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US Military to Defeat Iran Military in Three weeks

Iran won't be able to choke off oil supplies for very long through the straights of Hormuz. and ther are plenty of other sources to pick up the slack in supply. China is already looking at alternative sources for oil in the event of war. Also China is not dumb when it comes to business economics and where they invest thier money. They are not going to endanger the trillions already invested world wide over a single country like Iran.

They will continue to play the political game and buy up all the resources they can from whomever they can including Iran. But when push comes to shove like a war. They will side with those that offer them resources and more profit.

When the oil from the middle east stops flowing and the American economy goes back into a massive recession, while their military is abroad fighting a no win war with Iran that they initiated, i will like to see whose Government collapse first. A collapse in economy and global trade will eventually means a collapse in the American military as well, attacking Iran will be suicide for the USA, it will never be done at least not in this decade.
US Military to Defeat Iran Military in Three weeks

As the US beefs up its military presence in the Persian Gulf region, Pentagon strategists estimate that they would need less than a month to defeat Iranian forces should a military conflict take place.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) believes it can destroy or significantly degrade Iran’s conventional armed forces in about three weeks using air and sea strikes, a defense source told The Washington Post.

“We plan for any eventuality we can and provide options to the president,” Army Lt. Col. T.G. Taylor, a spokesman at CENTCOM told the newspaper. “We take our guidance from the secretary of defense and from our civilian bosses in [Washington] DC. So any kind of guidance they give us, that’s what we go off of [sic].”

The American military has been building up its presence in the region amid rising tension in the area.

The US Navy currently has two aircraft carriers deployed near Iran and is upgrading mine-detection and removal capabilities.

The US Air Force recently dispatched a number of F-22 Raptor strike fighters to a base in the United Arab Emirates.
The move caused backlash from Tehran, which said Wednesday it threatened regional stability.

Deploying a “floating base” in the Persian Gulf – a converted transport ship that would serve as a semi-stationary base of operations for the US military – is also on the table. USS Ponce is expected to host mine-sweeping helicopters, speed boats and probably commando teams.

The measures are taken as contingency for possible attack by Iran on US troops or blocking of the Strait of Hormuz, the vital oil transit route, the US says.

CENTCOM says there are about 125,000 US troops in close proximity to Iran. The majority of them – 90,000 – are deployed in or around Afghanistan. Some 20,000 soldiers are ashore elsewhere in the Near East region; and a variable 15,000 to 20,000 serve on naval vessels.

Pentagon Encircles Iran: Claims Victory Would Take 3 Weeks

F-22 Raptor - Air Dominance

Now, what is stopping the 'brave' americans from doing so? It is the greatest enigma of our time, mr. gamble, please elucidate!
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A fat lot of good air and sea power was against the Serbian army. And the Iranian army is much better armed than the Serbian army. Air power alone can never win a war. Only a ground invasion can do that. And a ground invasion against a very hostile population such as Iran's is not advisable.

This is very understandable considering how historically weapons exported by the USSR and Russia have fallen into Western hands. You don't want to export your latest state of the art technology knowing that Western scientists might be able to get their hands on it in the future.
Yup, Serbia won and they now control Kosovo! Lol. Loosen your tie, not enough oxygen is getting to your brain.
Now, what is stopping the 'brave' americans from doing so?
Why? Do you want to see Iran suffer?

Destroying Iran has been an American aim for over 30 years. If it had been easy and or possible they would have done it a long time ago.
This is not the point. Saddam kept US busy. Now that he is gone and some other favorable developments have taken place; Iran is getting all the attention.
That means it will be a draw, roughly even amount of warships destroyed on each side. l)

It won't be a draw. US will win but China will use its land based anti-ship missiles to hit at the US Carrier Forces.

The battle is being fought in Chinese Waters, so not only will USA have to confront Chinese Air Force, but Chinese Navy and the 2nd Artillery Forces.

Even then, I still say USA will win but will take some damage in the process. Perhaps 30% of their 300 ship navy, amount, or 90 ships damaged or destroyed.

USA has some of the best trained salvage crews. With those 90 ships, atleast 2/3 can be repaired while the other 1/3 will be total loss.

So around 30 ships destroyed and sunk and 60 ships damaged but recoverable.

I am just war gaming here, but that's my feeling of the situation.
The only thing stopping israel right now is probably obama's presidential elections,if he gets inyo a new war now well...
The us defence secretary has been quoted multiple times that he is facing war situation on a daily basis,probably losing his mind keeping israelis in check.Again with the s-300 deployed israel probably need american help now.In any case i fear a showdown is imminent coz israel i don't think will allow a nuclear iran even if they have to take heavy losses.
It won't be a draw. US will win but China will use its land based anti-ship missiles to hit at the US Carrier Forces.

The battle is being fought in Chinese Waters, so not only will USA have to confront Chinese Air Force, but Chinese Navy and the 2nd Artillery Forces.

Even then, I still say USA will win but will take some damage in the process. Perhaps 30% of their 300 ship navy, amount, or 90 ships damaged or destroyed.

USA has some of the best trained salvage crews. With those 90 ships, atleast 2/3 can be repaired while the other 1/3 will be total loss.

So around 30 ships destroyed and sunk and 60 ships damaged but recoverable.

I am just war gaming here, but that's my feeling of the situation.
Their will be no need for USN to venture in to Chinese waters and get bogged down in a defensive role.

Here is a hint:

If the United States found itself drawn into a military conflict with China via any of the illustrative scenarios above, it would wish to prosecute this conflict on its own terms. Specific warfighting objectives would likely include 1) limiting collateral damage to allied or friendly populations, 2) minimizing U.S. / Taiwanese / Japanese casualties, 3) emphasizing warfare in which the United States excels (e.g. aviation and naval engagements) and avoiding warfare that presents obvious challenges (e.g. urban warfare), and 4) avoiding protracted conflict.

And it is very difficult to make an accurate assessment of losses due to unpredictable scenarios involved. However, US enjoys much greater combat experience.

Though interesting thing is that US 'military planners' estimated a loss of 5000 troops in Iraq prior to its invasion. And the actual figure stands at 4486. This indicates that US Think Tank capabilities are very capable or US 'military planners' do an extremely thorough analysis of war effort and its challenges.

So if US have wargamed China, military planners must have made an assessment of losses as well.
Their will be no need for USN to venture in to Chinese waters and get bogged down in a defensive role.

Here is a hint:

If the United States found itself drawn into a military conflict with China via any of the illustrative scenarios above, it would wish to prosecute this conflict on its own terms. Specific warfighting objectives would likely include 1) limiting collateral damage to allied or friendly populations, 2) minimizing U.S. / Taiwanese / Japanese casualties, 3) emphasizing warfare in which the United States excels (e.g. aviation and naval engagements) and avoiding warfare that presents obvious challenges (e.g. urban warfare), and 4) avoiding protracted conflict.

And it is very difficult to make an accurate assessment of losses due to unpredictable scenarios involved. However, US enjoys much greater combat experience.

Though interesting thing is that US 'military planners' estimated a loss of 5000 troops in Iraq prior to its invasion. And the actual figure stands at 4486. This indicates that US Think Tank capabilities are very capable or US 'military planners' do an extremely thorough analysis of war effort and its challenges.

So if US have wargamed China, military planners must have made an assessment of losses as well.

Or they could just block off the oil supply .USN can do that .
When the oil from the middle east stops flowing and the American economy goes back into a massive recession, while their military is abroad fighting a no win war with Iran that they initiated, i will like to see whose Government collapse first. A collapse in economy and global trade will eventually means a collapse in the American military as well, attacking Iran will be suicide for the USA, it will never be done at least not in this decade.

First there will not be a collapse in global trade becuase of Iran. trade will continue around the world as long as there are consumers for those goods. There would be a certian spike in oil prices initially till one of two things happen. People realize that there is still plenty of oil to meet thier needs. Or specualation on the open market is restricted to only those actually using the oil like in the old days.

Also major war operations will not drag on forever becuase after a certian time you would simply run out of targets to hit. At this point Irans military, government, and infrasture will be completely devestated. and oil would be moving freely through the straights once agian.
First there will not be a collapse in global trade becuase of Iran. trade will continue around the world as long as there are consumers for those goods. There would be a certian spike in oil prices initially till one of two things happen. People realize that there is still plenty of oil to meet thier needs. Or specualation on the open market is restricted to only those actually using the oil like in the old days.

Also major war operations will not drag on forever becuase after a certian time you would simply run out of targets to hit. At this point Irans military, government, and infrasture will be completely devestated. and oil would be moving freely through the straights once agian.

there are too many variables to predict what will happen realistically. All that is guaranteed is suffering to varying levels depending on where you are
there are too many variables to predict what will happen realistically. All that is guaranteed is suffering to varying levels depending on where you are
And yet YOU have no problems making predictions about US 'realistically'...:lol:...Try to be intellectually consistent. I know it is hard for an intellectually dishonest person like yourself, but this is a publicly available forum and people do read what you say and they can see how you consistently contradict yourself.
When the oil from the middle east stops flowing and the American economy goes back into a massive recession, while their military is abroad fighting a no win war with Iran that they initiated, i will like to see whose Government collapse first. A collapse in economy and global trade will eventually means a collapse in the American military as well, attacking Iran will be suicide for the USA, it will never be done at least not in this decade.

Much of America's oil come from Canada.


And trade? Well, there are several trade routes around the world :lol:

The Americans technically can secure all of the trade routes to ensure smooth movements with no problem at all. And that even includes the Persian Gulf even in the event of a war. They are capable of containing any hostile actions from Iran.

Hell, their navy is larger than the entire world's navies combined, and with technology where there is simply no other equal. Do we need to go any further?

But sure, oil prices will inevitably increase.

Collapse of the USA is not going to happen. They are not that stupid to let that happen on purpose. The US economy is far too big and too complex to jump into conclusions in the form of online articles and a few hearsay comments.

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