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US-Pakistan F-16 Deal: Indian EAM Jaishankar Throws a Tantrum

Pakistani buffoon FM's of late are not a benchmark, compared to them even high school kids will come across as seasoned statesmen...
That is your own assessment, i cant say anything ..
Jaishankar gave it right back to europe and America because that is the Indian government and by extension indian peoples stand.
The only hole in your argument is, respectfully, india is also a big boy thats why it's govt can push back.

Enough pandering to ex big boy club, here's the new big boys club🙂

is this the same 'big boy' Jaishankar that was begging the US for oxygen and remdesivir last year? 🤔

spare us your big boy delusions and look after the 200 million odd Indians that are starving.
India’s military relationship with Russia isn’t going away — it’ll ‘endure for decades,’ analyst says
Lee Ying Shan

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have publicly rebuked Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine, but the longstanding friendship between the two countries isn’t going away, analysts said.

“India is in a unique position where it needs Russia in the short term to manage China,” said Harsh V. Pant, vice president of studies and foreign policy at Observer Research Foundation, a Delhi-based think tank.

“The bulk of India’s conventional weapons are sourced from Russia,” said Sameer Lalwani, a senior expert at the U.S. Institute of Peace. ”[This] means that it relies heavily on Russia for force sustainment including spares, maintenance, and upgrades for years.

Ties will ‘endure for decades’
India’s longstanding friendship with Russia isn’t going away — and that’s thanks to its military dependence, according to Lalwani.

“Even while India seeks greater indigenization of its defense capabilities, absent a stunning and financially exorbitant overhaul of its force structure, it will continue to depend on Russian arms, munitions, and subcomponents for decades,” said Lalwani.

He added that India’s exports of cruise missiles to Southeast Asian states cannot function without Russian propulsion systems.

“Even if the India-Russia military relationship is on the downswing, it will still endure for decades.”
Before you can upgrade any F16s you have to get them in basic working order which is the first step. Indian FM has a point. Wont be surprised to see V upgrades next few years for the 16s.
Appears to me Indians are negotiating their independent policy

Pajwa is saluting the low rank worker from USA
Imagine hating India blindly so much that you try to throw shade on one of the best foreign ministers in the world.

This guy had single-handedly torn apart western media accusations about India on Russia China Oil import accustaions. He gives it back right in the face of western supremacists trying to blame and force India, tell me when did a Pakistani did that and not fold over his own country.

Just take a breath and answer honestly if every Pakistani wouldnt love to have such a guy defending their country on international platforms, you guys get similar dissing by western govts and media but nobody ever stands up in your govt.

Look at him and the man/woman/child(?) You have as a foreign minister. 😎

I, for one, respect your post, without necessarily having to agree to you. I have said it before and will say it again: If we don't look through the eyes of our 'enemy' then we take great risks and not just in geopolitics. An honest intellect must not allow itself to be a victim of intellectual-inbreeding. It must never, despite how much some feel-good affect might be.
Jaishankar gave it right back to europe and America because that is the Indian government and by extension indian peoples stand.
The only hole in your argument is, respectfully, india is also a big boy thats why it's govt can push back.

Enough pandering to ex big boy club, here's the new big boys club🙂

India is a delusional kid who thinks that he is a grown up man.

No wonder Indian EAM Jaishankar is throwing a tantrum like a typical kid.

@Olympus81 @RiazHaq

India may have saved a penny by purchasing a few barrels of cheaper Russian crude but has pissed off the big boys. While we may all be abusing Mir Bawla now, he may well have saved Pak for the long run by overthrowing IK and bringing in the Neutrals. With the huge financial crisis and the flood issue, Pak needs Uncle Sam by its side.

We have saying in our part of the world "You cant stay in water and pick up a fight with the crocodile"

Time will only tell.


Exactly. Indians have foolishly picked a fight with the West.

US never forgives backstabbers.

India's end is nearing.
Both IK and Jaishankar are idiots.

I think that is good enough reason to partner with the US.
Pressler Amendment can reactivate anytime ... when you come to this conclusion Pakistan is US partner... lol ...its all Master-Slave partnership...
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Riaz Haq giving reference of own article, written in his own blog, to give credence to his own analysis.
Some people might get fooled into taking it as a credible source or publication.
This is what is called a full 360 deg circle of trying to fool others.

US warns India on dealing with Russia: “Pakistan is Plan B”

October 02, 2022
Wajahat S. Khan

After years of favoring New Delhi, the US is now back to balancing between India and Pakistan.

The decade-long deterioration of ties with Islamabad, propelled by Pakistan’s support for the Taliban in Afghanistan and tilt toward China, had shaped Washington’s conventional thinking into a neat binary: that a democratic, anti-China India is ‘in’ and an autocratic, pro-China Pakistan is ‘out’ of the American camp.

That’s no longer the case in America’s response to India’s consistent hedging and betting on Russia, as well as Pakistan’s diplomatic overtures and counterterrorism cooperation. Indeed, the future of US positioning in South Asia seems to be shifting, as Washington resumes playing ball with both nuclear-armed rivals like it’s done for decades.

America’s pal, but Russia’s BFF. On Saturday, India abstained from voting for a US-sponsored UN Security Council resolution slamming Russia’s illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory. This wasn’t the first time the Indians have refused to back the Americans — every UN resolution tabled against Russian aggression in Ukraine since the beginning of the war has seen India walk away from the crime scene.

For India watchers who acknowledge New Delhi’s stated policy of strategic autonomy — basically a we-will-do-the-right-thing-but-in-our-own-way approach to a values-based order — the latest abstention was a disappointment, coming just days after PM Narendra Modi was praised by Washington for lecturing Vladimir Putin about this not being “an era of war.”

Although Indian diplomats insist that dialogue is the only answer to settling disputes, Modi’s government is now being criticized even at home for speaking from both sides of its mouth, especially as the war takes on a nuclear dimension.

The frustration is premised on a contradiction. Though it is still counted as a strategic partner of the US and an important teammate on the Quad, India’s decades-long defense ties with Moscow continue to thrive.

The Indians are shoring up the Russian economy by buying more fossil fuels (albeit at steep discounts). This year, oil imports are up thirty-fold from 2021, and coal purchases have quadrupled. Meanwhile, the Indians remain Moscow’s biggest arms customer and continue buying sophisticated Russian weapons despite the risk of triggering US sanctions.

This attitude of sacrifice-rules-for-money by India shows that “since Russia invaded Ukraine, Modi and his government have become ultra-realist on foreign policy,” says Derek Grossman, a senior defense analyst at the RAND Corporation.

The Indians, he explains, “have refused to condemn Russian aggression and its undermining of the rules-based international order, which New Delhi claims to uphold along with like-minded democratic states,” he said. Rather, India has prioritized discounted Russian oil — a business over values approach — which doesn't say much about India’s commitment to the rules-based system that it claims to support.

Pakistan as Plan B? But Washington isn’t just sitting pretty watching India play both sides. Responding to New Delhi’s hedging through its own, the US is gearing up to balance the military relationship with Islamabad.

After suspending all military aid in 2018 due to Pakistan’s support for the Taliban in Afghanistan, the US State Department reversed course last month, resuming critical military assistance to Islamabad. India, of course, is up in arms. After all, the F-16 fighter-bomber — which the Americans are servicing for the Pakistanis — was used to shoot down at least one Indian Air Force MiG-21 in 2019.

While the State Department has pushed back against India’s protests by saying it values its relations with both sides, Pakistan seems to have been let out of Washington’s doghouse. Last week, State fêted Pakistan’s foreign minister for a week-long sojourn, topped with a ceremony commemorating 75 years of diplomatic ties at the Museum of American Diplomacy. (His Indian counterpart — who was in town around the same time complaining about the Pakistani weapons deal — was also given the royal treatment, with a dinner at Blinken’s home.)

As far as the Pakistanis are concerned, the boys are back in town. This week, the Pentagon is hosting Pakistan’s all-powerful army chief, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, who played a crucial role in the ousting of former prime minister Imran Khan, an anti-American populist. On Gen. Bajwa’s agenda: Pakistani support for Washington’s over-the-horizon counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan, as well as grappling with the Taliban, ISIS-K and al-Qaida.

“The US seems to be finally recognizing that despite the full-throated pronouncements from New Delhi about a rules-based international order, India’s need for cheap Russian oil and Russian weapons override everything else,” says Uzair Younis, director of the Pakistan Initiative at the Atlantic Council.

Given this context, he adds, Washington is finally realizing that it must also pursue “a parallel diplomatic path with Pakistan, especially given that New Delhi is unlikely to be weaned off its addiction to Russian energy and weapons any time soon.”

However, India will remain important for America. Surely, this maneuvering hasn’t ruptured the proximity between Washington and New Delhi – China remains their common rival, after all — but it is being seen as a tactical response to India’s dealing with the Russians.

Plus, after years of increasing dependency on China, the Pakistanis are only too eager to balance their interests with Washington, but only till the Chinese come back to them with a better offer for their rentier state.

Also, the resumption of US military aid to Pakistan — still paltry compared to America’s broad defense, economic and tech ties with India — has not disturbed India’s standing as a “strategic partner,” Still, since Washington’s recent moves have clearly irked New Delhi, are they going to reset US priorities in South Asia?

“One of the enduring challenges for the US-India relationship is that each country insists on maintaining cordial ties with the other’s key rival,” says Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Center.

This problem appeared to be working itself out in recent years, as India reduced its share of Russian arms imports and the US cut off security aid to Pakistan. But now we are seeing a return to what Kugelman calls the “old normal” — India reasserting its friendship with Russia and the US restarting security ties with Pakistan.

“At the end of the day, neither New Delhi nor Washington are willing to let go of these longstanding relationships,” he explains.

Still, what the Americans are doing to the Indians — a diplomatic tit-for-tat, really — makes the long-term trajectory of India-Russia and US-Pakistan relations more unsettled than that of US-India relations.

For Kugmelman, “they’re still realities in the here and now. It’s little more than a nuisance for US-India relations, but a nuisance nonetheless.”

Bottom line: The Pakistanis might be back in play in Washington, but India’s not getting on any American blacklist anytime soon. Regardless, the US has put on its Great Power suit, and sent New Delhi a bill about the cost of doing business with the Russians.
US has a bigger fish to fry it needs a proxy to front end China.
The key word in the US DSCA announcement of the F-16 package for Pakistan's 80 fighter jets is "interoperability" with USAF and NATO air forces. Below is the US announcement:

“This proposed sale ($450 million F-16 package) will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by allowing Pakistan to retain interoperability with US and partner forces in ongoing counter-terrorism efforts and in preparation for future contingency operations.”
The key word in the US DSCA announcement of the F-16 package for Pakistan's 80 fighter jets is "interoperability" with USAF and NATO air forces. Below is the US announcement:

“This proposed sale ($450 million F-16 package) will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by allowing Pakistan to retain interoperability with US and partner forces in ongoing counter-terrorism efforts and in preparation for future contingency operations.”
That is a front for India.

It can go many ways, such as, more F-16s are required (75+), better versions are required (C/D), newer upgrades are required (V-upgrade), altogether newer airframes are required (block-70/72), long range A2G weapons are required (Harpoon, HARM, JSOW etc), newer pods are required (jamming, targeting etc), newer data link/comms is required (newer version after Link-16) and so on.
Derek J. Grossman
The US-India partnership will survive a resuscitated US-Pakistan partnership, but it won’t be pretty. https://www.hindustantimes.com/worl...elations-rekindled-again-101664774068473.html

I, for one, respect your post, without necessarily having to agree to you. I have said it before and will say it again: If we don't look through the eyes of our 'enemy' then we take great risks and not just in geopolitics. An honest intellect must not allow itself to be a victim of intellectual-inbreeding. It must never, despite how much some feel-good affect might be.

I am not an enemy, I don't consider common Pakistani folks anything other than being my folks.

I work with and know enough Pakistani here to respect and be friends with them.

No offense but they always remind of home.

Some wannabe gangsta on the internet doesn't define a people.

Take that as you will.
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