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US asks India to close Consulates in Afghanistan


Sep 29, 2008
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A belated realisation

By Mohammad Jamil | Published: June 18, 2009

United News of India (UNI) quoted unnamed sources as saying that the US asked India to 'close or prune' its consulates in Afghanistan especially in Jalalabad and Kandahar following allegations by Pakistan that it was fomenting trouble in the border areas of NWFP and Balochistan. "Senior US diplomat William Burns has given Indian officials a 'wish-list' or a terse and cryptic 'directive' on Thursday to shut down Indian consulates in Afghanistan, reduce presence in Kabul, stop sending mercenaries across the Durand Line and resume dialogue with Pakistan," says another report. But India seems to be in a defiance mood, as after release of the above news India once again reiterated that it would not start the stalled composite dialogue unless Pakistan takes action against those behind the Mumbai blasts.
It appears that the US has accepted the evidence provided by Pakistan about India's involvement in Balochistan, Swat and FATA through latter's consulates in Afghanistan. As a matter of fact there is no justification for India to have consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar because there is hardly any Indian community settled at these places. Normally, consulates are established in various cities to facilitate trade and commerce, but these cities are not commercial hubs or business centres to justify maintaining consulates there. Finally, Pushtuns of these areas do not often visit India, and this can be verified by the number of visas issued by these consulates. Now the question is that what America can do if Delhi does not listen to its suggestions or advice? The US could tell India that the NATO and ISAF will stop providing the security to the consulates in Afghanistan, which Pakistan claims are nests of Indian spies and agents.
Reportedly, envoy Richard Holbrooke on one hand tells Pakistan to expedite trial of those involved in the Mumbai blasts and on the other hand asks India to resume dialogue to resolve the issues so that Pakistan single-mindedly focuses on the western border. Briefing reporters during his visit to Pakistan and Gulf Arab states last week Holbrooke indicated that US diplomat William Burns delivered the letter after arriving in Delhi but declined to divulge its contents. "This administration believes that what happens in Afghanistan and Pakistan is of vital interest to our national security, and that India is a country that we must keep in closest consultation with," Holbrooke said. After launching military operation in Malakand Division, there is indeed change in the American attitude. The world also seems to be convinced that Pakistan and its security forces are determined to take the operation to its logical conclusion this time.
Another achievement of " silent man of Pakistan " Kiyani. Again my same lines, he didn't bother to address Indian top military, only through top US military brass. Good job Kiyani, you are the man and brave words of Mushy in every press conference around the world, when openly said in debates about Indian meddling in Baluch separatist movements.
Lets see how soon this gets implemented. We however should continue to mount pressure inorder to make sure that these consulates are not used in any manner as a base to launch proxy war something India is best at against Pakistan.
Something that largely went unnoticed, it almost seemed like a gag order was placed on William Burns. Most Americans are ready to die fighting protecting India from any terrorism allegations, I wonder what their opinion be when a high ranking government official says otherwise.

Fine, he wants to call it "creating trouble" and not terrorism, thats fine, maybe he'd get into trouble for calling it terrorism. They have to be shut down all the same.

DAWN.COM | World | US wants India to trim Jalalabad mission

NEW DELHI: Senior US diplomat William Burns gave Indian officials a wish-list on Thursday that aims to revive India-Pakistan peace talks, assures New Delhi of its vital role in Washington’s strategy in the region, and retrieves the hope for Kashmiri people to shape their own destiny.

Local reports quoted unnamed sources as saying that the visiting US Under-Secretary of State also asked his interlocutors to trim India’s consulate in Jalalabad, which Pakistan sees as a distraction in the military campaign against Muslim extremists on the Afghan border.

Mr Burns told a news conference after discussions with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that the ‘pace, scope and character’ of the India-Pakistan dialogue, suspended since the Mumbai terror attacks, be decided by the leaders of the two countries.

‘The US has always welcomed dialogue between India and Pakistan. But it is also obvious that pace, scope and character of that dialogue is something Indian and Pakistani leaders have to decide. And how and when to approach that dialogue is also something for them to decide,’ he said.

Mr Burns, the highest ranking US official to visit India after the recent elections, handed over a letter from President Barack Obama to Dr Singh but declined to disclose its contents.

In reply to a question on Kashmir, he said: ‘It remains our view that resolution of the Kashmir issue has to take into account wishes of Kashmiri people.’

On Mumbai terror attacks, the US official said Pakistan had a special responsibility to bring the perpetrators to justice and take ‘concrete steps’ to ensure there is ‘no repeat’ of it. United News of India quoted unnamed sources as saying that the US had asked India to ‘close or prune down’ its consulate in Jalalabad in Afghanistan following allegations by Pakistan that it was ‘creating trouble’ in the border areas of NWFP and Balochistan.

UNI said Pakistan had alleged that the Indian consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar were ‘fomenting trouble’ in NWFP and Balochistan bordering Afghanistan by providing financial and material support to fugitives in the two border provinces.

‘Pakistan, however, has not supported its allegations with evidence,’ UNI said. The sources said besides asking India to resume talks with Pakistan, the US was also trying to convey to Indian authorities its views on closing or pruning the Indian Consulate in Jalalabad.

Mr Burns made his comments on Kashmir a day after Hurriyat Conference chief Mirwaiz Umar Farooq proposed a five-point Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) to push forward a process to resolve the Kashmir issue.

He impressed upon the Government of India to take immediate steps to make the atmosphere conducive on the ground.

The Mirwaiz said no process of peace and reconciliation could be possible unless ‘draconian’ laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Acts and Disturbed Areas Act were withdrawn and demilitarisation started. ‘Demilitarisation should start step-by-step,’ he said.

He suggested a mechanism be put in place that would help remove hurdles between different parties to this conflict, to enhance mutual partnership in tourism, business and other areas.

‘Free movement and free trade within different parts of Jammu and Kashmir state should be started as a confidence-building measure,’ said the cleric, under house arrest for 11 days now.

A response was visible to his petition. Visiting Jammu and Kashmir against the backdrop of heightened tension over the rape and murder of two Kashmiri women in Shopian, Home Minister Chidambaram on Thursday said a strategy should be worked out for ‘gradual substitution’ of federal paramilitary forces by the state police for security and law and order duties.

Mr Chidambaram asked the state government and the security agencies, including the army, to ‘sit together (and) work out a strategy for gradual substitution of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) by the local police in the essential duties that should ordinarily be performed by the state police,’ reports said.

Speaking at the Unified Command Headquarters meeting, chaired jointly by him and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, the home minister also made it clear that the field officers and soldiers should not transgress their code of conduct while performing duties.

Mr Chidambaram said: ‘The Centre is solidly behind the state government in its endeavour to create a stable and secure environment in the state that will be the pre-requisite for development.’

Mr Chidambaram, who arrived in Srinagar on Thursday, reviewed the security situation. The Valley has been witnessing protests over the rape and murder of two women in Shopian, 50 km from Srinagar.
WELCOME..... :usflag:
A step in right direction.
Next step send in UN army ... not for the sake of Pakistan but for the sake of Afghan civilians and relieve them from slavery of war and druglords.
Those who are fighting with US and NATO forces are soldiers of drug lords and warlords sitting in Afghan parliament and master mind of all drama is india which is double crossing US by engineering ambush on US and NATO troops in camoflage of extinct Talibans....same as it is doing with Pakistan.
A belated realisation

By Mohammad Jamil | Published: June 18, 2009

United News of India (UNI) quoted unnamed sources as saying that the US asked India to 'close or prune' its consulates in Afghanistan especially in Jalalabad and Kandahar following allegations by Pakistan that it was fomenting trouble in the border areas of NWFP and Balochistan. "Senior US diplomat William Burns has given Indian officials a 'wish-list' or a terse and cryptic 'directive' on Thursday to shut down Indian consulates in Afghanistan, reduce presence in Kabul, stop sending mercenaries across the Durand Line and resume dialogue with Pakistan," says another report. But India seems to be in a defiance mood, as after release of the above news India once again reiterated that it would not start the stalled composite dialogue unless Pakistan takes action against those behind the Mumbai blasts.
It appears that the US has accepted the evidence provided by Pakistan about India's involvement in Balochistan, Swat and FATA through latter's consulates in Afghanistan. As a matter of fact there is no justification for India to have consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar because there is hardly any Indian community settled at these places. Normally, consulates are established in various cities to facilitate trade and commerce, but these cities are not commercial hubs or business centres to justify maintaining consulates there. Finally, Pushtuns of these areas do not often visit India, and this can be verified by the number of visas issued by these consulates. Now the question is that what America can do if Delhi does not listen to its suggestions or advice? The US could tell India that the NATO and ISAF will stop providing the security to the consulates in Afghanistan, which Pakistan claims are nests of Indian spies and agents.
Reportedly, envoy Richard Holbrooke on one hand tells Pakistan to expedite trial of those involved in the Mumbai blasts and on the other hand asks India to resume dialogue to resolve the issues so that Pakistan single-mindedly focuses on the western border. Briefing reporters during his visit to Pakistan and Gulf Arab states last week Holbrooke indicated that US diplomat William Burns delivered the letter after arriving in Delhi but declined to divulge its contents. "This administration believes that what happens in Afghanistan and Pakistan is of vital interest to our national security, and that India is a country that we must keep in closest consultation with," Holbrooke said. After launching military operation in Malakand Division, there is indeed change in the American attitude. The world also seems to be convinced that Pakistan and its security forces are determined to take the operation to its logical conclusion this time.

Looks like life come full circle with in 3 months... from closing Indian consulates to blaiming Pak. and Iran for Terrorism in Afganistan.

U.S. says Pakistan, Iran helping Taliban -- latimes.com

Great Win for Indian Diplomacy.
Looks like life come full circle with in 3 months... from closing Indian consulates to blaiming Pak. and Iran for Terrorism in Afganistan.

U.S. says Pakistan, Iran helping Taliban -- latimes.com

Great Win for Indian Diplomacy.

US has already blamed Pakistan and Iran for the same.
And if and only if Indian consulates are involved then it would be a nice move to dismantle them now to wipe off evidence of any sort because the damage has been done..... And the tale has already been twisted towards Iran and Pakistan involvement. So everyone would be happy now with no Indian consulates. US has shown its concern to the people of Pakistan. Pakistan is able to take down Indian consulates. And Indians ............................. forget it.....

This is just my analysis so do not take it serious.
I havent seen this news in Indian media......I wonder why it hasnt shown up!!

I dont think India is going to take any actions on this nor is the USA going to press us to do the same......Its just formality as far as I can telll....
But first we need to prove that such a letter actually exists......
Dude that news was published in "The Nation" and written by Mohammad Jamil and published in June 18, 2009.

United News of India (UNI) quoted unnamed sources as saying that the US asked India to 'close or prune' its consulates in Afghanistan....

"unnamed sources" and "as saying" is a nice combination Mr.Mohammad Jamil. Am sure such words can give u superman power to add whatever u want. good try.

About the dawn news report:

Local reports quoted unnamed sources as saying....

now thatz even worse.


Even if US said something like that, who cares?. India is one of the largest aid contributor to Afghanistan and have full support from around the world may be except China and Pakistan. Pointless news bytheway. After the date that news was published, India infact increased its aid to Afghanistan, just FYI.
@ R.A.W and Warlock21
Blaming "elements" inside Pakistan for being involved with terrorism, and blaming the Indian government of supporting terrorism inside Pakistan are in two very different leagues. We all know there are elements inside Pakistan involved in terrorism, and we're confronting them right now. What are you doing?

@ Xebex
Indian "aid" to Afghanistan is very much like US "aid" to Pakistan. You demonize the US for "empowering Pakistan" against you, and then do the same with Afghanistan. Classy. Indian "aid" is an attempt to buy the Afghan government. Well, now's your time, their government is at its cheapest ever, and needs all the support it can get from the outside, because God knows they aren't getting any from within.

To Pakistanis:
Will India seize it's activities inside Afghanistan simply because the Americans said so? Heck no. They're looking out for themselves, and they have the right to do so. But that's not the point. The point is, they've claimed so far that nobody else blames them of supporting terrorism except Pakistan, and so all evidence provided by us is fake or manufactured. Now, there is increasing concern outside of Pakistan, and that has got to be burning some behinds in India. That is a win for who? Not that I support this type of warfare, but now just imagine what we could do as retaliation. I mean, we invented this sport. For how long will the US remain in Afghanistan to protect their government and it's illegal activities against Afghans and Pakistanis? It's only a matter of time.
@ Xebex
Indian "aid" to Afghanistan is very much like US "aid" to Pakistan. You demonize the US for "empowering Pakistan" against you, and then do the same with Afghanistan. Classy. Indian "aid" is an attempt to buy the Afghan government. Well, now's your time, their government is at its cheapest ever, and needs all the support it can get from the outside, because God knows they aren't getting any from within.

You got that wrong buddy. Indian aid to Afghanistan is NOT like US aid to Pakistan. What India is doing to Afghanistan is no way closer to what US is doing to Pakistan.

100% of Indian aid to Afghanistan is towards civilian sector. Like building roads, building parliament for civilian government, giving scholarships for students and offer them oppertunity to have good higher education in India. In return India expect a good relationship and trade. enlighten me, is that what US doing to Pakistan???

Pakistan on the otherhand gets F16s and other top notch defence hardwares from US for supporting them on the so called War against Terror. Dont tell me US aid to Pakistan is to rebuild its country and infrastructure like India is doing in Afghanistan.

Now u know,

Indian aid to Afghanistan =/= US aid to Pakistan
It,s just friendly advice from the US. whose generals now tell them that they are now in an unwinnable war. The allies, italy germany, canada are only dangling along by a string and are all seeking excuses to pull out.
So I think uncle sam is probably telling the indians in a nice way you might as well start leaving and shuting your consulates because our exit strategy might end up being from embassy roof tops like before.
@ R.A.W and Warlock21
Blaming "elements" inside Pakistan for being involved with terrorism, and blaming the Indian government of supporting terrorism inside Pakistan are in two very different leagues. We all know there are elements inside Pakistan involved in terrorism, and we're confronting them right now. What are you doing?

@ Xebex
Indian "aid" to Afghanistan is very much like US "aid" to Pakistan. You demonize the US for "empowering Pakistan" against you, and then do the same with Afghanistan. Classy. Indian "aid" is an attempt to buy the Afghan government. Well, now's your time, their government is at its cheapest ever, and needs all the support it can get from the outside, because God knows they aren't getting any from within.

To Pakistanis:
Will India seize it's activities inside Afghanistan simply because the Americans said so? Heck no. They're looking out for themselves, and they have the right to do so. But that's not the point. The point is, they've claimed so far that nobody else blames them of supporting terrorism except Pakistan, and so all evidence provided by us is fake or manufactured. Now, there is increasing concern outside of Pakistan, and that has got to be burning some behinds in India. That is a win for who? Not that I support this type of warfare, but now just imagine what we could do as retaliation. I mean, we invented this sport. For how long will the US remain in Afghanistan to protect their government and it's illegal activities against Afghans and Pakistanis? It's only a matter of time.


Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but if you think Pakistan can simply hit the reset button when and if the US leaves then you are in a) denial and b) in for a surprise.

There's an interesting thread on the subject, and from what I understand, if the US hopes to succeed in Afghanistan it will have to commit itself to a long term strategy.

When they turn up the heat in Afghanistan in the coming year, expect things to heat up in Pakistan as well. Pakistan cannot sit on the fence forever, the US will eventually prod Pakistan onto its side. Forget reverting back to pre-9/11, Pakistan is stuck between a long COIN op. or revolution.

Also expect the ANA to grow in strength (not to mention the coalition), Pakistan won't find it so easy to muscle its way around Afghanistan anymore, those days are history.

Pakistan will be a net loser if the US wins, because it would exert close to no influence on Afghanistan, but it will lose a lot more if the US loses, what makes you think they can control those groups again? Even still, Pakistan made a bad choice siding with them earlier, you really think they'll make the same mistake again?

Pakistan is in no position to pressure/provoke India especially since this time around India won't quit so easily.
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U.S. General admits rising Indian influence in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON: U. S. General Stanley A. McChrystal has warned that the rising Indian influence in Afghanistan could exacerbate regional tensions in the region and harm the U.S. interest.

In the clearest statement to date of Washington’s reservations about the rising Indian economic and political profile in Afghanistan, the top American general in charge of the war against the Taliban and other insurgents there has said India’s increasing influence in the insurgency-wracked country “is likely to exacerbate regional tensions”.

“Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan, including significant development efforts and financial investment. In addition, the current Afghan government is perceived by Islamabad to be pro-Indian”, the McChrystal report notes.

General Stanley said that the Indian ongoing activities would exacerbate the tensions in the region and this could heighten the anxieties of Pakistan. U.S. General said that the tense situation in the region could result harming the U.S. interest.
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