. They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese embassy was acting as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav army (VJ) after alliance jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own transmitters.
Let us grant you the benefit that this is true -- that NATO hit the Chinese Embassy on deliberately.

The highlighted is more a damning indictment against the Chinese than against US. Much more.

What the highlighted mean is that the Chinese TOOK A SIDE DURING THAT CONFLICT...!!!

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land (Hague V); October 18, 1907
Article 1.
The territory of neutral Powers is inviolable.

Art. 2.
Belligerents are forbidden to move troops or convoys of either munitions of war or supplies across the territory of a neutral Power.

Art. 3.
Belligerents are likewise forbidden to:

(a) Erect on the territory of a neutral Power a wireless telegraphy station or other apparatus for the purpose of communicating with belligerent forces on land or sea;

(b) Use any installation of this kind established by them before the war on the territory of a neutral Power for purely military purposes, and which has not been opened for the service of public messages.

Art. 4.
Corps of combatants cannot be formed nor recruiting agencies opened on the territory of a neutral Power to assist the belligerents.

Art. 5.
A neutral Power must not allow any of the acts referred to in Articles 2 to 4 to occur on its territory.

It is not called upon to punish acts in violation of its neutrality unless the said acts have been committed on its own territory.
Article 1 say: 'The territory of neutral Powers is inviolable.' And this includes embassies and consulates of said neutral country.

Article 5 say: 'A neutral Power must not allow any of the acts referred to in Articles 2 to 4 to occur on its territory.'

If the Chinese Embassy was acting as a 'rebro' in military language for 'rebroadcasting' FOR the Yugoslavian Army, the Chinese violated the letter and spirit of Article 3a:

Belligerents are likewise forbidden to:

(a) Erect on the territory of a neutral Power a wireless telegraphy station or other apparatus for the purpose of communicating with belligerent forces on land or sea;

Remember, an embassy is the equivalent of sovereign territory -- of a guest country on a host country. That mean if home soil is forbidden to serve as recruiting station or assistance to any side in a conflict -- for a neutral party -- then the same is applicable to embassies and consulates as well.

So here is your dilemma...

1- If China was actively involved in assisting one side in a conflict via a Chinese Embassy, then China, not merely the embassy ground, lost ALL protection usually granted to a neutral party caught in the middle of a conflict. That mean that particular embassy lost all protection and was a legitimate target.

2- That it was a mistake on our part.

Either way, this explains why the Chinese government did nothing more than allow some Chinese citizens to protest.

You can pass your argument to some gullible young kid.

But not with me.
Then why did not the Chinese retaliate? I asked the Chinese this and they evaded. Why not? Because they know that it was an accident. The Chinese government allowed their citizens to vent but once the security services told the protesters to STFU -- the people did STFU.

I am glad that so many people here approved, directly or indirectly, the violation of one the most sacred of diplomacy -- an embassy.

The American public will remember this.

Yeah just like American public would remember "a date which will live in infamy"? US and Libya are going to be best friends.
Spare me your tantrums and analyses.

Others here may not know it, but I know all too well your constant vomiting against Arabs and Muslims in other threads. Your very obvious bloodlust to see a major war resulting from this is a bit too transparent. Even for you.

I have neither the time nor patience to humor you for even one second.

I have not the inclination to humor a suave westernized closet fundamentalist like you either, but to the mods who will probably ban me for this, a personal attacking post deserves an equally hard hitting reply.

The civilized world, both Western and Eastern, is tired of fundamentalist Islamic tantrums.

Nowhere do we see anything peaceful coming out of your faith or your people.

If there is something peaceful within, it sure is well hidden to the world.

In case you've missed the happenings over the past 10years, there is a serious clash of ideologies here.

One of intolerance. The other of the free world.

We will prevail. The likes of you will eventually go down.

The kind that mouth platitudes, but harbor only hatred and narrow minded intolerance of other faiths in their hearts.

After all, wasn't it a fellow Pakistani who recently called out the mulla in you on the Hijab thread? You really are not very subtle. In fact you are pretty obvious to those of us who have spent a civilizational lifetime battling your type.

Your angst against being called out and exposed sans the cloak of moderation and liberalism which you hasten to draw over what really lies within is only too obvious.

You have nowhere to run. The world is not big enough.

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