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US asks Pak to pull out of IGP project to qualify for extensive assistance

The US is only trying to isolate Iran and that's the main purpose for offering Pakistan such an incentive. Pakistan on the other hand has more than once been stung by the US. Whatever the US wants won't get materialized. I'm quite certain that any Pakistani leader in their right mind will never fall for US traps any more.

Our hate love relation with the US still doesn't mean that we're undecided about this issue. There's no compromise on the issue of IP project. I'm not Nostradamus, but I can predict that the IP project is basically something that will not be reversed.

India got a lucrative deal in the end. I don't blame them for going nuclear. Pakistan won't get the same treatment. Pakistan won't settle for anything less than a similar treatment. That means that the US won't get what it wants from Pakistan. The IP project is a done deal. Period.

May be you may find it hard to believe, but I will be really glad if Gilani/Zardari combination stands firm on this. US is over reaching this time around. But I suspect US will make this demand too lucrative for pakistan to reject. I dont believe US will be bullying too much on this, but will offer so many goodies in exchange that it may seem difficult to resist. So by resisting strongly, Pakistan may actually end up gaining.
May be you may find it hard to believe, but I will be really glad if Gilani/Zardari combination stands firm on this. US is over reaching this time around. But I suspect US will make this demand too lucrative for pakistan to reject. I dont believe US will be bullying too much on this, but will offer so many goodies in exchange that it may seem difficult to resist. So by resisting strongly, Pakistan may actually end up gaining.

The other aspect that will also play out is the 3rd partner. Without India or China being the 3rd partner, the whole project itself will be not feasible. US may also have a few tricks up their sleeve on that front too.

I heard though there is revival of discussion between Iran and India on this .. IS that a fact..? Can some one confirm?
The other aspect that will also play out is the 3rd partner. Without India or China being the 3rd partner, the whole project itself will be not feasible. US may also have a few tricks up their sleeve on that front too.

I heard though there is revival of discussion between Iran and India on this .. IS that a fact..? Can some one confirm?

Yes it is a FACT...Look at my post # 28
More pressure on Pakistan....I think pakistan will pull out..they need US aid to survive

NOUP. USA Aid is tip for the chair holders, not people. Pakistan has seen 10s of such tough times in which everybody said it will collapse now. Pakistan survived when we only had couple of hundred million foreign reserves and in spite of immense pressure, we did what our security needed.. conducted 5 nuclear tests and recovered from toughest economic crunch with pride. We need right leadership and American tricks will be flushed. Pakistan is made to survive and it will till the day of Judgement Day. Inshallah.
This was coming and an expected develoment. Even India was pressurised regularly and even told that the nuke deal will be in trouble waters if India joined the pipeline. The Pak gov. depends on US aid and there is no way Pak can ratify the deal unless either they don't depend on US (not possible) or China ratify the deal. It will be interesting if china comes into situation.
This is part of foreign policies of the governments, I do not know why we blame US for everything. If you are not happy, you can walk out.
Do you think we will do it differently had we been in their position. I do not think so.
dont even think of gettin into this.
dont forget the lovely songs they will make you sing for them. we are fine with iran. its not as if we go for iran then all doors will be closed on us
dont even think of gettin into this.
dont forget the lovely songs they will make you sing for them. we are fine with iran. its not as if we go for iran then all doors will be closed on us

and what are they making you do today?? Do you need me to list that down
US is still in afghanistan if you havent forgotten.

So what ???
You want to say that pk can defy US as the US needs it. Not at all. On the otherhand it makes sure that pk will have to fight for US to get Aid money and the military hardware like bock 52, Cobras, etc.
So what ???
You want to say that pk can defy US as the US needs it. Not at all. On the otherhand it makes sure that pk will have to fight for US to get Aid money and the military hardware like bock 52, Cobras, etc.

well so far they have failed to move us against targets of their interest. and apparently they think we are harassing them these days as well. so u can think wat you want. while i wait for this pipeline to become a reality
who forced indians to pull out of IP gas pipe line?

where as Pakistan is concerned present govt. has already delayed the conclusion of agreement, which was almost done during Musharaf's govt.
Musharraf govt. clearly stood by iran on nuclear vote and US didn't treated Pakistan the way it is treating now.
It should not be a surprise, Pakistani officials are well paid to delay this contract as much possible.

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