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US says Pakistan harassing its diplomats

US-Pakistan bickering gets ugly as ISI fingers American diplomats

WASHINGTON: The wheels seem to be coming off US-Pakistan relations with the once close allies squabbling publicly even as Islamabad is whipping up hysteria over the so-called Indian threats and American machinations to weasel out of its obligation to combat home-grown terrorism.

The simmering discord between Washington and Islamabad came to a boil this week when the US ambassador to Pakistan publicly complained about harassment of American diplomatic personnel by Pakistani authorities and obliquely hinted that Islamabad risked losing US aid and projects if they continued to deny visas to US officials and space for the US mission to fulfill its multi-billion assistance program.

Ambassador Anne Patterson’s warning at a business meeting in Karachi was followed up by a rare public admonition of Pakistan from the US mission in Islamabad in which it expressed concern about the ''continued provocative actions and false allegations against US personnel working to implement the new partnership between the leaders of Pakistan and the United States.''

The wording of the statement suggested that the US believes there is a growing militaristic constituency in Pakistan that is now operating independently of the civilian government. The blog Politico put it rather more bluntly under the headline, "Pakistan’s ISI steps up harassment of US Embassy," reporting that the ISI had even been putting pictures (with addresses) of US diplomatic personnel in Urdu newspapers" putting their lives in danger.

"Several times recently the RSO (Regional Security officer) at the Embassy has had to contact folks in their offices during the day, and tell them that they can’t go home to their house tonight because of the unwanted attention caused by the ISI/Journalist provocations. Station and Embassy have complained to ISI - but no acknowlegement (not surprising) and no abatement of the activity (worrisome)," it quoted an ****** hand as saying.

Egged on by a hysterical section of the media promoting wild conspiracy theories, hard-line elements in the police and military have been detaining US vehicles and personnel, often accusing them of not carry proper
diplomatic papers and registration and carrying weapons. US vehicles and personnel typically do not display diplomatic registration or identity so they cannot be identified by terrorist hit squads. One Pakistani newspaper called "Nation," which specializes in rabid conspiracy theories, ran a Wall Street Journal
correspondent out of the country recently by alleging he was a CIA agent, recalling the horrible tragedy which befell his predecessor Daniel Pearl. The same paper has carried many stories about the alleged suspicious activity of US diplomats.

In a stern warning to Pakistan, the US Embassy called for ''immediate action'' by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which it said ''has responsibility to facilitate proper arrangements under which a foreign mission
may operate with full security.'' The mission also asked Pakistani officials ''to implement immediately the mutually agreed upon procedures for the issuance of license plates to US. Mission vehicles and to cease these contrived incidents involving US Mission vehicles and personnel.''

In the same toxic spirit, hard-line sections in Pakistan have also willfully contrived to distort remarks by the Indian Army chief Deepak Kapoor to drum up hysteria over the alleged Indian threat. Familiar policy formulations by the Indian general that New Delhi has to prepare for a war under a nuclear overhang because of Pakistani provocation under nuclear cover, has been conflated to ''Indian General threatens Pakistan with nuclear war'' (despite India’s professed policy no-first-use of nuclear weapons).

In the most recent instance, Kapoor’s remarks about the need for India developing capability to fight a two-front war has been translated to ''Indian General threatens Pakistan and China with war.'' While a few Pakistani analysts have responded soberly to the new doctrines being discussed in New Delhi, most commentators, including current and former generals, diplomats, and military frontmen, have reacted hysterically to what would be considered doctrinal deliberations in any mature society.

The idea behind the whipping up of mass hysteria against US and India in what is now being dubbed ''Paranoidistan'' appears to be a ploy by hard-line elements in Islamabad to disengage from fulfilling its bilateral and international obligations to tackle terrorist elements. With each terrorist incident, Pakistan is coming under increasing pressure from US to give up its obsession with the non-existent threat from India and focus on confronting its home-grown threats eating away at the country.

The Pakistani military has signaled clearly that it does not subscribe to the US prescription, and General Kapoor’s outline of new Indian doctrines has come in handy for this escape act. After distorting Gen Kapoor’s remarks and generating a sulfurous discourse in the media, the Pakistani military high command and the civilian cabinet defense committee both met last week to assert that ''Pakistan would never allow its security to be jeopardized.'' Pakistan’s beleaguered president Asif Ali Zardari, under pressure from the army, also joined this military-ISI generated hysteria by promising a 1000-year confrontation with India over Kashmir.

None of this has escaped the attention of Washington, which this week dispatched yet another high-powered Congressional delegation led by former presidential candidate John McCain to talk sense to Pakistan. McCain was unrelenting in response to the familiar Pakistani protests against drone attacks, bluntly insisting that the ''(drone) attacks are imperative to defeat the enemy,'' and ''with an improved decision making process the civilian causalities are totally minimized.''

The US delegation also heard protests from the Pakistani leadership about security measures introduced by Washington for screening Pakistani nationals among citizens of 13 other state sponsors of terrorism and
''countries of interest.'' But with new arrests in the Najibullah Zazi case and developments in the CIA forward base bombing case both revealing links to Pakistan, US threshold for Islamabad’s antics is diminishing all the time even as Pakistan is seen as a state sponsor of terrorism in all but formal designation.

In fact, Pakistan – or Paranoidistan, as some officials refer to it in private – becomes the immediate focus of attention after any terrorist attack, including ones like the Christmas Day bombing attempt of an airplane in Detroit, where there was no immediate Pakistani link. ''The fact that this particular person was not trained in Pakistan does not change the fact that the inspiration for all of this comes from al-Qaida, and al-Qaida's
leadership is based in the remotest areas on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border,'' US special representative to ****** Richard Holbrooke, who will head to Islamabad next week, said at a meeting on Thursday.

Separately, John Brennan, President Obama’s assistant for counterterrorism, said al-Qaida in Yemen, which trained the Christmas Day Nigerian bomber, ''is an extension of the terror outfit's core coming out of Pakistan.''

US-Pakistan bickering gets ugly as ISI fingers American diplomats - US - World - The Times of India
lol nice piece of BS by TOI.They are good at writing BS.So those police officers who are actually doing their jobs are hard liners..what bullshit.
lol nice piece of BS by TOI.They are good at writing BS.So those police officers who are actually doing their jobs are hard liners..what bullshit.

Hardliners make the medicine with which American disease gets cured and unless America gets it, it doesn't feel satisfied. What the $hit where they doing in Baluchistan? I think Pakistan should enforce a policy under which diplomatic stuff could only go within a certain radius outside Islamabad. After if they breach the boundary line, shoot them in head and ask questions later. Zero tolerance for everybody and -ve tolerance for our friend America.
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do so but after gettin the vehicle registered. and when goin somewhere first take permission.

Get it guys our men don't trust your police. If they take permission then may be the person could pass on the info. to terrorists waiting for ambush. After all the parade lane attack couldn't have been done without an accomplice from within the system. And we don't want to take any chance.

The consulate’s deputy security officer Ghulam Gilani, driver Muzaffar Ali Shah and their guard were arrested on Wednesday night when they were travelling in a vehicle with a fake number plate.

All 3 are pakistani. If you get pleasure by locking them then enjoy it. However they are innocent and not at fault. Show your law & order elsewhere.
Case registered against held US consulate employees

QUETTA: Police have refused to release employees of the US consulate in Karachi till completion of investigation and determining the motive of their visit to Turbat and Gwadar.

The consulate’s deputy security officer Ghulam Gilani, driver Muzaffar Ali Shah and their guard were arrested on Wednesday night when they were travelling in a vehicle with a fake number plate.

Sources said that after initial investigation police allowed them to make a phone call to inform their superiors about their detention. “The three employees are still in police custody for interrogation,” a senior official of the provincial government told Dawn on Friday.

He said the federal government and the Foreign Office had been informed about the case. The sources said that a case had been registered against them under section 468, 471 and 109. They said the excise department had confirmed that the number-plate on the US consulate vehicle was fake.

The sources also said the consulate employees had not taken prior permission from the competent authorities for their visit to Gwadar and Turbat that was required of diplomats and staff of foreign missions for visiting any area in the country.

The sources said that although the employees were Pakistanis, they were working for a foreign mission and travelling in the consulate’s official vehicle with fake number plate.

“Till they clarify the purpose of their visit to Turbat and Gwadar without seeking permission from the authorities concerned they will not be released,” said the official. He said that the employees had not informed even the Foreign Office about the visit.

He said the US consulate had been informed that till the completion of investigation the employees would remain in detention.
The non-diplomatic staff doesn't have immunity and cases can be registered against them.

This is great stuff from Pakistan, I'd like to see the writ of the law reign supreme. I mean if the staff roams around with fake number plates, they are bound to face problems with the law. Good call.
As far as your logic goes, there should be no problem for muslims to be strip searched at US airports ???

Man there is a big difference between harassing and checking. The point is US or any other diplomats are not amenable to Pak laws. And there is reciprocity of these measures. So you guys check while the US is sitting on your aid.
Actually that's not true. The Vienna convention allows them immunity from prosecution (however we can kick any one of them out if we don't like them). There is nothing that states they can't be stopped and their illegal weapons be seized.

I would damn right demand that the US airport authorities do all that is necessary to protect their flights. We fly from the same airports and a bomb would blow us up just as much.

Oh and its already happening.
There is nothing that states they can't be stopped and their illegal weapons be seized.

A previous post by me.

They drive with fake plates as they are afraid that the militants are aware about their car numbers and will assasinate or bomb the car with that number. The weapons are for personal safety. They will not be playing mafia-2 with those weapons.
They can always not drive, or obtain written consent to drive with fake plates. Otherwise how do we know they aren't there to do anything illegal.

And Pak authorities will provide it. You have no idea how much skeptical Pak authorities are. And why won't they demand the change plate number any time the fake plate is used. In that case read this:

If they take permission then may be the person could pass on the info. to terrorists waiting for ambush. After all the parade lane attack couldn't have been done without an accomplice from within the system. And we don't want to take any chance.
And Pak authorities will provide it. You have no idea how much skeptical Pak authorities are. And why won't they demand the change plate number any time the fake plate is used. In that case read this:
Then if you don't trust the Pak authorities and are knowingly breaking the law then we have the right to catch them and stop them from breaking the law. IF that is also a problem, you know where the door is.
Then if you don't trust the Pak authorities and are knowingly breaking the law then we have the right to catch them and stop them from breaking the law.

Uptil now only 3 innocent pakistanis have been caught and if you get pleasure from that then it is just an ostentatious attemp by govt. to get peoples confidence. Pak can do nothing and should not worry. The US diplomats are of less danger than the terrorists and wasting energies to make an issue out of it is preposterous. The issue will have strong consequences on your diplomats in afganistan and US.

IF that is also a problem, you know where the door is.

For the last 62 years Pak is dependent on Us. Even now you guys feel elated for getting a F-16 or a navy ship and will continue to do so. Ask your army if it ready to move on. Got it. Thanks.
Uptil now only 3 innocent pakistanis have been caught and if you get pleasure from that then it is just an ostentatious attemp by govt. to get peoples confidence. Pak can do nothing and should not worry. The US diplomats are of less danger than the terrorists and wasting energies to make an issue out of it is preposterous. The issue will have strong consequences on your diplomats in afganistan and US.

For the last 62 years Pak is dependent on Us. Even now you guys feel elated for getting a F-16 or a navy ship and will continue to do so. Ask your army if it ready to move on. Got it. Thanks.
Let the law decide who is innocent and not. The law is working, people are being checked. Pakistanis are being secured. Thats all we wanted, not to put innocent people in jail or harass someone.

There is not just one department in Pakistan for maintaining law and order. If one is performing security checks the others are catching terrorists. Your logic is flawed and primitive.
Let the law decide who is innocent and not. The law is working, people are being checked. Pakistanis are being secured. Thats all we wanted, not to put innocent people in jail or harass someone.

Why has PM Gilani expressed dismay then. Two faced ????
The issue is just for domestic consumption.

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