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US NAVY at 240 Years!!!

James David

Aug 5, 2015
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United States
U.S. Navy celebrates its 240th birthday | WTKR.com

U.S. Navy celebrates its 240th birthday

Norfolk, Va. – October 13th marks the 240th birthday of the United States Navy.DID YOU KNOW: The Navy owns 36,000 acres and more than 6,750 buildings in Hampton Roads.

On that day in 1775, the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and voted to outfit two sailing vessels – the Andrew Doria and the Cabot, with ten carriage guns, swivel guns and a crews of 80 men. The ships were to sail out for three months and intercept transports of munitions and stores meant for the British army in America.

Soon, those two ships expanded into a Continental Fleet, an idea deemed crazy by some members of Congress. However, that fleet soon grew into an important force and the Continental Navy expanded to more than 50 vessels over the course of the Revolutionary War.

(U.S. Navy)

(U.S. Navy)

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