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US, Japan begin war games; China denounces drills


Oct 4, 2009
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By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Eric Talmadge, Associated Press – 1 hr 33 mins ago

TOKYO – In an ongoing show of force following a deadly North Korean attack on a front-line island, the U.S. and Japan began one of their biggest-ever military exercises Friday, mobilizing more than 44,000 troops, hundreds of aircraft and a U.S. supercarrier.

The drills come just after the U.S. and South Korea concluded maneuvers in the Yellow Sea. The exercises brought immediate criticism from China, which is wary of having foreign navies off its shores and has been increasingly assertive over large swaths of waters in the south and east China seas, where some of the drills would take place.

"At present, there are already enough of these kinds of military exercises. Under the present conditions, all relevant parties ought to do more to benefit the maintenance of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region, and not the opposite," said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.

The Nov. 23 North Korean attack killed two South Korean marines and two civilians on Yeonpyeong Island, a tiny enclave of civilians and military bases located near a disputed maritime border.

The attack has heightened tensions in the region and renewed fears of a bigger clash breaking out that could draw in neighboring countries, including Japan, where about 50,000 U.S. troops are based under a security pact.

The drills in and around Japan are part of the annual "Keen Sword" maneuvers and involve tens of thousands of troops from both sides, including the aircraft carrier USS George Washington and its battle group. For the first time, the exercises also have observers from South Korea.

According to Japan's Defense Ministry, 34,100 Japanese personnel, 40 vessels and 250 aircraft from Japan's ground, maritime and air self-defense forces will take part, along with 10,400 troops, 20 ships and 150 aircraft from the U.S. military.

The maneuvers, which were scheduled well before the North Korean incident, are to continue through Dec. 10.

"By conducting exercises such as Keen Sword, we are ensuring that our forces will continue to be effective in meeting the challenges of the 21st century," said Lt. Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander of the U.S. 13th Air Force.

Officials said South Korea was included for the first time since the exercises were started in 1986 in an effort to bolster cooperation between the two neighbors.

"Japan-U.S. cooperation, as well as our three-way cooperation that includes South Korea, is extremely important for peace and stability in east Asia," Japan's Chief of Staff Gen. Ryoichi Oriki said.

Japan has reacted with alarm to the developments on the Korean peninsula. Prime Minister Naoto Kan even ordered his Cabinet ministers to stay near the capital in case of an emergency.

North Korea's state-run news agency has threatened "full-scale war" if the country's territory is violated by any military maneuvers. The U.S.-Japan exercises were to be held well away from Korean territory.

Still, South Korean intelligence chief Won Sei-hoon told lawmakers this week that North Korea is likely to strike again, Yonhap news agency reported.

He said North Korea likely carried out last week's attack in part because it needed a "breakthrough" amid internal dissatisfaction over a plan to transfer power from Kim Jong Il to his youngest son.

US, Japan begin war games; China denounces drills - Yahoo! News
China should respond by building 5 aircraft carriers, 15 SSNs, 20 SSKs and 30 destroyers over the next 15-20 years.
China should respond by building 5 aircraft carriers, 15 SSNs, 20 SSKs and 30 destroyers over the next 15-20 years.

Bold part is already there in PLAN inventory..PLAN is supposed to have ~50 subs now..
Sigh... the counter to an aircraft carrier isn't another aircraft carrier...
Sigh... the counter to an aircraft carrier isn't another aircraft carrier...

It really isn't. The American policy towards sinkins of USN ACs is nuclear retaliation. So unless China reaches nuclear parity which is politically infeasable, you guys will have to put up with this until you do.
It really isn't. The American policy towards sinkins of USN ACs is nuclear retaliation. So unless China reaches nuclear parity which is politically infeasable, you guys will have to put up with this until you do.

Which is one of those rare cases where strategic nuclear weapons have implications in tactical deployment. Though a shooting war between any two world powers is highly unlikely.
Then how is China gonna be able to project a Blue Navy?

Not saying an AC isn't critical to a blue water navy. Just saying it isn't the way to stop America from sending AC near China.

What is China going to do with an AC? send it toward California in a tit for tat scenario?
Hello? Have people forgot about the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile?

Why build a carrier to prove a point when we can simply point a missile?
because the US says it will nuke back, so we're obligated to nuke back, and everyone ends up in the stone age.

the correct way to do this is to sell cruise missiles, SAM, J-10, submarines, amphibious landing ships, tanks, etc. to cuba. show the friendship between socialist nations. turn Cuba into the Japan of latin america. Cuba might not be able to win against the US but at least give it the ability to take out Florida and Texas. They have oil now, so they can pay for it, even on long term loans.
Not saying an AC isn't critical to a blue water navy. Just saying it isn't the way to stop America from sending AC near China.

What is China going to do with an AC? send it toward California in a tit for tat scenario?

Could send it to Venezuela or Cuba for some marine exercises. Or humanitarian relief in Haitai. Brazil and Mexico are good candidates as well.
because the US says it will nuke back, so we're obligated to nuke back, and everyone ends up in the stone age.

the correct way to do this is to sell cruise missiles, SAM, J-10, submarines, amphibious landing ships, tanks, etc. to cuba. show the friendship between socialist nations. turn Cuba into the Japan of latin america. Cuba might not be able to win against the US but at least give it the ability to take out Florida and Texas. They have oil now, so they can pay for it, even on long term loans.

Never going to happen. The Cubans as corrupt as the rest of those central American banana republics. If you give them weapons they'd just turn around and sell them or hold both sides hostage as NK is doing.

I'd also point out the Cubans were never friendly toward China, they were a Soviet client state from the word go.
Never going to happen. The Cubans as corrupt as the rest of those central American banana republics. If you give them weapons they'd just turn around and sell them or hold both sides hostage as NK is doing.

I'd also point out the Cubans were never friendly toward China, they were a Soviet client state from the word go.

they have oil now. that changes everything.

one way or another, we need to get our foot into USA's backyard. if cuba isn't it, i don't know what is. venezuela's leader is incompetent. he talks big and i like what i hear, but that's only for hearing... not good for strategic planning. but he sits down on oil too.
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