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US investigating possible ISI role in Mumbai attack


Jan 3, 2010
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US investigating possible ISI role in Mumbai attack - India - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: In the wake of India's assertion that ISI was involved in the Mumbai attacks, the Obama Administration has said it was investigating the matter to find out whether Pakistan's spy agency played a role in the 26/11 terror strikes.

"We are very much engaged in this question," a senior administration official said, when asked about the statements made by home secretary G K Pillai and national security advisor Shivshankar Menon that ISI had played a role in planning and execution of the Mumbai terror attacks.

The official, who requested anonymity, said that the matter was under investigation and he would not like to comment till the probe was over.

The revelation about ISI role in 26/11 had not only come from the interrogation of Pakistani-American LeT operative David Headley, but also through India's own investigation which had been shared with the US officials.

Pakistan, for its part, has strongly denied that ISI had any role.

It is understood that the issue was raised when US national security advisor James Jones met his Indian counterpart during his trip to New Delhi this month.

It is learnt that officials of the Obama administration were more considerate than ever about the Indian assertion against the ISI.

In fact, Pakistan has been told by top American officials, who visited Islamabad, this month that "it must" take strong action against those involved in the Mumbai terrorist attacks and that this would be the barometer of its sincerity and willingness to improve its relationship with India.

"The message has been delivered quite forcefully and quite convincingly," Gen Jones had told an Indian channel.

Pakistan must recognise that it is contrary to their own interests for the future and the stability of the region to continue to tolerate the existence of insurgents within their borders, he said.

"So as a first means of correcting that then, as a first means of showing that Pakistan wants the same things we want and has the same values we want, they have to make the tough decision to go after these terrorist organisations and state, I think, concretely and publicly that this, as a matter of policy cannot be tolerated," he said.
Mr karan every day in Pakistan is 9/11,every evening is 7/7 & every night is 26/11.now who is responsible of it CIA or raw.
please tell me
Mr karan every day in Pakistan is 9/11,every evening is 7/7 & every night is 26/11.now who is responsible of it CIA or raw.
please tell me

Pakistan it self responsible for that in past your gov funded Taliban now they are out of control.

Letest wikileaks also prove that point ...

If you want i can post some links ?????
Pakistan it self responsible for that in past your gov funded Taliban now they are out of control.

Letest wikileaks also prove that point ...

That is quite a simplistic view of a complex scenario my friend, which caters to only what you want to believe. Also, what does the wikileaks prove about Pakistan being self-resposible for the terrorism inside the country?
no my point is that Pakistan fund terrorist against India and against Afghanistan
well this well know fact but now
Wikileaks unveil that

The leaked reports had nothing regarding Pakistan's support for terrorism in India.

Plus, the reports on ISI-Taliban nexus are nothing more than twisted and tailored intel feeds by anti-Pakistan Afghan informants. A fact highlighted by international newspapers. Why do you think the US is downplaying this ?
The leaked reports had nothing regarding Pakistan's support for terrorism in India.

Plus, the reports on ISI-Taliban nexus are nothing more than twisted and tailored intel feeds by anti-Pakistan Afghan informants. A fact highlighted by international newspapers. Why do you think the US is downplaying this ?

i think till now you not get my point

Documents prove that Pakistan(ISI) support Taliban in Afghanistan against Indian

And terrorism in India ...... every body know about it

Ajmal kasab
David Hadley ... and many more
Mr karan every day in Pakistan is 9/11,every evening is 7/7 & every night is 26/11.now who is responsible of it CIA or raw.
please tell me

Gen Zia's policy of using insurgency (now called terrorism) as a tool of foreign policy in Afghanistan and India..

In corporate lingo, its called short term gain and long term pain
Documents prove that Pakistan(ISI) support Taliban in Afghanistan against Indian

First of all, the documents prove nothing. Anyone with a sane mind would think thrice before believing in raw intel feeds. There is too much to it.

Secodnly, if you are refering to attacks on Indians in Afghanistan then let me tell you that more Pakistanis have died of in terror attacks within Afghansiatn than Indians. Who is targeting Pakistanis? Taliban? Oh..but the Taliban are on our side..right? Then it must be RAW or Afghans or Americans?
Pakistan it self responsible for that in past your gov funded Taliban now they are out of control.

Letest wikileaks also prove that point ...

If you want i can post some links ?????
Your latest wiki leakes have 16 or 17 reports blamming ISI......The rest 91983 reports don't blame ISI......And those are only blames not proofs....If they were credible enough US might have invaded us long time ago.....

Your comment is just self satisfying statement nothing more......
those documents are ASSUMPTIONS OF WHAT THE US THINK TANK THINKS!!!! not a proof of anything

Mods close this dumb thread indians in 2 years still cannot prove ISI was involved let them keep trying for another decade let them fabricate more news! like the headley fake news recently!
ISI wouldn't waste money and time on something that wouldn't bring them results.

And that's pretty much it.
Headley is a suspect person as he has acted as an agent of US agencies in the past. This person implicates US in Bombay events.

"Headley in 1997, was one of two men arrested for smuggling heroin into the country , from Pakistan. In exchange for information about his Pakistani drug contacts, he received a considerably lighter sentence than his co-defendant: fifteen months in jail and five years of supervised release. In November 1998, Headley was delivered to the low-security Federal Correctional Institution in Fort Dix. However, his supervised release period was never completed. Instead, in November 2001, an assistant U.S. attorney applied to have Headley discharged. Headley traveled to Pakistan multiple times to conduct undercover surveillance operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration."

Who knows exact status or motivations of this person. His interaction with US agencies need closer scrutiny. Most probabily he is a loose gun like OBL.
Now India is pushing to hard to declare ISI as terrorist org.

May i say Zardari regime has already done such atrtempts!

Rehman Malik had suggested in past that he will send ISI cheif to india for interogation.
It is also quite clearly declared in KL bill which is widely accepted by both Noon league and PPP.
How much more we need to understand that Zardari regime is complicit in all the terrorism against Pakistanis and Pakistan army.
What does target killing in Karachi suggest..... followed by all other attempts of stirring ethnic violence and target killings in Quetta.

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