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US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

Thats not a logical argument.

First of all this '9/11' thing is all fake. There are documentaries made by Americans and not Hafiz Saeed or someone else which refute that.
Those two lines dont go together ...

Second thing. Just for 30 seconds, think about this : Would you believe every documentary made by American ?
What if you find two documentaries, with exact opposite opinions ? Mind it, that America has one of the world's most free press. You can say anyone anything. You can lie too, without getting in trouble.

Read a little more about America.. Here they prosecuted a Politician, for taking donation money and not using it for his campaign. I am not even talking about corruption. They are brave and patriotic to wage a war against ANY country on earth, if that country threatens life of 1000 US citizens.

Do you still think, they staged it ??
If you still do, I am sorry for you.
But not against Pakistani state!!!!!!!!! Do you really think he is an authority to allow America to attack inside pakistan ??? He just helped to identify Bin Laden, the most wanted terrorist in the world. Is this a treason against state??

Had he passed the same information to ISI , he would have been rewarded well , showered with praises and even offered the highest civilian award but guess what ! He betrayed the country for $ and Green Card and now he's paying for it ... Karma is a ***** , right ?

Or are you implying something different and very irrational here now , despite ISI catching hundreds of AQ and Taliban leaders and handing them to US and rewarding citizens for information leading to their capture :azn: Only this time ISI would have done different ? :what: Why would it have been different this time ? Osama was a nobody at the time of his death ... Even Americans acknowledged it ...
Riddle me this !

So you are suggesting since the forum is PakistaniForum, everyone should praise every act of pakistan, no matter how wrong they are ? Are you suggesting this forum is for irrationals chauvinistic ?

Does the ******* boss of operation-9/11 who was Pakistani resident for 6 years until he was killed in pakistan count ???

No , everybody is free to express his views maintaining decency and rationality ...

Second , he was a resident of Pakistan at the time of his death only , he didn't have the nationality nor was born in our country ... See how ridiculous your argument becomes ! :azn:
LoL and you are an indian, pretending to be a Pakistani, living in Canada.

And you are not worth responding do :lol:

Thats not a logical argument.

First of all this '9/11' thing is all fake. There are documentaries made by Americans and not Hafiz Saeed or someone else which refute that.

Plus this Al-Qaeda thing was all CIA stuff. Its the people who were paid and trained by CIA to fight Soviets. When geopolitics dictated to wage a war against them, they became terrorists.

Now Pakistan has been dragged through all this mud and slandered to paint it as a bad guy responsible for all failures of NATO and US. Come to think of it. A country which they claim is being run by their aid ($20 billion in the past decade, most of which was Coalition Support Fund) has so much resources and influence to bring down an imperialist project!? I would say its a compliment to Pakistan and admission of failure and incompetence of US and NATO.

Back to the topic. If an Indian was caught spying for CIA, what would India do? If an American is caught spying for Mossad or another country, what would Americans do?

I stopped reading your response after that. :lol:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];2968203 said:
supporting the criminal eh??

not the first time though

hafiz saaed too, by your noble intentions

ya sure...............hafiz saaed is a great person..........with all his banned still running charitable organisations.
he deserves more than nobel prize..............he should be awarded a room next to kasab
I don't knew about treason and the rest of blah , blah , blah ,....
but I knew what he did was against medical ethics and one of the worst cases of it and for it in every country the would have revoked his medical licnse
It doesn't matter what western world+india gonna percieve about Pakistan after this convition of Dr. Afridi. World already doesn't like to appriciate Pakistan's scarificies. They are habitual to see every act of Pakistan with negtive perspective. So, just forget about them and save our own interests.

The most important thing for Pakistan is what singal Pakistan is going to spread within Pakistan if she release Dr. Afridi?
If Pakistan release Dr. Afridi, Pakistan is giving a message that even if a Pakistani spy for a foreign country which is a crime by law (especially if that country is super power United States) nobody can touch him in Pakistan. That person is free to do this crime just because he will be protected by the Super Power. This would be a disasterous signal by Pakistan.

USA now upset because Dr Afridi broke Pak law to help her. They are just worried for others may not agree to be spys for them because this conviction depicts that US can use you but not able to protect u in case if Pakistani authorties catch u which obviously goes against their interest.

Otherwise, they don't even care about any Dr. Afridi and other like him.

Are u comparing one person with millions of Pakistanies. U think one Pakistani is speaking truth beacuse that is going with ur thinking and rest of the millions Pakistani are liars.

One vs. Millions

U know what, M really impressed with ur true and honest logics and seriously man, I really mean it. no joke at all
Are u comparing one person with millions of Pakistanies. U think one Pakistani is speaking truth beacuse that is going with ur thinking and rest of the millions Pakistani are liars.

One vs. Millions

U know what, M really impressed with ur true and honest logics and seriously man, I really mean it. no joke at all

I see no 'millions of Pakistanis'. All I see are a doctor who's being made a scapegoat as part of a witch-hunt and some misguided Pakistanis and a few cunning Generals of the PA.
Its another very wrong move by Pakistan.
Probably they didn't/don't want the Dr to open his mouth.
But one thing is clear, no Pakistani member on this forum from now on should raise doubt on the presence of OBL in Pakistan.
OBL was in Pakistan for all these years, he was in Abottabad and was killed by the American secret services.

Now my conspiracy friends, the 9/11 was stage managed by CIA, and 26/11 was an inside job.:azn:
Pakistani doctor 'had no idea Osama bin Laden was the target'

The Pakistani doctor jailed for helping the CIA hunt for Osama bin Laden allegedly told interrogators that he had no idea he was being asked to spy on the al-Qaeda leader.

Shakeel Afridi was sentenced on Wednesday to 33 years in prison for working with a foreign intelligence agency.
He set up a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad to obtain blood samples from bin Laden’s family as the CIA tried to confirm the terrorist's presence in a nearby villa.
The case has enraged American critics of Pakistan, who accuse it of expending more energy on punishing a man who helped track down the world's most wanted terrorist than investigating the network that shielded him.

Republicans yesterday said that US aid to the country could be withheld.

Shaukat Qadir, a retired brigadier who has been given access to interrogation transcripts, said yesterday that Dr Afridi was initially being asked to work in two neighbourhoods.

However after being ordered to focus his efforts on one house in the days before the May 2 raid to kill bin Laden, he asked his CIA handler "Peter", via satellite phone, for a payment of $10,000 (£6,400).

"He knew they were looking for someone. When the search homed in on one house he asked for more money, which he was paid," said Brigadier Qadir.

"So he knew it was someone important and he may have had suspicions but he was never told it was bin Laden."

Dr Afridi is expected to appeal against his sentence, which was handed down under Pakistan's tribal justice system, a hangover from British colonial rule.

The handling of the case has been criticised by the US, where many suspect that at best Pakistan has dragged its feet over seeking out foreign militants and at worst has protected al-Qaeda figures.

A State Department spokesman said the charges had "no basis". Senators John McCain and Carl Levin demanded that Dr Afridi, whom they described as "courageous, heroic, and patriotic," be pardoned.

In a joint statement they said the conviction "will only do further harm to US-Pakistani relations, including diminishing Congress's willingness to provide financial assistance to Pakistan."

Dr Afridi is being held in solitary confinement at Peshawar Central Prison, in north-west Pakistan. Officials said he was "weak and depressed", and was given medicine for a stomach complaint by doctors.

Samad Khan, a prison official, said: "He has been kept away from other prisoners to avert any danger to his life."

Dr Afridi's wife and three children have disappeared from their home in the Khyber tribal area and are believed to be in hiding.

Congressman Peter King, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said the Obama administration had doomed Dr Afridi by leaking details of the vaccination ruse to the media. "They put him out there," said Mr King. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."

The US and Pakistan also remain at loggerheads over allowing Nato supply convoys to use Pakistani roads to reach Afghanistan. Pakistan has blocked passage since a US air strike killed 24 of its soldiers in November.

A Pakistani government spokesman yesterday insisted that the US should respect the conviction because "it was in accordance with Pakistani laws and by the Pakistani courts".
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