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US pilot sings while taking down target - Depraved or beating the stress?

It's night and they have FLIR. The taliban stood no chance. They cant even see it. They may be able to hear it if they are lucky.
And once the hellfire is launched, its very hard to outrun it. And if you do escape you are gunned down by the explosive shell cannon.

Apaches are pretty amazing.

It's impossible to escape even by vehicle. Lolz...
I've never seen a humane side of you. You and others are only interested in discussing songs or military equipment when innocent people are blown up.

This is a military forum with priority one being Military equipment discussions. If I wanted a care bear forum I would have easily joined one.
Bye bye Ms. American Pie...

I'd have to admit, it is catchy phrase before firing a missile :rofl:
Just a question won't they hear the Apache coming and run?? I hear our Apaches flying from time to time even though they are more silent than the Blackhawks but you can still hear it.
Thats because you are not being targeted. If they wanted to targeted you they will fire a missile from miles away enough to not hear the helo, I'm not exaggerating. The camera is just zoomed in.
Correct. At ground level, line of sight distance is about 20 kms under the best environmental condition. A Hellfire missile's operating range is half of that. In less than ideal situations, local ambient noise such as street traffic can mask, not overwhelm or 'drown out', the typical 'chop chop' sound produce by a helo. Your mind is also a factor. If you are focused on seeking a particular sound, that focus can help you filter out other sounds in local ambient background noise. There is a difference between 'sound' and 'noise'. What is a 'sound' is particular produced by ONE source while 'noise' is generally a composite of more than two sources of their 'sounds'. A local traffic intersection have many sounds and all of them constitute a general definition of local background noise. A man intensely focused on crossing the street safely will not 'hear' the 'chop chop' sound produced by the news helo merely 300 meters in altitude. His ears will pick it up but his mind will filter it out in favor of car engine and horn sounds to get him safely across the intersection.
Good for the pilot. Everything is fair in war, no need to cry over it. Besides, what do you think the Taliban were doing - Planning a tea-party with wives baking cookies? :D
Good for the pilot. Everything is fair in war, no need to cry over it. Besides, what do you think the Taliban were doing - Planning a tea-party with wives baking cookies? :D
You mean you did not see the rivers of tears from Daniel Pearl's beheading? It was absolutely heartbreaking how his executioners cried their hearts out that they have to behead him. It was clearly they were in emotional and psychological anguish and turmoil at what they had to do.
US soldiers are the most honorless, nationless, balless, piece of crap soldiers i ever saw. Its even hard to call them soldiers.
You mean you did not see the rivers of tears from Daniel Pearl's beheading? It was absolutely heartbreaking how his executioners cried their hearts out that they have to behead him. It was clearly they were in emotional and psychological anguish and turmoil at what they had to do.
Actually I haven't. Outside of declared war, I don't have stomach for cruelty for the sake of cruelty :(
And you guys are under the umbrella of cows and now get lost hindu.

scratchin the wall little kitty ... truth hurts ... you turkies are literally sucking the balls of the same soldiers who you despise... now that is just sad... little turkey . on the table :) lol
Haha.. Watched that... Just a bunch of "experiences". No facts. No go back to Bharat Rakshak kiddie.
Besdes, BBC Urdu is still on.

seriously the denial in pakistan is just amazing ... you support almost every single terrorist organization in world ... and from time to time they get out of control and hit back on pakistan ... economy is dead ... literally begging the same nation whom you hate the most ... and yes americans are killing your soldiers too and now nato supplies are open.. lol ...
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