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US bill links military aid to A Q Khan


Jan 24, 2008
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WASHINGTON: While all eyes are focused on the congressional approval of $1.9 billion of US economic assistance to Pakistan earlier this week, a bill pending before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs can all but stifle US military assistance to Pakistan.

The bill — H. R. 1463 – was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 12 and has now been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs for further action.

If adopted, it will place Pakistan in a very uncomfortable position. To qualify for US military assistance, Pakistan will have to produce Dr. A.Q. Khan before American interrogators. Islamabad will also have to pledge to monitor all future activities of the nuclear scientist who is seen as a hero at home but as a villain in the West.

The purpose of the bill, as enunciated in the official text, is ‘to restrict US military assistance to the government of Pakistan.’

The movers include Congresswomen Jane Harman, and Ellen O. Tauscher, and Congressmen Edward R. Royce and Gerald E. Connolly.

Section one of the bill – entitled Findings – names Dr. Khan as the leader of a gang of proliferators who supplied nuclear technology to America’s enemies.:angry:

This is a step ahead of another bill which seeks to bind the Pakistani government to allow US interrogators to question all those involved in nuclear proliferation but does not name Dr. Khan.

Dr. Khan is considered one of the founders of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, and in 2004 confessed to proliferation activities, and is currently living under house arrest.

According to H. R. 1463, Congress finds no ‘conclusive evidence’ that the network built up by Dr. Khan was dismantled, and will therefore aim to restrict military aid to the nation until such time as the scientist can be interrogated thoroughly.:crazy:

‘One of the most important challenges confronting the intelligence community is learning the nature of and damage done by the worldwide network in nuclear centrifuge technology, bomb components and training run for almost two decades by A. Q. Khan,’ said Congresswoman Harman while introducing the bill.:rofl:

That’s why ‘we introduce legislation to condition future military aid to Pakistan on two things: that the Pakistani government make A.Q. Khan available for questioning and that it monitor Khan’s activities.’:cheesy:

She added: ‘Our bill provides a path for the Zardari government to do the right thing—to allow the US to evaluate the full extent of A. Q. Khan’s proliferation activities in order to halt any ongoing or future harm.’:argh::crazy:

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | US bill links military aid to A Q Khan


Smilies that I've used tell my point of view on this topic, what do you guys think about this development?:what:
so we should forget about the military aid. i doubt our military establishment will ever agree and i would never want them to agree in any case
Same here, anyway who wants their aid except Mr. 10%, Army will never let Americans question A Q Khan, by letting them question him it will be confirmed to the west that A Q Khan is a criminal! (where as he is not!)

This will be the toughest challenge of Zardari's Government!

Also, I would say, history repeats itself, just as sanctions followed in 1990's when US was done with USSR, and abondoned Pakistan, I see the same happening shortly, and I say let it happen!:tsk:
well ya these sanctions are bound to come one day. lets be clear about that.

i dont think if this will be any big a challenge for GoP. internal pressure (military + political) will always be greater than the pressure exerted by US.
I just dont understand what is the hue and cry about Dr Abdul Qadir Khan he is a free man why should Pakistan produce him when other countries are also at fault for supplying critical technology and components to other nations.

If the US insists on coming up with ridiculous ideas to tie up with the military aid which is impossible for the GOP to accept the US can forget the Pakistani help it needs for thier war on terror.
Based on the american track-record; we should have seen this coming. It also highlights the fact that we have an impotent leadership which cannot say no for an answer and has to resolve to licking the boots of uncle sam every time they demand something.
Musharraf did a good thing of keeping aq khan safe in his house otherwise the americans would have taken him long ago. Lets see if the current govt. gives in to american pressure and risk the anger of the population which regards aq khan as the hero of the nation.
I've long encouraged Pakistanis to stand up and let America really know how you abhor them. It's time to reject American money like cheap painted whores and ignore them at every turn.

Your dignity is at stake and until you define your venom at the American government you won't be able to look yourselves in the mirror.

I think you should determine to repel any PREDATOR attacks, mine and fence your borders, retain your solid ties with Haqqani, Hekmatyar, and Omar in supporting their assault upon the afghan people and let the American government KNOW that any supplies through Pakistan shall be over your dead bodies.

You cannot afford to ignore your best weapons, the militants, to accomodate the Americans placing Indian interests over Pakistanis when it comes to Afghanistan.

Time to teach the Americans some respect. Time to earn a little in the process.
Army will never let Americans question A Q Khan, by letting them question him it will be confirmed to the west that A Q Khan is a criminal! (where as he is not!)
Not because of A.Q. Khan (criminal or not), but because Army's own hands are not clean in this issue. This thing will open up a Pandora’s box and our 'sacred cow' simply can't afford this to happen.
By Anwar Iqbal
Sunday, 17 May, 2009 | 12:54 AM PST |

WASHINGTON: While all eyes are focused on the congressional approval of $1.9 billion of US economic assistance to Pakistan earlier this week, a bill pending before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs can all but stifle US military assistance to Pakistan.

The bill — H. R. 1463 – was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 12 and has now been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs for further action.

If adopted, it will place Pakistan in a very uncomfortable position. To qualify for US military assistance, Pakistan will have to produce Dr. A.Q. Khan before American interrogators. Islamabad will also have to pledge to monitor all future activities of the nuclear scientist who is seen as a hero at home but as a villain in the West.

The purpose of the bill, as enunciated in the official text, is ‘to restrict US military assistance to the government of Pakistan.’

The movers include Congresswomen Jane Harman, and Ellen O. Tauscher, and Congressmen Edward R. Royce and Gerald E. Connolly.

Section one of the bill – entitled Findings – names Dr. Khan as the leader of a gang of proliferators who supplied nuclear technology to America’s enemies.

This is a step ahead of another bill which seeks to bind the Pakistani government to allow US interrogators to question all those involved in nuclear proliferation but does not name Dr. Khan.

Dr. Khan is considered one of the founders of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, and in 2004 confessed to proliferation activities, and is currently living under house arrest.

According to H. R. 1463, Congress finds no ‘conclusive evidence’ that the network built up by Dr. Khan was dismantled, and will therefore aim to restrict military aid to the nation until such time as the scientist can be interrogated thoroughly.

‘One of the most important challenges confronting the intelligence community is learning the nature of and damage done by the worldwide network in nuclear centrifuge technology, bomb components and training run for almost two decades by A. Q. Khan,’ said Congresswoman Harman while introducing the bill.

That’s why ‘we introduce legislation to condition future military aid to Pakistan on two things: that the Pakistani government make A.Q. Khan available for questioning and that it monitor Khan’s activities.’

She added: ‘Our bill provides a path for the Zardari government to do the right thing—to allow the US to evaluate the full extent of A. Q. Khan’s proliferation activities in order to halt any ongoing or future harm.’

This is a test for Pakistani diplomats and for Obama Admin. Lets see if they can prevent this bill from passing.

If this bill is passed then Zardari govt. will have to make the toughest decission thus far.

I am hoping that sanity will prevail and this bill will not be implemented.
if PAKISTAN does this....IF honestly WE do this.... then i swear we should dismantle our armed forces give up the rights of a SOVERIGN STATE......!!!!! how can we dare give up our A.Q.KHAN...... we should actually say if you want A.Q.KHAN we want GEORGE BUSH and all your ex-presidents & CIA CHIEFS and that's not where we want to stop we want all your ex army chiefs as well!!!
Well i actually hope zardari accepts this aid.
This will prove tht he is a US slave and not a pakistani.
And his accepting this bill will finally,hopefully wake up the pakistani nation tht a revolution is needed to get this country back into order(Cubian or Iranian style.I prefer Iranian) :cheesy:
Iranian style means country will go back to stone ages.No islamic revolution please....I guess you are a Mullah thats why you are happy about Iranian Style.
1) I do not deserve the honour of being a mullah(islamic scholar).i am not well versed in the Quran or Hadis to be called one.Inshallah i will be one day
2) I prefer Islamic Revolution becruz PAKISTAN is a ISLAMIC country.
U do not know anything abt Iran politics i presume.They r a true democratic country.Just becruz they have islamic law does not make them a terrorist.When have u ever heard of an iranian blowing himself up and killing fellow iranians?
They take out rallies and debate in parliament unlike our stupid politics were ppl call strikes and kill each other in ethnic violence and paralyze and destroy the economy.
Their leader eats on the floor and travels abroad on a commercial plane with civilians.Our leaders thk they r so great and imp they need special luxury planes just for themselves and cant be seen eatin in public with civilians.
The Iranians have nationalism and self respect which we lack.Our leaders have done Masters degree only in begging.Our leaders r uneducated,corrupt and liars.THey constantly degrade us on the world stage.Zardari"we need this and tht.I am democracy.Give me help,Give me money".he has no faith in pakistani ppl.
Our leaders dont dare speak against western interest but will be the first ones to speak against pakistan interest.Iranian leaders dont care abt western interest.They care abt there own ppl.The only reason they dont have technical knowledge is tht they r independent.
Well guess wat our kissing Americas feet hasnt givin us anything so far.Our econmy is far worse then the Iranian.
P.S: They r defending their nuclear assets.I dont trust zardari being incharge of our bombs.This does not mean i want to see them in the hands of Taliban.

anyways stay on topic boys....
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