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US May designate IRGC as a terrorist organization soon.

Link to article here from RT:https://www.rt.com/news/455691-us-iran-revolutionary-guard-terrorist/

I don't have much to add to this story just wanted to get your guy's thoughts and opinions and or possible analysis on the ramifications that would follow if the US goes ahead with this decision.
This is two sided sword for Americans.

Only reason for Trump to do this is that he want to be only president that have ability to negotiate with Iran.
this act tighten Iran and US enmity and make impossible for any one who come instead Trump to speak with Iran.
clearly, Trump is doing this to answer Saudi/Israel concerns about future and world after Trump.

Also remember IRGC in past said if American do this, they see US army in the same way.
I'm sure US army is not happy with this act, creating and provoking enemies is the last thing that soldiers on ground want.
this is declaration of war ....
we should put USA Marine in Terrorsist group as well and act them as terrorist groups ....

when Isreal directly attacked us in Syria , I said we should directly response them or else both Israel and USA will become more aggressive , another alternative was to pull back all of our troops and assets from Syria .... but like the nuke issue which I still believe that "WE SHOULD HAVE NUKES" , cowards which are in majority , mock me and ridicule me but what about

but I.R is paper tiger and even if USA directly bomb Tehran , these old guys with fading mind don't dare to response ....

I already said if I was in power in USA , I would directly attack Iran before Rouhani term is over ...
I'm thinking what will happen in Persian Gulf.
Clearly this action increase tension there.
Link to article here from RT:https://www.rt.com/news/455691-us-iran-revolutionary-guard-terrorist/

I don't have much to add to this story just wanted to get your guy's thoughts and opinions and or possible analysis on the ramifications that would follow if the US goes ahead with this decision.
Gave this some thought... on the political side nothing significant will change other than makes the Trump's religious zelotes/fanatics (Pence, pompeau, bolton, kushner.. etc) feel good for few hours. Makes any future disentanglement between US and Iran harder. I the field and in any future encounters between the two forces, soldiers captured by the other side (e.g. US sailors captured by IRGC few years back in the Persian Gulf)will not be legally entitled to Geneva convention treatment (that is why US military always was against this action)...
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we shouldn't let any terrorist device or ships enter in our water and if they entered , we should sink or seize them ...

i would say we should attack or seize after they start attacking IRGC or start arresting IRGC commanders or soldiers openly.
Sitting here thinking about the possibly future ramifications of such an action on the part of the US in what can only be described as haphazardly designating a countries legitimate military as a terrorist organization, brings bad outcomes no matter how I view it. IRGC is many things but 'terrorist' is a step above what the US has done up until now as this decision will make ANY sort of peace between Iran and the US damn near impossible.

I'm afraid the likelihood of war is greater now due the practical nature of this recent development. Trump will have the ability to essentially go to war with Iran since the IRGC is not a foreign military but a 'terrorist organization'. So the US congress has less of an ability to stop him from engaging Iranian military targets, even those in Iran since technically IRGC is a terrorist group and terrorist groups are fair game.

Could be wrong though but one reality that is becoming more and more evident is this, the US no longer has any notions of peace with Iran: this is a done deal gentlemen...
Nonsense. The current crazy mullah regime in Iran is the ultimate asset and ally for the USA government. Everything these Iranian mullahs have done has ultimately brought benefit to the powers that be.
Sitting here thinking about the possibly future ramifications of such an action on the part of the US in what can only be described as haphazardly designating a countries legitimate military as a terrorist organization, brings bad outcomes no matter how I view it. IRGC is many things but 'terrorist' is a step above what the US has done up until now as this decision will make ANY sort of peace between Iran and the US damn near impossible.

I'm afraid the likelihood of war is greater now due the practical nature of this recent development. Trump will have the ability to essentially go to war with Iran since the IRGC is not a foreign military but a 'terrorist organization'. So the US congress has less of an ability to stop him from engaging Iranian military targets, even those in Iran since technically IRGC is a terrorist group and terrorist groups are fair game.

Could be wrong though but one reality that is becoming more and more evident is this, the US no longer has any notions of peace with Iran: this is a done deal gentlemen...

It always was high .... some sane people like me always suggested Iran should have nukes to balance situation and reduce chance of total war but others ( cowards , arrogance , optimist , naive ) always tried to flee from reality by insulting people who always tell the truth ...

if you read history of USA , you simply understand that the creation of USA is base on genocide of native American and making multiple deal with them and breaking the deals whenever they see its time to strike them and grab their land ... later in their civil war they simply repeat it , then they attack mexico and annex their land , then WWI and WWII and they were the first country which used nukes , then they used chemical weapons in Vietnam and later killed more than millions of Iraqis and Afghans base on false flag attack ....

you know , one of greatest mental torture is that you something is wrong and you are right but you can't change anything ... and I'm stuck in this stage for years ....

The only think is matter for USA is power , if you are weaker than them and can't fight back they will crush you ...
Even though I highly doubt U.S would dare to do that, yet I welcome it.

Military point aside, this move will literally ruin and undermine all of previous Zionist efforts on so called international treaties like FATF, CFT and Palermo!
Even though I highly doubt U.S would dare to do that, yet I welcome it.

Military point aside, this move will literally ruin and undermine all of previous Zionist efforts on so called international treaties like FATF, CFT and Palermo!
We should do our routine business as usual in the region, respond if get attacked... it's just a trap to escalate the situation,IRGC has been already sanctioned financially so it's just all political.
This is simply the last step before a war starts. Just imagine what US Navy should do if they see a boat or ship carrying ISIS flag? Now they should do the same thing when they see a boat with IRGC logo or flag.

I highly doubt they can enact it but if they do, we should all brace for a very nasty war.

In that case anything is fair game for Iran even developing nukes.

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