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US Baluch leaders seek Indian intervention


May 3, 2009
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An interesting twist to all the drama going on around the joint statment

Baluch leaders seek Indian intervention to end Pakistan’s state terrorism in Baluchistan

Pakistan Christian Post

WASHINGTON DC: July 22, 2009: A DC-based organization that advocates Baluchistan's independence has called upon India to help end Pakistan's state terrorism in Baluchistan and ethnic genocide of the Baluch people as it said a window of opportunity has now opened after the joint statement in Sharm- el-Sheikh in Egypt last week.

The joint statement released following a meeting between prime ministers Manmohan Singh and Yusuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the 118-member Non Aligned Meeting summit in Egypt reads,"Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threats in Baluchistan and other areas."

Two members of the presiding council of the American Friends of Baluchistan said at first reading of the joint statement they were shocked that Mr. Singh was equating the secular struggle of the Baluch people to end the foreign military occupation of their homeland with terrorism, but upon close scrutiny the case seems to be otherwise.

“This text gives a rare opportunity to New Delhi to fulfill its international obligations towards the long suffering people of Baluchistan,” Rasheed Baluch of Texas and Mohammed Ali Baluch of Philadelphia said in a joint statement Wednesday.

The AFB leaders said now is the chance for India to put Pakistan on the mat as the threat in Baluchistan comes from Pakistan's illegal occupation of their homeland since March 27, 1948 – seven afters the British left the subcontinent divided.

“Baluch have historically revered Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru as two of the greatest freedom fighters of the last century, while they have looked upon Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League as British stooges and MI6 agents,” they said.

They asked New Delhi not to tie down Baluchistan with Pakistan support of jihadi terror in Kashmir. "Kashmir is an integral part of India and one of India's main founding fathers, Jawaharlal Nehru, was a blue-blooded Kashmiri,” the two AFB leaders.

In contrast, Baluchistan was never a part of Pakistan but forcibly occupied by Pakistan, they said, adding that is the reason it is bleeding to this day.

“The Baluch are secular people who are fighting for their national survival and regaining their statehood. It is India's duty to openly support the Baluch liberation movement and prevail upon Islamabad to end its state terrorism in occupied Baluchistan,” the two AFB leaders said.

“In contrast, Pakistan has illegally occupied a part of Kashmir and had been supporting jihad in Kashmir, sometimes slowly other times full-throttle, to destabilize India. These jihadists dream of hoisting the green crescent flag on New Delhi one day,” they cautioned. “Pacifism does not work when it comes to dealing with these die-hard jihadis as the Mumbai attacks last year showed.”

The two leaders said as the world's largest democracy India can not and should not remain oblivious to the happenings in Baluchistan. “The Congress leaders played a humanist role in Bangladesh in 1971. We ask Mr. Manmohan Singh to live up to that standard and end the long suffering of the nearly 20 million Baluch people.”

In 1971, India dispatched its troops in support of the Bengali freedom fighters that led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Alternative source: Baluchs in US seek Indian help to end Pak?s "state terror"- Hindustan Times
Mentioning Balochistan in the joint statement really did open the Pandora's box. Now India is dragged into the issue which is rapidly becoming international. Now we only need Afghanistan to take one side and Iran to take the other -we'll have another unsolvable problem in South Asia.
Another propaganda. I knew it was comming. This is why i was not in the favor of blaming Indian's in Balochistan. I find on thing funny in this artical that Balochi people are secular........... How does it make you secular when you force people to terrorist attack, when you force people to gang rap a girl, when you force 9 years to marry 60 years old man by local trible court "jirga" This propaganda is something
India not involved in Baloch unrest, says Baloch Republican Party

ISLAMABAD: The Baloch Republican Party (BRP) has rejected the Pakistan government's allegation that India is responsible for the unrest in the

BRP president Nawabzada Barmdagh Bugti rebuked the government's claims saying the Baloch people were fighting for their independence without any foreign help.

Bugti termed Islamabad's claims about India's involvement in the Baloch struggle as 'baseless propaganda', saying it wants to divert the international community's attention from the atrocities being meted out to Balochis.

"The government wants to hide its atrocities perpetrated against the Baloch people from the world by launching a baseless propaganda," The Dawn quoted Bugti, as saying.

Bugti urged the international community to address the brutalities of security forces against the Baloch people.

"The international community should send independent observers to monitor the situation in these areas," he said.

Earlier reports in the Pakistani media had said that Islamabad had handed over a dossier to New Delhi detailing India's covert subversion in the restive province of Balochistan.

According to the report, the dossier also blamed India for carrying out terror attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore and the Manawan police academy.

However, India has termed the allegations 'baseless'.

Government sources denied that any such dossier was given to Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at Sharm-el-Sheikh in Egypt.
I am from Balochistan, and I lived in Balochistan for 25 long years. Few sold-out Baloch residing abroad do not represent us. The Indians should not even think that they or their intervention is welcome in Balochistan. We have differences with Islamabad on some issues, and they eventually will be resolved. Indians have nothing to do with this since this is strictly our internal matter. Indians can not be more cocerned about my home than I am. Please avoid posting this non-sense.

Mods please take appropriate action.

Balochistan Zinda bad, Pakistan Painda bad :pakistan:.
I am from Balochistan, and I lived in Balochistan for 25 long years. Few sold-out Baloch residing abroad do not represent us. The Indians should not even think that they or their intervention is welcome in Balochistan. We have differences with Islamabad on some issues, and they eventually will be resolved. Indians have nothing to do with this since this is strictly our internal matter. Indians can not be more cocerned about my home than I am. Please avoid posting this non-sense.

Mods please take appropriate action.

Balochistan Zinda bad, Pakistan Painda bad :pakistan:.
Thank you :pakistan:!! Now i think this kind of propoganda should be banned on this forum.Come on this is Pakistan Defence Forum.Besides, there is nothing much India can do even if Afghanistan helps india....There are a million of Patriot Balochis who will fight for Pakistan to their last drop of blood..Iran will stay neutral as far is i am concerned.
great so now i am supposed to reply with a thread on ASSAM....

how dare did the indians even think they can start a thread on such a subject that they have no idea about.........some luxurious BALOCHS who have money coming to them from INDIAN GOVERNMENT spread such stupid statements....balochis are PAKISTANIS....before anything else!!!
This is without doubt propaganda of a particularly vulgar and baseless nature. It is, however, eye opening. Baloch exiles calling themselves ‘Friends of America’, apparently based in DC, are openly calling for Indian military intervention in sovereign Pakistani territory. Is it so hard to believe that India would be tempted, or that these terrorists will be unwilling to play into Indian hands should they ever exploit the situation? Things to think about.

I would be disinclined to close this thread, despite there being a good justification for it, because this sort of thing should help Pakistanis realize the danger these insurrectionists present, physical and ideological, to our homeland. Their's is not rhetoric that can't be confronted easily by Pakistanis, who would know our country better than these foreign mischief makers.
First, lets get the thread title right - changed.

Mentioning Balochistan in the joint statement really did open the Pandora's box. Now India is dragged into the issue which is rapidly becoming international. Now we only need Afghanistan to take one side and Iran to take the other -we'll have another unsolvable problem in South Asia.

And in what context is India being dragged in?

The context would be alleged support for a violent insurgency, in which some groups have killed non-combatants - school teachers, professors, laborers.

Since India has no claim to the territory, and legally the accession was complete and legitimate. Plus, legally the Durand agreement also holds, since it had no expiration date and, from what I have read, precedent in international law suggests agreements between two states also transfer to successor states - all of this means that UN intervention along the lines of Kashmir is unlikely because there is no basis or background to it as there was in Kashmir in 1947 (not to mention a China veto).

Since there is no legal territorial claim that the Afghans or Indians can make, that only leaves the issue of support for the insurgency by outside entities, which if it gets a lot of attention, then possibly opens the way for Pakistan to get away with once more pushing the Kashmir insurgency and others.

I do agree with you that if the issue gets a lot of international attention, the region risks more instability since it justifies tit for tat from Pakistan's side in kashmir and renewed violence there.

And Pakistan at least has the excuse of internationally recognized disputed territory and UNSC resolutions stating so.

By the way, this and other groups have made such calls in the past as well, so its nothing new linked to the inclusion in the joint statement.
Well all of this nonsense is heard because of the coward nature being shown by the GOP. An exiled terrorist organization is operating on the US soil, calling openly for an Indian intervention in a soverign country and yet we hear all the time the banning of JUD. Hypocrisy at best but i wont cry or whine about it infact i will encourage that GOP rejects the UN resolution over JUD and the ban imposed over it and call it as being even.
This exiled organization is openly calling for Indian funding in support of terrorist groups in Pakistan.

One would think that the mighty patriot act or whatever replaced it, would be put into action tapping their phone calls and tracking their fund transfers to ensure US citizens are not funding terrorism in other nations.
^^^ Not surprisingly, the call for the people's wish, (which is quite often heard in the context of Kashmir, not including certain members who list out quite a lengthy list of mostly defunct seperatist organizations working against India), is blissfully ignored here..

But, I second the Pakistani members' statements here.. India should not pay heed to the baloch seperatist's voice. They have a moral obligation there. Else all cries of Pakistan interference in Kashmir will fall flat.

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