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US Military to Defeat Iran Military in Three weeks

First there will not be a collapse in global trade becuase of Iran. trade will continue around the world as long as there are consumers for those goods. There would be a certian spike in oil prices initially till one of two things happen. People realize that there is still plenty of oil to meet thier needs. Or specualation on the open market is restricted to only those actually using the oil like in the old days.

Also major war operations will not drag on forever becuase after a certian time you would simply run out of targets to hit. At this point Irans military, government, and infrasture will be completely devestated. and oil would be moving freely through the straights once agian.
Wrong, should oil production in the middle East stop, oil prices will at the very least double from now to around 250 a barrel, we are not just talking about Iranian oil, we are talking about Saudi oil field. Europe will be the first casualty of such a catastrophe, their economy will virtually sink into oblivion, then it triggers a chain reaction across the world economy, that will entail a world wide depression, America losing 30% of it's cheap exported oil paid at virtually nothing but debt denominated currency, and the collapse of global trade will be a disaster for it's own governance at home. They will not be able to destroy every infrastructure in Iran, there is even doubts whether their fighter jets can at all penetrate Iranian modern air defenses and modern infrared Sams without suffering almost guranteed casualties. America will not be able to afford the asymmetrical cost bear from a naked aggression on Iran or the economic cost and political cost back home just as the country is and world is recovering from a depressed economy.
Thomas - you casually dismiss "price shocks" ?

how reliant is US industry and commerce on inter-state travel by road...and what affect do you think that would have on retailers, whole-salers (who contribute so much to the economy)

there's also more to the world than just the U.S.
Much of America's oil come from Canada.


And trade? Well, there are several trade routes around the world :lol:

The Americans technically can secure all of the trade routes to ensure smooth movements with no problem at all. And that even includes the Persian Gulf even in the event of a war. They are capable of containing any hostile actions from Iran.

Hell, their navy is larger than the entire world's navies combined, and with technology where there is simply no other equal. Do we need to go any further?

But sure, oil prices will inevitably increase.

Collapse of the USA is not going to happen. They are not that stupid to let that happen on purpose. The US economy is far too big and too complex to jump into conclusions in the form of online articles and a few hearsay comments.

The American economy is the most dependent on globalization and exploitation in the world, anything that chocks of this process, will be enough to chock off global trade, guaranteed, and the trigger for such a process is not implausible at all, there's a few country in the world that can hold the global economy hostage, Iran is one of these countries, Saudi Arabia is also one of them. People say so what, America do not export most of their oils from these countries forget that, America main export to the world is debt and branded products, once Europe collapse, the world economy becomes more and more depressed, and will shrink or collapse as well, world trade will shrink, and the globalized economy becomes more and more destroyed as countries seek to protect their bottomline, without global trade and control of the global financial order a system that benefits the USA, they will lose their power completely, they will no longer be able to write off their debt by printing their currency, American military power and reach have it's limits, and we are seeing it reaching it's limits and exposed now. Like i said they will be no attack on Iran within this decade if ever, guaranteed. There's a reason why multirole stealth fighters that can hover off airfields are so important for American military, they are betting their lifeline to the tune of 1 trillion for this program to work, the only way they could defeat the Iranian military capabilities at this stage is through a leap in technology they do not yet have, a credible anti missile defense shield or a undetectable stealth fighter that can take off anywhere and strike against Iranian military installations with minimal casualties, America simply will not have such capabilities within this decade.

define "success" here

can the U.S. even afford another war of such magnitude. Iran is a HUGE country!
Yes! It can. Its economy is in recovery phase.

Also, remember Libya? It is huge country territory wise; noticeably bigger then even Pakistan.

Thomas - you casually dismiss "price shocks" ?

how reliant is US industry and commerce on inter-state travel by road...and what affect do you think that would have on retailers, whole-salers (who contribute so much to the economy)

there's also more to the world than just the U.S.
Answer is alternatives and contingency plans.

1. Libya is in western grasp.
2. US is not dependent upon Iran to meet its OIL related needs.
3. Countries which import OIL from Iran are exploring alternative options.
4. GCC has contingency plan, if Hormuz is closed.

And vice versa.

Yes! Their will be some negative effects of war in Iran. But shocks will not be so severe as some speculations suggest.

define "success" here

can the U.S. even afford another war of such magnitude. Iran is a HUGE country!

Dude I like Iranians and I sure don't want to see them destroyed. But we all know the reality of the situation and there is no point in holding onto false hope. If the USA does decide to engage, the first thing they'd do is to take out the Iranian airforce and any anti-air systems they may have. After which they'd proceed to bomb and destroy other military installations at leisure. And trust me, it is not going to affect American economy or accelerate their collapse. If u haven't noticed by now, unlike the Israelis who have been pushing to bomb Iran for months, the US has been patient on this issue. They would have definitely weighed out the pros and cons of such an operation in Iran. Let us hope for the best and that diplomacy with still work.
Dude I like Iranians and I sure don't want to see them destroyed. But we all know the reality of the situation and there is no point in holding onto false hope. If the USA does decide to engage, the first thing they'd do is to take out the Iranian airforce and any anti-air systems they may have. After which they'd proceed to bomb and destroy other military installations at leisure. And trust me, it is not going to affect American economy or accelerate their collapse. If u haven't noticed by now, unlike the Israelis who have been pushing to bomb Iran for months, the US has been patient on this issue. They would have definitely weighed out the pros and cons of such an operation in Iran. Let us hope for the best and that diplomacy with still work.

Modern Sam and radar system are all mobile and many are hidden, without maintaining complete air dominance over Iranian airspace, the USA do not have a shred of hope of preventing an Iranian retaliation or any chance of eradicating Iranian air defense capability, they may try a salvo of ballistic missile strikes in the beginning but they will not have the ability to prevent an escalation or deplete the Iranian ability to reorganize, or defeat their ability to defend their airspace, their own airfields will come under instant retaliation, i don't think the Iranians will just sit back and watch their country be bombarded for weeks without retaliating. You are also discounting the large Iranian geography, scientific capabilities, manpower and it's ability to absorb such an attack.
Modern Sam and radar system are all mobile and many are hidden, without maintaining complete air dominance over Iranian airspace, the USA do not have a shred of hope of preventing an Iranian retaliation or any chance of eradicating Iranian air defense capability, they may try a salvo of ballistic missile strikes in the beginning but they will not have the ability to prevent an escalation or deplete the Iranian ability to reorganize, or defeat their ability to defend their airspace, their own airfields will come under instant retaliation, i don't think the Iranians will just sit back and watch their country be bombarded for weeks without retaliating. You are also discounting the large Iranian geography, scientific capabilities, manpower and it's ability to absorb such an attack.

I doubt that would happen either. I believe the Iranians would fight a very asymmetric war. I doubt Hezbollah would have much success in Israel, but I do believe Iran would attack American interests in the GCC states for sure. UAE, Qatar, places like those are near Iran. I expect an Iranian retaliation over there. Either way, any war against Iran is definitely going to affect the region as a whole.
Yes! It can. Its economy is in recovery phase.

Also, remember Libya? It is huge country territory wise; noticeably bigger then even Pakistan.

Answer is alternatives and contingency plans.

1. Libya is in western grasp.
2. US is not dependent upon Iran to meet its OIL related needs.
3. Countries which import OIL from Iran are exploring alternative options.
4. GCC has contingency plan, if Hormuz is closed.

And vice versa.

Yes! Their will be some negative effects of war in Iran. But shocks will not be so severe as some speculations suggest.
Libya's resistance consist of 100,00 armed men trying to secure a country that large, a few hundred AA guns, antiquated weaponries, no coastal defense whatsoever to speak off, no credible threat to the current generation of Nato jets to speak off, a virtually worthless airforce, and a 3 weeks operation as predicted by nato in the beginning turns into a 7 month nightmare. Libya is virtually a basket case today, it's nothing more than an operation of intimidation that targets Iran and their main price Syria but Syria is not Libya, they won't be able to topple the Syrian government using the same tactics they did on Libya.
Wrong, should oil production in the middle East stop, oil prices will at the very least double from now to around 250 a barrel, we are not just talking about Iranian oil, we are talking about Saudi oil field. Europe will be the first casualty of such a catastrophe, their economy will virtually sink into oblivion, then it triggers a chain reaction across the world economy, that will entail a world wide depression, America losing 30% of it's cheap exported oil paid at virtually nothing but debt denominated currency, and the collapse of global trade will be a disaster for it's own governance at home. They will not be able to destroy every infrastructure in Iran, there is even doubts whether their fighter jets can at all penetrate Iranian modern air defenses and modern infrared Sams without suffering almost guranteed casualties. America will not be able to afford the asymmetrical cost bear from a naked aggression on Iran or the economic cost and political cost back home just as the country is and world is recovering from a depressed economy.
:lol: Baghdad Bob...!!! Is that you...???

We did not destroyed all of Iraq's infrastructure, as if you know what that word mean in the first place. We crippled just enough and destroyed just enough to render the Iraqi military incapable of response.
Libya's resistance consist of 100,00 armed men trying to secure a country that large, a few hundred AA guns, antiquated weaponries, no coastal defense whatsoever to speak off, no credible threat to the current generation of Nato jets to speak off, a virtually worthless airforce, and a 3 weeks operation as predicted by nato in the beginning turns into a 7 month nightmare. Libya is virtually a basket case today, it's nothing more than an operation of intimidation that targets Iran and their main price Syria but Syria is not Libya, they won't be able to topple the Syrian government using the same tactics they did on Libya.
The gigantic size of Libya worked in its favor for a while. Gaddafi managed to scatter his assets in his country to make it difficult for the attackers to destroy them within a short span of time. Some internal issues of Libya still prevail expectedly.

In case of Syria, the scenario depends upon the capability and popularity of the rebels. The rebels in Libya were also powerless and would have been slaughtered, if US and NATO would not have intervened. Not just this but US and NATO managed to organize the rebels on the ground. Assad regime can be toppled but a contingency framework is needed to fill the vacuum.

And this thread is not about Syria? :confused:
Iran has no decent air force - antiquity F14 and F5 cannot be counted and no modren Air Defence and radars. At best we can expect a case like Iraq.
US will never attack Iran they know about the consequenses that will back fire accross globe...After Putin coming to power it will be more difficult for US to make decision.

Iran is its last war games practised like dropping paratopper in enemy territory and destroying high value assets..... I belive those Raptor (F22) should be well guarded as these commando will try to destroy them first.

Naval Commando will use small Island and speed boats to disable or harm Major US Naval Vessel... Iran has been seen buying lots of diving equipment and modifying it to military grade...

I believe the War will strech to all of Gulf region with Commando and Terrorist Activity, Recently Iran Vise President visited Hizbollah and asked them for help incase of attack from Isreal to make it multifront War. Iran will provide them with mew Anti Ship Missile and Anti Tank Missile.... it also make deal on Shoulder fired surface to air missile like Igla to help them protect from IAF.

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